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Do you really like the United States ???

Sorry ! I don't understand.What is AC mean ? Air Conditioner ? I don't think I need air conditioner in winter ! As I know,the winter in the city like Chicago,snow is falling down.It's too cold.So,I need air conditioner in winter ??? I know California is hot in summer.So,if I live in San Francisco or Los Angeles,I would need air conditioner in summer.I don't know the summer in the city like Chicago is very hot or not ? I think it's not very hot in Chicago in summer.Am I right ?

I think GotPr meant Air Conditioner that you use as a heater in winter time. If you plan to live in a place like Chicago, it's going to be very very cold. Not turning on AC is fine, but it gets below 0 degree when snowing, I'm very sure you need your heater. And that will hurt your electricity/gas bill
Hey...guys ! Thanks for your replying ! I really appreciate this ! :)

I think I'll not buy a car in US because it will be expensive for me not only for car insurance but also for car parking fee.My experience in Taiwan is that I have to pay US$200 a year for car insurance + car tax and I have to pay about US$80 a month for my car parking.For the gas,it cost me about US$50 a month.My home is not so far from my job(hotel).

I know there are mass rapid transit(MRT) systems in US.I think I will take bus or MRT.

Can anyone tell me that which US cities are the cheapest for the rent ? If you have some experiences about that,please tell me ! Ok ???I know some cities which are not very cold in winter and which are not very hot in summer.Denver ??? Houston ???Although I can find information about the history,location,climate or any other information of the US cities on www.wikipedia.org ,I want to listen the personal experiences from all of you.
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Check out this link -- I was very happy to find that my place comes to no.7

Also, just to let you know, not every city in US have public transportation. Even LA, the public transport only run through the popular area, not to the 'burbs.

If you are willing to go to a smaller cities (hence public transportation is not going to be adequate) and sacrifice the lifestyle, you probably able to own a car. If you live in an apartment and they have parking, you don't have to pay for it.
Climate is one of the reason to choose a place to live in the U.S. I personally love Florida. I have been living in Florida for almost 10 years, and I think it is the State that has the best weather in the U.S. The summer is not too hot and the winter is not too cold. The summer can get a bit humid but I don't mind. It is actually better humid than hot dry weather like Arizona. The winter is lovely, it gets cold but not cold enough where you need a heavy jacket. You can even wear shorts in winter time. Sunshine all year long and no snow in the winter. That's why it is called "The Sunshine State".

If you like working in hotels, Florida is the place to be. It is considered a vacation destination in the U.S, just like if you think about Hawaii. Tourism is the biggest contribution to the State economy, and you can tell by the amount of tourist attractions and the hotels in this State.

Living expense is not that bad in Florida if you live in the smaller cities, but if living in the big cities like Miami, Jacksonville, Tampa, Orlando, living expense could be high but still not as high when compared to other States. The drawback living in Florida is that you will need a car. Public transportation is not as developed as other States because most Floridians enjoy driving their car. The other disadvantage living in Florida is the limited development of jobs for certain industries like IT, business finance, manufacturing etc. Even though it is growing, it is not as developed as States like California.

Glistenpearls has very valid points. You can live in a tight budget, eating junk food everyday to save money, living without A/C, without car, etc but what would be the advantage living in the U.S like that. You want to live in the U.S because you want a better life not something worse than what you have back in your home country. Making minimum wage $8-$10/hr and living in a bad neighborhood will not be comfortable.
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Without a car ! It's Ok for me.I can take bus or MRT if I live in Chicago.I didn't said I will not buy air conditioner or heater.I can buy it.US$8-10 per hour is not very low.It's better than here in Taiwan.You mean that Chicago is the bad neighbourhood ? I don't think so.I'm confident that I can do well in US.Maybe it's hard at the beginning.Life is not smooth.I used to it !
Hey nobody said Chicago is dangerous or bad neighbourhood--in fact I really like Chicago. We are just saying that if you are willing to pay the cheapest rent, it may not be in the safest area or maybe the reason is so cheap because it's so far from your bus stop or anywhere. You need to do your research before take a plunge and rent the cheapest apartment.

Also you cannot compare $8-$10USD by converting it to Taipei dollar. Here in US, $8 is low especially, again, if you decide to go to Chicago-plus don't forget $8 is just your gross...after state tax, it will be less than that. Most newly graduate don't even want to take anything less than $15, because they know how tight your life going to be.
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Hey nobody said Chicago is dangerous or bad neighbourhood--in fact I really like Chicago. We are just saying that if you are willing to pay the cheapest rent, it may not be in the safest area or maybe the reason is so cheap because it's so far from your bus stop or anywhere. You need to do your research before take a plunge and rent the cheapest apartment.

Also you cannot compare $8-$10USD by converting it to Taipei dollar. Here in US, $8 is low especially, again, if you decide to go to Chicago-plus don't forget $8 is just your gross...after state tax, it will be less than that. Most newly graduate don't even want to take anything less than $15, because they know how tight your life going to be.

I can rent a studio in uptown or south loop near downtown Chicago for only about US$800 a month.It's convenient that the apartment is not far from MRT station.Let me tell you again,US$8-10 per hour is Ok for me if compare to my salary here in Taiwan.Maybe that money is very low for you or some people who have high skills.

I will study what I like in US college and at the same time I will work part time.Maybe,after graduate,I can earn more !!! ;)
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Anyway,I really appreciate that all of you tell me some of your experiences and advices !!! Thank you very much !!!
Tuition and Books?

I just spent over $ 200 for two books last week along with $ 1,050.00 at Cal State Univ. (and that was resident fees) for two classes.

I have to admit though that the question is very intriguing and has sparked a lot of interest.
I can rent a studio in uptown or south loop near downtown Chicago for only about US$800 a month.It's convenient that the apartment is not far from MRT station.Let me tell you again,US$8-10 per hour is Ok for me if compare to my salary here in Taiwan.Maybe that money is very low for you or some people who have high skills.

I will study what I like in US college and at the same time I will work part time.Maybe,after graduate,I can earn more !!! ;)

Ok, you really need to do math. I guess $10 per hour won't work in reality.

$10 per hour, working for 6 days a week, 8 hours each day gives you $480 per week. THat is roughly $2000 a month, and goes roughly $24000 a year.

You need to pay $3200 for Federal tax. Social security tax is, according to the table from SSA website, 6+ % which is $1400. Let's assume state tax is about 1/4 of federal tax(some states don't have state income tax, though), state tax is around $800. YOu have now $18600 in hand. Dividing this by 12, you have $1550 a month. $800 for rent and $150 for utility, $200 for food leaves only $400 in your pocket. I'm assuming your employer provide medical insurance, but if they don't have it, you'll be easily in trouble with $400 remaining money as medical insurance could be easily $300 or more.

$400 seems enough to have after all the expense, but actually not as this scenario is very ideal case. If something unexpected happens, $400 can be gone in a second.

$10 per hour is more like for college students who work at Starbucks.. Not really the income for those who have his/her own household because realistically it cannot keep them in "good" living condition. You need to reevaluate your target salary.
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Ok, you really need to do math. I guess $10 per hour won't work in reality.

$10 per hour, working for 6 days a week, 8 hours each day gives you $480 per week. THat is roughly $2000 a month, and goes roughly $24000 a year.

You need to pay $3200 for Federal tax. Social security tax is, according to the table from SSA website, 6+ % which is $1400. Let's assume state tax is about 1/4 of federal tax(some states don't have state income tax, though), state tax is around $800. YOu have now $18600 in hand. Dividing this by 12, you have $1550 a month. $800 for rent and $150 for utility, $200 for food leaves only $400 in your pocket. I'm assuming your employer provide medical insurance, but if they don't have it, you'll be easily in trouble with $400 remaining money as medical insurance could be easily $300 or more.

$400 seems enough to have after all the expense, but actually not as this scenario is very ideal case. If something unexpected happens, $400 can be gone in a second.

$10 per hour is more like for college students who work at Starbucks.. Not really the income for those who have his/her own household because realistically it cannot keep them in "good" living condition. You need to reevaluate your target salary.

Good calculation ! :)
I have a question ! I have medical insurance in Taiwan.Do I need medical insurance again in US ? Is it compulsory that all of the people in US must buy medical insurance ? I have US$10000 in my bank account.I can use the money from my bank account,if something unexpected happens.I'm not worry !
My friend told me that he works two jobs.He work at the chinese restaurant from 10 am to 10 pm.He can rest in afternoon from 3 pm to 5 pm.He also worked at the nightclub in midnight from 11 pm to 2 am.So,his income is about US$3000 a month.He studied business management online ! I really admire him.He is trying very hard.
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thanks GotPR for ur insight to many questions. Well I just hope that one can live a normal life from $2000 per month. Take a girl for a date, go for a movie or watch NBA games.
it will be bad to live in a "survival mode" having little to spare for fun and savings. USA is not certainly paradise but i suppose it offers more better life than many third world countries.
Do I need medical insurance again in US ? Is it compulsory that all of the people in US must buy medical insurance ?

Smart people buy health insurance. A catastrophic-only policy will be relatively cheap.

I have US$10000 in my bank account.I can use the money from my bank account,if something unexpected happens.I'm not worry !

$10000 will cover your first three days in hospital. What then?
Smart people buy health insurance. A catastrophic-only policy will be relatively cheap.

$10000 will cover your first three days in hospital. What then?

I already have medical insurance in Taiwan.So,I don't think that I need medical insurance again in US. ;)
Moreover,I'm very young now.So,I have good health condition.If I need to go to the hospital and stay there for a long time when I old,I can go back to my home country where the hospitals in Taiwan is much cheaper.
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^^ Yeah, health insurance is not compulsory. But just to let you know, your medical insurance in Taiwan wont cover if you need to be admitted to hospital in the US.
My relatives are now living and working in US.But,they never buy apartment in US.They can earn money in US and send it back to Taiwan.They buy very big house(not apartment) here in Taipei and do some business here.Me too.I will earn money and send back to my home country.Buy another big apartment and want to do restaurant business here in Taipei.
^^ Yeah, health insurance is not compulsory. But just to let you know, your medical insurance in Taiwan wont cover if you need to be admitted to hospital in the US.

Please read carefully !I'm still very young.I'm just 26 years old.I didn't went to the hospital before.I only suffered influ and tooth pain before.I have good health condition.Maybe I can suffer influ and tooth pain but I have no big diseases.I don't think I have to worry about my health.When I were old,I can go back to my home country and cure my illness if I need.Medical expenses in Taiwan is much cheaper than US.

That's all ! I hope all of you can understand.There are many ways to solve the problems.Use your brain !!! ;)
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Oh my gosh...I have my brain thank you very much. You know..since you know everything already, don't bother to ask. So many people give you advice, but you always find an excuse. So what if you are 26, people can have an accident, fall from the tree etc. No need to be a smarty pants. Use your brain too. Even a visit to doctor for your so called tooth ache, will easily cost you 300$ if you don't have insurance.
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