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Do you really like the United States ???

Most of the people from Asia are very hard working.No health insurance doesn't mean that they are poor.Some people think that it's not necessary.

Pfft...Gerindo and I happen to be from 'Asia' too though our respective country of chargeability is Australia and Europe. So don't bring that kind of attitude here. You are correct, no health insurance doesn't mean poor, it shows whether one is sensible or not.
And even if he was concious his 7 dollar per hour job in a chinise restaurant is not enough to buy him that elusive airticket back to Taipei. Forgive him he knowoes not what is emanating from his brains!!

Ha...Ha...Ha... :D:D:D
Do you think that everyone is very poor like you that can't afford to buy air ticket ???
I have an apartment here in Taiwan.It worths over US$300000 .I have car.I have job.I have money.

Who are you ???
I don't think that I will be the public charge in the US.I have money.My parents also have money.So,there is no reason that I will be the public charge in the US !!! Understand ???

Please don't look down to the new immigrants...man !!! It's so rude !!! :mad:
Not everyone from Mexico or any other countries are living in poverty ! Working 10 or 12 hours a day is not working like a dog.It's hard working.Some people are lazy ! So,they don't want to work.Most of the people from Asia are very hard working.No health insurance doesn't mean that they are poor.Some people think that it's not necessary.

It's the choice of US government that give me the green card or not !!! Not you !!! So,don't worry about that ! That's not your job !
Wo are you ???

Anyway,thanks for your information that you gave me before !!!

Geez..no need to be soo defensive. I'm not telling you what to do, I'm just giving you my perspective from what I have seen in the U.S. Please be a bit mature about it.
There are many people from Africa and Asia who are not rich.They want to come to US to try their best to purchase the better life and better future.Maybe they're not rich.Maybe their living condition is not very good.But it doesn't mean that they will be public charge.Don't look down on them.I really hate this !!!
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I support Barrack Obama to win the US election 2008.He is african american.I think he can understand very well about the new immigrants from Africa and Asia.That's my hope !!! :rolleyes:

God bless america !!!
God bless democratic party and Barrack Obama !!!

George W.Bush government is very bad.Not only for 911,Iraq war,Afghanistan war but also for poor economic.
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I think new US government should call back all of the troops from Iraq and Afghanistan.It's none of america business.Try very hard to recover the economic crisis as soon as possible.That's more important !!!
There are many people from Africa and Asia who are not rich.They want to come to US to try their best to purchase the better life and better future.Maybe they're not rich.Maybe their living condition is not very good.But it doesn't mean that they will be public charge.Don't look down on them.I really hate this !!!

Please don't take it the wrong way. I'm not looking down on immigrants. I'm an immigrant myself and I'm not rich either. Because I'm not rich, I try my best not to get into financial trouble in the U.S. How? By purchasing medical/health insurance. When I came to the U.S 9 years ago, I was told that the U.S is the most expensive place to get sick. If you don't have the money to pay for medical care, you better have a medical insurance. No one knows what going to happen tomorrow. Accident can happen anytime, anywhere, and when that happen you will be glad that you have that insurance. Health insurance in the U.S is essential. The U.S is not like other countries in Asia where when you get sick you just run to the closest hospital and get treatment for almost noting. It just doesn't work that way in the U.S. The health care system in the U.S is very complex and very expensive.

I'm not saying that you will become a public charge. I understand how Asian think because I'm Asian myself and I have friends also who works as Chinese Delivery guy or even Asian store clerk. I know how Asian, especially Chinese mentality work. From the hard work and discipline to the willingness to live in hardship. I'm not telling you it is wrong. I'm just telling you that U.S in not Taiwan or China, it is not easy to live in poverty in this Country. It is actually more difficult because of the high living standard that sometimes comes with a high price. We're simply trying to tell you to not acknowledge working minimum wage. Don't say it is ok to work for $8/hr because it is NOT OK. Find something that will enable you to live better. You'll come soo far from Tawian, at least you want to have a better living.

What I was trying to tell you is that if you mentioned to the Consular at the interview that in the U.S you want to work in a Chinese restaurant for $8-$10/hr for 12-14 hours, and find the cheapest living place in the city, they most likely will deny your visa. I know how American thinks, they won't see your idea as hard working but as an idea to get by. Americans have a high living standard and they have the same hope for the new immigrants that coming to the country. It is understandable that new immigrants would not immediately have money in the U.S but if you show a more realistic approach on how you will survive in the U.S, they will be more appreciative.

One thing that I learn in the U.S is that Americans appreciate contribution. When you are asked what you want to do in the U.S. You need to think what can I contribute to the U.S? What can I do to help the American society? Is it my skills? Is it my knowledge? I'll let you think about that.

Don't be naive and thinking that you already have the solution for everything when you live in the U.S. You won't know until you live in the U.S for sometimes. Yes, I know, the U.S looks beautiful and grand from where you are, but if you are not careful, the U.S could be hell when you're here.

You are blessed that you have given the opportunity to receive a Green Card. I sugguest you take the opportunity and live in the U.S to the fullest. Pursue the American Dream and embrace the American life. When you do, you'll find out what it is the true meaning of living in U.S and you'll enjoy it. :)
Please don't take it the wrong way. I'm not looking down on immigrants. I'm an immigrant myself and I'm not rich either. Because I'm not rich, I try my best not to get into financial trouble in the U.S. How? By purchasing medical/health insurance. When I came to the U.S 9 years ago, I was told that the U.S is the most expensive place to get sick. If you don't have the money to pay for medical care, you better have a medical insurance. No one knows what going to happen tomorrow. Accident can happen anytime, anywhere, and when that happen you will be glad that you have that insurance. Health insurance in the U.S is essential. The U.S is not like other countries in Asia where when you get sick you just run to the closest hospital and get treatment for almost noting. It just doesn't work that way in the U.S. The health care system in the U.S is very complex and very expensive.

I'm not saying that you will become a public charge. I understand how Asian think because I'm Asian myself and I have friends also who works as Chinese Delivery guy or even Asian store clerk. I know how Asian, especially Chinese mentality work. From the hard work and discipline to the willingness to live in hardship. I'm not telling you it is wrong. I'm just telling you that U.S in not Taiwan or China, it is not easy to live in poverty in this Country. It is actually more difficult because of the high living standard that sometimes comes with a high price. We're simply trying to tell you to not acknowledge working minimum wage. Don't say it is ok to work for $8/hr because it is NOT OK. Find something that will enable you to live better. You'll come soo far from Tawian, at least you want to have a better living.

What I was trying to tell you is that if you mentioned to the Consular at the interview that in the U.S you want to work in a Chinese restaurant for $8-$10/hr for 12-14 hours, and find the cheapest living place in the city, they most likely will deny your visa. I know how American thinks, they won't see your idea as hard working but as an idea to get by. Americans have a high living standard and they have the same hope for the new immigrants that coming to the country. It is understandable that new immigrants would not immediately have money in the U.S but if you show a more realistic approach on how you will survive in the U.S, they will be more appreciative.

One thing that I learn in the U.S is that Americans appreciate contribution. When you are asked what you want to do in the U.S. You need to think what can I contribute to the U.S? What can I do to help the American society? Is it my skills? Is it my knowledge? I'll let you think about that.

Don't be naive and thinking that you already have the solution for everything when you live in the U.S. You won't know until you live in the U.S for sometimes. Yes, I know, the U.S looks beautiful and grand from where you are, but if you are not careful, the U.S could be hell when you're here.

You are blessed that you have given the opportunity to receive a Green Card. I sugguest you take the opportunity and live in the U.S to the fullest. Pursue the American Dream and embrace the American life. When you do, you'll find out what it is the true meaning of living in U.S and you'll enjoy it. :)

That sounds better ! I really appreciate this kind of positive opinion !!! I will try my best to live very well in US. :)

Thank you !!!
So,how much is the medical insurance in US ??? My relatives and friends didn't tell me about that ! Maybe they don't have !
Been reading this post for 1 and a half week, I am so curious and finally come up with a big WH question. What is the point of this post? All I see is just an argument all over the place.
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Been reading this post for 1 and a half week, I am so curious and finally come up with a big WH question. What is the point of this post? All I see is just an argument all over the place. Just one person sounds so immature, even now 26, and completely spoil the content of this forum. All he tries to do is to make an argument to the others who have different opinions from him. He always finds such unrealistic excuses and use strong words back to the others who posts against him. What a waste!!!! He got a big brain and so smart, so what is the point for him to post his question here while internet is such a big library to do research for. Is it because this forum is for DV winners and he wants to know the other opinions who might or might not have different perspective from him? or else? However, what he is doing is kinda opposite. The more he talks, the more immature he is. It is just digging himself to the hole. I am also an Asian. I see a lot of people like this in my country. But when I studied in the U.S, I rarely meet one. Probably, people get mature when they really see the reality The main reason I wrote this is to inform the others not to waste your time reading this post like me.There are other posts which need your advice and give your valuable information when the time comes.

If you don't like,you should leave this thread ! Thank you !
So,how much is the medical insurance in US ??? My relatives and friends didn't tell me about that ! Maybe they don't have !

Because they are tired with your distorterd and cyclic reasoning. They expect somebody with an apartment in Taipei worth slightly more than 28000 us dollars and a car to understand once. Up to now if you haven't picked anything then you seriously should consider checking your mental faculties.
As somebody has put it above you stand high chances of becoming a public charge if you dont change your attitude, stop dragging Asians and Africans into this, when you come here, you carry your own cross.
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Here in Taiwan,all of the employers should pay 25 % of the health insurance for the employees.The government pay 25 % and you pay 50 %.What about US ???
Because they are tired with your distorterd and cyclic reasoning. They expect somebody with an apartment in Taipei worth slightly more than 28000 us dollars and a car to understand once. Up to now if you haven't picked anything then you seriously should consider checking your mental faculties.
As somebody has put it above you stand high chances of becoming a public charge if you dont change your attitude, stop dragging Asians and Africans into this, when you come here, you carry your own cross.

Please leave me alone ! I don't want to talk with you ! Ok ??? :eek: Don't bother me !!!