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Do you really like the United States ???

Oh my god !

Oh my gosh...I have my brain thank you very much. You know..since you know everything already, don't bother to ask. So many people give you advice, but you always find an excuse. So what if you are 26, people can have an accident, fall from the tree etc. No need to be a smarty pants. Use your brain too. Even a visit to doctor for your so called tooth ache, will easily cost you 300$ if you don't have insurance.

Yes,I can go to see the doctor and can afford to pay hundred dollars.If I have accident,my insurance company in Taiwan will pay for me.I didn't said that I know everythings.I don't find excuse.I just find the best way to solve the problems.I'm not very smart and I'm not very stupid.I mean that use your brain and you will find that there are many ways to solve the problems except some cases ! :rolleyes:

Anyway,thanks for your reply and advice !
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If I have accident,my insurance company in Taiwan will pay for me.
If you travel in the US for a short time, your Taiwanese insurance may probably cover you, but I strongly doubt it will work once you change your status to a PR. And what I know for sure - it will not pay for a childbirth in US, which you may need one day :)
I already have medical insurance in Taiwan.So,I don't think that I need medical insurance again in US. ;)
Moreover,I'm very young now.So,I have good health condition.If I need to go to the hospital and stay there for a long time when I old,I can go back to my home country where the hospitals in Taiwan is much cheaper.

Question is up to how much your Taiwanese insurance pays. You sure they pay $500k or more ? Just visiting doctors a few times is not big deal and no problem to pay. But when you need surgery and need to be in hospital for a few weeks, if your insurance does not pay $500k and you cannot afford to pay it, you have no way other than going bankruptcy.

Medical bill is one of the leading cause of bankruptcy in the US.

Insurance is just for the case. You never know when you need it and being healthy today doesn't keep you from being sick tomorrow.
But when you need surgery and need to be in hospital for a few weeks, if your insurance does not pay $500k and you cannot afford to pay it, you have no way other than going bankruptcy.

I can go back to Taiwan and make a surgery at one of the hospitals here in Taipei.It's much cheaper !!! And my health insurance will pay for me :)
Anyway,I want to know that how much is the health insurance fee in US for one year ? Here in Taiwan,I have to pay about US$1000 a year for my health insurance.
Oh my gosh...I have my brain thank you very much. You know..since you know everything already, don't bother to ask. So many people give you advice, but you always find an excuse. So what if you are 26, people can have an accident, fall from the tree etc. No need to be a smarty pants. Use your brain too. Even a visit to doctor for your so called tooth ache, will easily cost you 300$ if you don't have insurance.

I concur with you Gilstenpearls, you know what? sometimes I'm tempted to think that some people are unteachable! This David guy has been given tones of advice but it appears like it evaporates instantly.
See, if one has never been to America they will never understand how everything works, no matter how much you pump advice..
David if you get a chance just come to USA, you are just '26', here the sky is the limit, like your relatives and friends from Taipei in a not so long time you will be able to build towers, maissonates even your own airport @ Taipei. Wish you Luck.
I concur with you Gilstenpearls, you know what? sometimes I'm tempted to think that some people are unteachable! This David guy has been given tones of advice but it appears like it evaporates instantly.
See, if one has never been to America they will never understand how everything works, no matter how much you pump advice..
David if you get a chance just come to USA, you are just '26', here the sky is the limit, like your relatives and friends from Taipei in a not so long time you will be able to build towers, maissonates even your own airport @ Taipei. Wish you Luck.

Thank you !!! Hey...man ! Who are you ??? :p
I've never been to US but it doesn't mean that I don't know anything about US.I have my brain.I can think ! I hear from some people who are currently living and working and studying in US ! Do you understand ???

I wish you can built your own castle and palace in your country ! Good luck !!!
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I can go back to Taiwan and make a surgery at one of the hospitals here in Taipei.It's much cheaper !!! And my health insurance will pay for me :)

well, have your brain considered that case that you have an accident, you are not conscious and need emergency surgery ? No time to fly back to Taiwan.
GotPr, TheRealCanadian, F1Winner,
Don't waste your breath. I have given up the minute he said I don't have "brain" to think...well brain-less of mine, one wonder why I'm HERE and he's on the other side of the world.
Dear Mr. David,
I am sure that you are very intelligent and you find your place in US in a very quick time after your arrivel in USA. I would recommend you not to sell your car and try to import to US after your arrival, not to give up your insurance in your country and not to buy a US one, to eat the food which you luke more and find cheaper, to work for 10 usd or even less or more because as you said sir that if some one has a brain, will get tbe best out of avIlable. Have life, get life. Many thanks for the infos about Teipei. Regards....

Dear all other members,
Don't you think that there are many other members who have special, serious and much more urgent issues. Why don't you switch to them and offer the help someone who really deserve it. Believe me, Mr. Dave gonna be fine with or without your replies, he's really smart. :) !
well, have your brain considered that case that you have an accident, you are not conscious and need emergency surgery ? No time to fly back to Taiwan.

I don't think I have that kind of very bad luck !!! If happen,I can afford to pay ! Understand !!!
DavidTseng, I wish you the best living in the U.S with the condition you mentioned. :rolleyes:

It is because of people like you why the U.S Government hesitate to give their precious visas and Green card to anyone that want to come to the U.S. They give you a Green Card because they want to give the chance to people who truly want to live the American Dream, and not to people who come to the country living in poverty, making minimum wage of $8/hr, working like a dog for 12-15 hours a day, no health insurance, sending money back home, and someday leave the U.S. Why do you think the U.S Government is against illegal immigrants from Mexico? The same reasons that you have mentioned in this forum. :(

I'm sorry to say this but you are a good example of someone that might become a public charge in the U.S (just don't mentioned what you have said in this forum to the consular during the interview). What you have described are similar to how illegal immigrants would live in the U.S.

It might be hard to hear some of the advice we're telling you about living in the U.S and it is your choice to take it or not. Once you get to the U.S someday, you'll understand that what we're telling you are the truth and not some made up stories to scare you from coming to the U.S.

If you are not ready to embrace the American life, why bother accepting the Green Card?

Good luck with everything. :cool:
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DavidTseng, I wish you the best living in the U.S with the condition you mentioned. :rolleyes:

It is because of people like you why the U.S Government hesitate to give their precious visas and Green card to anyone that want to come to the U.S. They give you a Green Card because they want to give the chance to people who truly want to live the American Dream, and not to people who come to the country living in poverty, making minimum wage of $8/hr, working like a dog for 12-15 hours a day, no health insurance, sending money back home, and someday leave the U.S. Why do you think the U.S Government is against immigrants from Mexico? The same reasons that you have mentioned in this forum. :(

I'm sorry to say this but you are a good example of someone that might become a public charge in the U.S (just don't mentioned what you said in this forum to the consular during the interview). What you have described are similar to how illegal immigrants would live in the U.S.

It might be hard to hear some of the advice we're telling you about living in the U.S and it is your choice to take it or not. Once you get to the U.S someday, you'll understand that what we're telling you are the truth and not some made up stories to scare you from coming to the U.S.

If you are not ready to embrace the American life, why bother accepting the Green Card?

Good luck with everything. :cool:

Ha...Ha...Ha... :D:D:D
So funny !!!

I don't think that I will be the public charge in the US.I have money.My parents also have money.So,there is no reason that I will be the public charge in the US !!! Understand ???

Please don't look down to the new immigrants...man !!! It's so rude !!! :mad:
Not everyone from Mexico or any other countries are living in poverty ! Working 10 or 12 hours a day is not working like a dog.It's hard working.Some people are lazy ! So,they don't want to work.Most of the people from Asia are very hard working.No health insurance doesn't mean that they are poor.Some people think that it's not necessary.

It's the choice of US government that give me the green card or not !!! Not you !!! So,don't worry about that ! That's not your job !
Who are you ???

Anyway,thanks for your information that you gave me before !!!
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well, have your brain considered that case that you have an accident, you are not conscious and need emergency surgery ? No time to fly back to Taiwan.

And even if he was concious his 7 dollar per hour job in a chinise restaurant is not enough to buy him that elusive airticket back to Taipei. Forgive him he knowoes not what is emanating from his brains!!
Dear Mr. David,
I am sure that you are very intelligent and you find your place in US in a very quick time after your arrivel in USA. I would recommend you not to sell your car and try to import to US after your arrival, not to give up your insurance in your country and not to buy a US one, to eat the food which you luke more and find cheaper, to work for 10 usd or even less or more because as you said sir that if some one has a brain, will get tbe best out of avIlable. Have life, get life. Many thanks for the infos about Teipei. Regards....

Dear all other members,
Don't you think that there are many other members who have special, serious and much more urgent issues. Why don't you switch to them and offer the help someone who really deserve it. Believe me, Mr. Dave gonna be fine with or without your replies, he's really smart. :) !

Thank you very much !!! Don't worry about me !!! :p