• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Do you really like the United States ???

Hey members you know what? If you argue with a....... people will not make a difference.
Empty vessels make the most noise.


This thread needs a rest....You come here looking for advice, and yet keeps on finding issues to argue about....yawwwwwn!....next!

I cant believe these many people have posted on this thread, and it seems like a "one-man-show"...and full of drama....
really funny!

LMAO!! :D This thread has turned out to be immensely entertaining!! :D I guess every newspaper needs a comic strip...lol :D
It's quite entertaining isn't? LOL! It's a nice break from talking about DV issues.:D I'm surprised how big this thread has become. :D
First things first

Mr David Tseng,
Don't you think it will be a very good idea for you to concentrate on getting all the required documents,prepare adequately for the visa interview(if you will get one...CN depending), get the actual visa before you start thinking about medical insurance and the likes ?After all, if you are refused the visa,there wouldn't be the need to think about jobs,standard of living,medical insurance etc in the US. How low is your CN anyway ?? I can deduce from your attitude that you will possibly commit suicide if you are refused the DV visa.... right ?? Sorry if i do incur your displeasure as usual for making my point but i wish you all the best of luck.
First, you started asking and comparing everything with your country. For you, it looks like everything in the US is same with his country. It's totally wrong. Once you come here, you'll realize that it's totally different. No matter what people keep telling(warning) you what you don't want to hear, you just argued like a baby and said "i don't want to talk with you". Come on.... if you need everyone to support your thought, just post it in your blog, not this public forum, where people discuss share their "opinion".

If you're so confident with your source of information - friends, relatives - whatever. Keep asking and trusting them. You don't need to ask here and whine later. Though this is a forum for DV winner, not everyone in this forum live outside the US. Bragging that your knowledge is correct since you heard from someone currently in the US. is fool. I've lived here in the US since 1999. I really disagree with your statement about medical insurance, survival with low paying job. Working 10-12 hours a day with $8 per hour???? Only young people, illegal or international students without authorization to work are willing to do that. Most people would want to earn more to raise their standard living.

Another thing is that earning $8 is very hard to pay for your tuition. At least in my university, tuition for PR is more than $4000 per semester, not include book, room and board, etc. One simple way to do it is through your company. I saw many part-time students taking an online course to get the Bachelor degree. The company pay most (or all) for tuition fee. I can't see any restaurant is gonna pay that for you.

Back to medical, just like others said, you can't expect that you will definitely not getting injured from accident. You said you can afford it. Come on, unless you or your parents have $10 million in account, I don't think that you can said "I can afford it". Some serious injure need surgery immediately, and it can cost like $100,000 in a few days.

By the way, I'm curious. If I'm as rich as you are (according from your quote "I can afford it"), I don't want to work for $8 an hour. Or maybe it's your dream job.
First, you started asking and comparing everything with your country. For you, it looks like everything in the US is same with his country. It's totally wrong. Once you come here, you'll realize that it's totally different. No matter what people keep telling(warning) you what you don't want to hear, you just argued like a baby and said "i don't want to talk with you". Come on.... if you need everyone to support your thought, just post it in your blog, not this public forum, where people discuss share their "opinion".

If you're so confident with your source of information - friends, relatives - whatever. Keep asking and trusting them. You don't need to ask here and whine later. Though this is a forum for DV winner, not everyone in this forum live outside the US. Bragging that your knowledge is correct since you heard from someone currently in the US. is fool. I've lived here in the US since 1999. I really disagree with your statement about medical insurance, survival with low paying job. Working 10-12 hours a day with $8 per hour???? Only young people, illegal or international students without authorization to work are willing to do that. Most people would want to earn more to raise their standard living.

Another thing is that earning $8 is very hard to pay for your tuition. At least in my university, tuition for PR is more than $4000 per semester, not include book, room and board, etc. One simple way to do it is through your company. I saw many part-time students taking an online course to get the Bachelor degree. The company pay most (or all) for tuition fee. I can't see any restaurant is gonna pay that for you.

Back to medical, just like others said, you can't expect that you will definitely not getting injured from accident. You said you can afford it. Come on, unless you or your parents have $10 million in account, I don't think that you can said "I can afford it". Some serious injure need surgery immediately, and it can cost like $100,000 in a few days.

By the way, I'm curious. If I'm as rich as you are (according from your quote "I can afford it"), I don't want to work for $8 an hour. Or maybe it's your dream job.

This thread have full of foolish guys like you !!! :D
Oh ! except some people ! Hee...Hee...
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I don't want to talk with all of you anymore ! So,I leave here and concentrate to pass my TOEFL exam and preparing for my interview.

To those who gave me positive advice,I really appreciate them !

Thank you and Goodbye !!!
Mr David Tseng,
Don't you think it will be a very good idea for you to concentrate on getting all the required documents,prepare adequately for the visa interview(if you will get one...CN depending), get the actual visa before you start thinking about medical insurance and the likes ?After all, if you are refused the visa,there wouldn't be the need to think about jobs,standard of living,medical insurance etc in the US. How low is your CN anyway ?? I can deduce from your attitude that you will possibly commit suicide if you are refused the DV visa.... right ?? Sorry if i do incur your displeasure as usual for making my point but i wish you all the best of luck.

Yes,you're right ! I should not waste my time here.So,I leave here now !!! ;)
Please think before posting any thought

Judging from DavidTseng's post, he is so aggressive. It is so sad to have this kind of person in this public forum. Posting his 3 messages in a row, I don't he will leave this post for good. 26 years old but still like a teenager who not learns to grow up yet. He can't listen to any word against him, especially the word "Foolish." Saying the others here are fool. I am just wondering if he was so smart and used brain like he said previously, why he still asked this question "how do you know my blog?." Doesn't he know it is so very easy to find his profile on the internet based on his name keyword? It is just only one click on Google and quickly pops up. :eek::eek:

Indeed, he should not show his real name, face, and profile on the internet when sometimes it is good to hide in the bush from allies or enemies. Now, almost everyone knows him. Whenever he posts any in this forum, they know well how he is. In my country we have a big word to remember, to translate in English it is "You are your own boss before speaking out." It means when you speak, your word is your boss. The way you speak always makes your life different. Thus, Remember!!! just think before speaking a word or post any opinion in the public tread. The word can reflect to one's attitute, family background, education, and living environmental condition. So, think carefully before speak. Otherwise, it will later harm you back just like a double edge sword. :(