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Do you really like the United States ???

if you satisfy all of this, yes you can get housing loan.
1. You have good credit score
2. You have 20~% of downpayment
3. You have jobs/asset to pay mortgage enough.
Only the 3rd is important, with poor score and no down payment you can gat a mortgage, but APR will really suck :-(
Only the 3rd is important, with poor score and no down payment you can gat a mortgage, but APR will really suck :-(
Not anymore.
After they saw FNM, FRE, AIG, and LEH went under(and even money market "broke the buck" a few days ago), they'll be very cautious to give the money and want borrowers to be more responsible to their purchase, therefore no down won't be accepted.
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Now, replying to the original question of this thread.............Of course i like the United States......and the only reason that i want to get this Green Card is so that i can join the US Army and go fight in IRQ or AFG!!!
yes i like usa, but, I hope that my idea about the USA, does not change with time, is not the same to listen and see pamphlets, that to live there. i never go to usa.
It may be true for certain states, but definitely not for all of them. I refinanced my house two weeks ago, and know for sure: yes, you can get a loan with zero down.

Maybe.. but your lender seems not to have learned from the foreclosure madness if they accept no downpayment for first time buyers(not for refinance).
You could lose job a day after closing the finances and become no income. So, income at the time of closing won't be "insurance" to lenders.
Some people maynot look for jobs seriously, as those who did zero down can walk away from the home with ZERO loss if they foreclose it. Only credit hits.
Those who put enough down do not want to lose their investment, i.e. downpayment, therefore they tend to try not to go foreclosure. That is what lenders are looking for with downpayment.. Commitment from buyers.
Nowadays, after all the subprime craziness, sane lenders are least likely to accept no down deal.
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sane lenders are least likely to accept no down deal.
That is true. But there are also greedy lenders, who easily (and gladly) become insane when they can charge a borrower extra 3, 5, 10 (?) per cent for a zero down loan. Mortgage market is similar to the stock market: some risk and get (or do not get) more, some do not risk and get (or do not get) less. Lenders are exactly the same bulls and bears.
If I apply US credit card,the US bank will investigate about my credit history in my home country ??? Anyway,I can still use my Taiwan credit card in US.That's right ??? Another question is that can I send my car to the US by ship and apply for the car number plate ?

I want to study in the US ! But,I don't know which course should I learn to get a high paid job ! I'm very interested in civil engineering but my mathematics is not good.So,I give up !!! Ha...Ha...Maybe I will study hotel management course.I worked at the hotel about three years.So,I have some experience now.If I get my hotel management degree course,maybe I can get the supervisor position at the hotel !

The last question is that which major cities are the cheapest rent in US ??? Please answer me !

I would appreciate if you answer me ! Thank you !!!
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My advice, don't study something because of the money, study because you like what you are studying and love doing it. If you like what you are doing, you are more likely to be the best at that field :)

That's right !!! I totally agree with you !!! :)
Can I join the US army as the US permanent resident ??? Are there any restrictions to join the US army ??? For example : age,physical condition,education etc

What are the benefits if I join the US army ??? I can't find any information on the internet !
I want to join the US coast guard ! I don't want to join the US army.I'm afraid that they will send me to Iraq or Afghanistan !!! Ha...Ha...Ha...I don't want to die !!!
If I apply US credit card,the US bank will investigate about my credit history in my home country ???
The U.S Credit card company will not investigate your credit history in Taiwan. The only way I can see this happening if you have an international bank account like Citibank or credit card like American Express. I asked Bank of America before, and they said they could not investigate account outside the U.S. Even if you have a Bank of America account in Taiwan, they could not check your account history in there because of privacy reasons and because the branches outside the U.S are not connected to the branches in the U.S.

Anyway,I can still use my Taiwan credit card in US.That's right ???
You can still use your credit card from Taiwan in the U.S but it will not help you on building the credit in the U.S. You need a U.S credit card to build your credit in the U.S. Just search the internet on "Building Credit" and you'll see how important it is to have credit in the U.S.

Another question is that can I send my car to the US by ship and apply for the car number plate ?
Shipping your car to the U.S...I highly don't recommend you doing that unless you are extremely rich and you car is extremely valuable. First, the shipping cost and the tax is enormous. Second, the U.S Government regulations might not allow you to do that because each car that comes into the U.S has to satisfy certain standard, and not all cars in the world are created equal. If you're ready to move, just sell your car and get a new car when you're in the U.S. www.cars.com is a good place to start looking for prices of used/new cars in the U.S.

I want to study in the US ! But,I don't know which course should I learn to get a high paid job ! I'm very interested in civil engineering but my mathematics is not good.So,I give up !!! Ha...Ha...Maybe I will study hotel management course.I worked at the hotel about three years.So,I have some experience now.If I get my hotel management degree course,maybe I can get the supervisor position at the hotel !
There are many field of studies to choose from. Do you research. If you know what you want to study, look around the internet and find which school offers hotel management degree. If getting an education in the U.S is your first priority, then you should move into the place where they have school that offers that particular degree. http://education.yahoo.com/ is a good place to start looking for schools in the U.S.

The last question is that which major cities are the cheapest rent in US ???
Again, do you research over the net and see how much rent are costing in the big cities. There are too many cities in the U.S, and technically there are always cheap places to live in the cities. Not sure about the living condition..usually the cheaper the rent, the worse the living condition will be. If I were you, I would choose the place to live based on where the job is. Some companies will offer a place to live when you work for them. I have a friend who worked as a Housekeeping Manager in one of the hotel in Universal Studios in Orlando, FL, and She was given a place to live near the Universal Studios complex for half the price of the regular rent.
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Can I join the US army as the US permanent resident ??? Are there any restrictions to join the US army ??? For example : age,physical condition,education etc

Yes, you can join the U.S military as a permanent resident. The requirements are basic: good mental and physical health, etc. This will all be done through a physical test and examination. If you pass, you can enlist in the military.

There is also the education background and the military test. I know this because I have a friend who served in the military. The education background will help determine what rank or position you will be in the military. The higher your educational background, the higher the position in the military you will get. Then, there is the military test, which will test your basic knowledge and determine if you are eligible for a certain branch in the military (Air Force, Navy, Marines, Army, Coast Guard, etc). The air force is usually the hardest to get in because it requires you to have a very high score in the test.

What are the benefits if I join the US army ??? I can't find any information on the internet !
The benefits are a lot. The military will provide you will scholarship for school, they will pay salary, they will give you health benefit, they will help you get a job, training, etc. http://www.army.com/enlist/requirements.html
One of the benefit that they don't list is the faster processing to become a U.S Citizen. Believe it or not, if a Permanent Resident join the U.S military, they will expedite your naturalization to become U.S Citizen from 3-5 years to 1 year.

I want to join the US coast guard ! I don't want to join the US army.I'm afraid that they will send me to Iraq or Afghanistan !!! Ha...Ha...Ha...I don't want to die !!!
That's the risk of being part of the U.S military, you need to be ready for war anytime. Once you join the military, you are owned by the U.S Government, you have to do whatever they tell you to do. You can say that you don't want to go to Iraq or Afghanistan, but if someday they need you to go there because they need more troops, you have no choice but to follow the order. My friend did that, He didn't want to be sent to Iraq so He joined "The Army Reserves", it suppose to be a defense army inside the U.S. A year after He finished basic military training, He was assigned to go to Iraq because they needed more troops over there. Good thing He came back alive. :)
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I know that cost of living in USA is differs from State to State.
1. please tell me whats is the average wage per month one can live on?
2. If someone is getting $3000 per month will that be enough if living in Washington State?
3. Is it difficult for green card holder to get jobs at oill companies like Bp, Shell and ExxonMobile? (am currently my last year studying Automation and Control)
I know that cost of living in USA is differs from State to State.
1. please tell me whats is the average wage per month one can live on?
2. If someone is getting $3000 per month will that be enough if living in Washington State?
3. Is it difficult for green card holder to get jobs at oill companies like Bp, Shell and ExxonMobile? (am currently my last year studying Automation and Control)

1. Depends on how you live. eating, drinking, driving, etc.
2. http://www.apartments.com/
Look for apartments and check the rent. Pls $50 for electricity/gas, $20 for water, $50 for TV, $40 for cell phone, $300 for food. That's the minimum you need. Driving costs if you have to, nowadays.
3. Not because you are a LPR.
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Hmm...Seems like I have to pay US $150 - 160 a month for electricity,gas,water,TV and telephone in US.It's a little bit expensive for me.I have to pay only about US$100 a month for electricity,gas,water,TV and telephone in Taiwan.US$300 for food a month in US ??? It's too expensive for me.US$200 is enough for me for food in Taiwan.But,I'm not worry about food because I can eat some cheap food and I can cook myself.It will be cheaper.
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Well, $50 is the bill in CA where no AC is necessary. If you live in Chicago or detroit like you said, your electricity bill could jump up to $200 - $300 per month in winter as you probably cannot live w/o AC.
Sorry ! I don't understand.What is AC mean ? Air Conditioner ? I don't think I need air conditioner in winter ! As I know,the winter in the city like Chicago,snow is falling down.It's too cold.So,I need air conditioner in winter ??? I know California is hot in summer.So,if I live in San Francisco or Los Angeles,I would need air conditioner in summer.I don't know the summer in the city like Chicago is very hot or not ? I think it's not very hot in Chicago in summer.Am I right ?
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Another question is that US$10 for lunch and dinner is enough for one day in US ?

I found some apartments(studio) in Chicago on the internet that the cheapest rent is about US$600-800 a month.It's more expensive than the rent in Taipei.I can rent an apartment with one room only about US$400-500 a month in Taipei.

Anyway,I found that the living expenses in US is more expensive than the living expenses in Taipei.But,the salary in US is better than the salary in Taiwan.I can earn only about US$1200 a month in Taiwan.I think I can earn about US$2000 a month in US.That's why I want to go to the US !!!

Can you tell me about the minimum salary of the hotel staff in US ? I really want to know about that ! I heard from my friends is that atleast US$8-10 per hour depending on your position and the kind of job.Is it true ???
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I can earn only about US$1200 a month in Taiwan. I think I can earn about US$2000 a month in US.
If you consider all the additional expenses you'll have to pay in US (utilities, gas, car insurance, medical bills, and so on) the difference will be probably not that impressive.
Another question is that US$10 for lunch and dinner is enough for one day in US ?

I found some apartments(studio) in Chicago on the internet that the cheapest rent is about US$600-800 a month.It's more expensive than the rent in Taipei.I can rent an apartment with one room only about US$400-500 a month in Taipei.

Anyway,I found that the living expenses in US is more expensive than the living expenses in Taipei.But,the salary in US is better than the salary in Taiwan.I can earn only about US$1200 a month in Taiwan.I think I can earn about US$2000 a month in US.That's why I want to go to the US !!!

Can you tell me about the minimum salary of the hotel staff in US ? I really want to know about that ! I heard from my friends is that atleast US$8-10 per hour depending on your position and the kind of job.Is it true ???

Minimum salary is dependent on the state where you live too. The website below will tell you what is the minimum wage of particular state. Mind you, it will not tell you the type of position that came with that min wage.

$10 for lunch and dinner? You can, but I don't think you want to do this every single day. With $10 most likely you will only get fast food burgers, instant noodles and those lunch specials. Even dinner buffet will cost at least $7.

I have to tell you Chicago is not the cheapest place to start up new. A friend of mine lives in Chicago for few years before she move to Canada and she told me, the price for rental or buying a new property has raised significantly. You may get a place for around 600-800 a month (which area is this? are they safe?), but with your other expenses, it's going to be tight each month. Have you consider maybe renting a room instead and share with others (or friends), that may help you reduce your expenses.

From your previous post, you also did not include public transportation cost, or if you have a car, the gas that goes with it, service, insurance, registration fees etc, accidental expenses=are you going to get health insurance while waiting to get a job? this cost quite a bit too.
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