• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Do you really like the United States ???

There are many chinese in the US.They have duel citizenship.They can live permanently in US legally.They can find jobs easier than those who do not have US green card.Their children can attend US universities which school fees are much cheaper than those who are international students.They can return to their native countries such as Mainland China,Hong Kong,Taiwan,Singapore etc.They can also go back to the US whatever they like!That's really great !!!

For me,the main reason I want to have the US green card is that I want to study in US with cheap school fee and can find job much easier.In US,the salary is higher than any other countries in the world exept for some first class countries.That's all !!!

If I can get the US green card,I will not dismiss my Taiwan citizenship.As I'm chinese,I'm always chinese and love my native country very much.I want to go to the United States to find the better oppurtunities.
There are many chinese in the US.They have duel citizenship.They can live permanently in US legally.They can find jobs easier than those who do not have US green card.Their children can attend US universities which school fees are much cheaper than those who are international students.They can return to their native countries such as Mainland China,Hong Kong,Taiwan,Singapore etc.They can also go back to the US whatever they like!That's really great !!!

For me,the main reason I want to have the US green card is that I want to study in US with cheap school fee and can find job much easier.In US,the salary is higher than any other countries in the world exept for some first class countries.That's all !!!

If I can get the US green card,I will not dismiss my Taiwan citizenship.As I'm chinese,I'm always chinese and love my native country very much.I want to go to the United States to find the better oppurtunities.

I guess everybody is a ware of all those benefits you mentioned, I therefore think mr. david that is irrelevant for now, tell us on how to go a bout getting this GC successfully either thru AOS or CP, i thought this was the primary aim of this forum!!
I guess everybody is a ware of all those benefits you mentioned, I therefore think mr. david that is irrelevant for now, tell us on how to go a bout getting this GC successfully either thru AOS or CP, i thought this was the primary aim of this forum!!

If your parents or your brothers or sisters or your relatives are already in the US,you can ask them to apply for you to get the immigrant visa.But,you have to wait for several years.Some people apply student visa and go to study in the US.But,the school fee is very expensive.If you graduate from the US university,you can find job in US and apply US green card.Most of them get the US green card.If you have some technical skills like IT,engineering etc.,you can apply employment visa.That kind of visa is very difficult to get.The easiest way to get the immigrant visa is to apply the diversity visa program which we called US green card lottery.If you won the DV program very luckily and go to the US embassy for interview.If the US immigration officer think that you have the requirement abilities such as education,work experience and money,you can get the US green card.
That's why millions of people participated in US green card lottery every years.It's free of charge.But,you must have atleast the high school education or atleast two years of work experience requirement.
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If you have some technical skills like IT,engineering etc.,you can apply employment visa.That kind of visa is very difficult to get.The easiest way to get the immigrant visa is to apply the diversity visa program which we called US green card lottery.

Don't spead wrong info. Competition to get H1B is only 2:1 or 3:1 at worst. Tell me what the odds to get GC through DV.
EB Visa

GotPR, can you share with us how you got your EB?

The website stated that you must have proof of exceptional talent in order to be given the EB. Like maybe double phDs or a genius or something?
GotPR, can you share with us how you got your EB?

The website stated that you must have proof of exceptional talent in order to be given the EB. Like maybe double phDs or a genius or something?

That is requirement for EB1 and EB2 NIW. Regular EB2 and EB3 do not require such exceptional talent and you just need suitable BS/MS degree and/or work experience(and a sponsor).
EB3 Other Worker doesn't even need college degree, but quota is limited and take longer in general.
That is requirement for EB1 and EB2 NIW. Regular EB2 and EB3 do not require such exceptional talent and you just need suitable BS/MS degree and/or work experience(and a sponsor).
EB3 Other Worker doesn't even need college degree, but quota is limited and take longer in general.

Thanks for clearing that up GotPR!

I also found informative reading in the following link :

H-1B vs. Green Cards
Well, until you actually live in the US, you never know how the life looks like.

Well you are right!!! man!!!. Unless you live in the US you will never know how it lloks like, coz it is not the milk and honey that people talk about. What I mean is that there is milk and honey, but they don't come that easy, you got to earn them through sacrificing alot of you time.
Well you are right!!! man!!!. Unless you live in the US you will never know how it lloks like, coz it is not the milk and honey that people talk about. What I mean is that there is milk and honey, but they don't come that easy, you got to earn them through sacrificing alot of you time.

That makes it a better place to LIVE because in some countries,milk and honey will still not be available even if you sacrifice a lot of time.The opinion of whether one likes the US or not is very subjective.
I want to go to the United States to find the better oppurtunities.I hope I can get milk and honey there !!!
No pain
No gain
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I think the question whether USA is a better place or Not? Depends on where from?
if you come from poor countries where the average wage for a Grad is $300 surely Why Not go USA? You have to look at both sides of the coin. I have being USA befor but i know it has its own plus and minus. GOING TO US IS A PERSONAL DECISION!!!!
I think the question whether USA is a better place or Not? Depends on where from?
if you come from poor countries where the average wage for a Grad is $300 surely Why Not go USA? You have to look at both sides of the coin. I have being USA befor but i know it has its own plus and minus. GOING TO US IS A PERSONAL DECISION!!!!

That's right !!! :)
That's why some people from the western european countries,oceania countries and some rich asian countries do not want to go to the United States.They rather stay in their home country !

For me,I earn US$1200 a month and the living condition in Taiwan is not bad.But,I decided to go to the US because I think US is better than my country.According to my knowledge,I think I can earn more in US than here in Taiwan.Moreover,Studying in US is my dream when I was very young.Now,it's a very good chance for me to study at the US university and the school fee for the permanent resident is cheaper than the international students.It's really the biggest advantage for me to be a US permanent resident.

I think holding the US passport is very proud than holding the second class nations or third class nations passport. :rolleyes:

Finally,I want to immigrate to the US not only for my future but also for my next generation future.That's all !!!

It's a very very good chance for us that we won the DV lottery very luckily and have a very very very good chance to immigrate to the US.So,don't easily give up.Try your best !!! I hope the god will help all of us who really want to immigrate to the US. :)

God bless all of us !!!
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I think holding the US passport is very proud than holding the second class nations or third class nations passport
Until you treat any other nation as a second or third class nation you will have quite a miserable life in United States.
For me,I earn US$1200 a month and the living condition in Taiwan is not bad.But,I decided to go to the US because I think US is better than my country.According to my knowledge,I think I can earn more in US than here in Taiwan.Moreover,Studying in US is my dream when I was very young.Now,it's a very good chance for me to study at the US university and the school fee for the permanent resident is cheaper than the international students.It's really the biggest advantage for me to be a US permanent resident.
Well, you obviously are not looking at the big picture. That's because, as I said before, you haven't lived in the US and didn't know how it looked like. Just getting better pay does not necessary mean it's better place, unless you came up with it with living cost taking into account(tax, housing, various insurance, job security, and so many factors).
The education in the US is cheaper for LPRs than international student, but it does not mean education is cheap. Do you know how much the US citizens owe student loan when they graduate ?
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but you can also get into big trouble for having USA passport -dont forgeth that -friend of mine when travels always shows his "3 rd world passport" rather than US passport because now immigration agents always take time to check US one longer + as USA citizen there is not many countrys where people would say to you "my friend " in most of the world to have US passport could mean danger +Canadian passport is good or any EU one but USA passport could bring trouble in a second
I don't think the US is bad.Life is not smooth.All we need to do is try our best and purchase what we want.

I hope all of you will understand what I mean !!!

Good luck to you all !!!
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Well, you obviously are not looking at the big picture. That's because, as I said before, you haven't lived in the US and didn't know how it looked like. Just getting better pay does not necessary mean it's better place, unless you came up with it with living cost taking into account(tax, housing, various insurance, job security, and so many factors).
The education in the US is cheaper for LPRs than international student, but it does not mean education is cheap. Do you know how much the US citizens owe student loan when they graduate ?

I agree with GotPR. Unless you have lived in the U.S, you won't know the difficulty living in this country. Before I came to the U.S many years ago, I have the same thought as DavidTseng. Thinking how wonderful life would be in the U.S and thinking how much money or pride I will have living in the U.S.

After couple of years living in the U.S, things doesn't look the same anymore. It is hard living in the U.S. Money is almost everything in here. Americans pursue of wealth are beyond from what I have seen in other countries. It is partly why the U.S has become one of the most expensive place in the world to live. You need to account everything when you live in the U.S. Like GotPR said, tax, housing, insurance, etc. It adds up very quickly. Most middle class Americans can't even afford paying to live in the U.S, that is why they have such a big problems with credits, thus, the fall of today U.S economy.

Similarly, jobs in the U.S is not easy to get. At least the good paying ones. It will all depending on someone education, work experience, and luck to find a job in the U.S. Education is definitely a big key. Without proper education, the amount of income you will get is very limited. Someone who doesn't have a College education will start making about $20,000-$30,000 a year, and someone who have a college education, will start making about $40,000-$50,000 a year (new college grad). It will all depending on the skills and profession. As someone got more experience and promotions, and education, those salary will go up. It sounds a lot of money, but even with $40,000, it will be hard to live in the U.S with that amount. ;)
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Someone who don't have a College education will start making about $20,000-$30,000 a year, and someone who have a college education, will start making about $40,000-$50,000 a year (new college grad). It will all depending on the skills and profession. As someone got more experience and promotions, and education, those salary will go up. It sounds a lot of money, but even with $40,000, it will be hard to live in the U.S with that amount. ;)

...and this will also depends on where you live. You may earn 60K for new college grad but if you live in NYC, that amount is still nothing compare to what your living expenses gonna be like over there.