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  1. J

    waiting for Receipts

    There have been some delays recently for a bunch of EAD receipts.. (check some of my earlier postings).. Were any of your cehcks cashed ? BCIS stamps the LIn # behind or on the checks. Check your bank website for the same if you can.
  2. J

    Interesting Posting on Murthy Forum Page

    Guys > · 1.5 million applications during 2001-2002 fiscal year > · Anticipate 2 million applications for 2002-2003. Assume 100 $ avg application fee for the above cases. That means a revenue of 150 mil to 200 mil $ in revenue. They should probably go public. In fact, H1B fee is...
  3. J

    Nov 5th, 2002 I-485 Receipt Date

    harrapatta2002, Prepare yourself for a year's wait at least. Don't micro manage the process, like checking online status everyday or so for the next 6-8 months. If you move, just make sure that you update your address if you may. Who knows, INS may surprise us all by moving fast in...
  4. J

    New fiscal year starts in a couple of

    I thot that the annual audit takes place before the end of the fiscal year. Also, when this news of diverting the EB I485 resources was first reported at, they also reported that annual audit at NCSC was going on at that time.
  5. J

    EAD/AP receive receipts in a lightining speed!

    A lot of non EB based I485 filers keep on applying for AP / EAD for years together. I recently read in orlando sentinel, that some folks waiting for GCs have been applying for EAD or work permit for 10 years and beyond. I am sure that these may be cases of illegal aliens, asylum seekers...
  6. J

    New fiscal year starts in a couple of

    Guys, it does not help if "some" I485 activity is going on, other than helping the lucky few who got approved in the last two months. I would rather see no activity at all in EB I485s for a month or two, than BCIS dragging our cases with "some" activity for 5-6 months (years ??). If they...
  7. J

    Send Emails to CNN Lou Dobbs Tonight !!!

    Guys, I saw the show tonite. I have been watching Lou Dobbs's show for quite sometime. He seems to have taken the US unemployement issue quite personally and seems to be really after immigrants / H1 B / L1 folks without understanding what the visa mean. >The BCIS director appeared to...
  8. J

    Need expert advice

    I dont see why AC21 cannot be applied to your case ?
  9. J

    Job Code

    And probably the transfer to milwaukee worked in his favour. Are things faster there ?
  10. J

    Sept Ending

    So what do you think folks, should we anticipate an increase in the # of approvals wih Sept 03 ending ?
  11. J

    Very interesting

    Guys, I like the idea of adding 'SPAM' in the subject line.
  12. J

    Lou Dobbs Tonight ! Lets send our BACKLOG PETITION.

    Have you ever watched any of Lou Dobbs Tonight shows ? That guy is completely anti H1 / L1 , immigration. Just last week he was fighting with a senator from Washington State. The Senator was trying to explain that H1s nowadyas do have a lot of clauses to protect the American workers, and...
  13. J

    Rfe ?

    If you have filed through a lawyer, the lawyer will get teh RFE.
  14. J

    EAD & AP question?

    HaveBeenWaiting : I applied for my wife's EAD renewal on 08/22. I got the receipt on 09/23. However, BCIS issued the notice on 08/27 and there is post stamp of the Lincoln Post office of 08/28, but seems like took USPS almost a month to deliver it !
  15. J

    Rupnet 2002 approvals

    Sometimes I think the Priority date of the labour application does come into picture while procesing applications. Btw I am one of the vast 2001 applications not approved yet. RD of Oct 2001.
  16. J

    Address change - please help

    When I last called the BCIS, the "specialist" told me that once we update our address, BCIS sends a confirmation letter to the new address in @ 10 days. Have the folks who changed their adresss recently received any such letter / mail ? Thank you.
  17. J

    Address change - please help

    Guys, what can happen if someone is maitaining two address in during a move an dgets approved. If the approval letter comes to the old addres, can the applicant got the INS office near the new address for his stamping ? Any ideas ?
  18. J

    EAD renewal Approved….

    Yager, yours is first such case I have heard of. I considered myself the "know-all" of EAD processing having applied 3 for my wife, 2 for myself, and have a bunch of friends who are applying for their 3rd EADs. BCIS keeps us on your toes and at our wits ends with their ad-hoc processes.
  19. J

    EAD renewal Approved….

    Guys, if they approve the EAD renewal before the expiration of the previous EAD, the new EAD is dated from the next day after the expiration of the previous one. Hoever, if they come around to approving your EAD renewal application after the first EAD has expired, the start date of the new...
  20. J

    my experience with USPS

    Guys, I dont know if its just me, but I have had this experience with USPS twice. First when I was living in Austin, TX, USPS delivered my first fingerprint notice to a complete stranger. The address on the notice was correctly typed. The person to whom this was delivered lived in a...