Who want to be part of action team

Appologies, but I still maintain that transparency is the key here. It is not that essential to reveal personal information as it is to allow participation in the process.

A case in point, we just organized a meeting of 12 immigrationportal.com members at a town hall meeting by Congressman Pete Stark (13th District). We did the entire thing annonymously online, but when we met up, introduced ourselves as needed and it was a smasher of a meeting. I suggest we follow the same guidelines even for the core team.

As far as read only privileges etc. are concerned, that will be extremely useful. The only problem with that is the fact that it will mean more work (as far as creating user groups etc.) for Rajiv/Operations! :)
Originally posted by 140_takes_4ever
Appologies, but I still maintain that transparency is the key here. It is not that essential to reveal personal information as it is to allow participation in the process.

A case in point, we just organized a meeting of 12 immigrationportal.com members at a town hall meeting by Congressman Pete Stark (13th District). We did the entire thing annonymously online, but when we met up, introduced ourselves as needed and it was a smasher of a meeting. I suggest we follow the same guidelines even for the core team.

As far as read only privileges etc. are concerned, that will be extremely useful. The only problem with that is the fact that it will mean more work (as far as creating user groups etc.) for Rajiv/Operations! :)

I am VERY proud of our community. Good job!

Our work is all of 10 minutes. No biggie.
Deepa note this

Deepa,we should start a small community corner highlighting the achievements and activities of these folks.

Find us space in the newsletter as well as on immigration.com.
Originally posted by 140_takes_4ever

A case in point, we just organized a meeting of 12 immigrationportal.com members at a town hall meeting by Congressman Pete Stark (13th District). We did the entire thing annonymously online, but when we met up, introduced ourselves as needed and it was a smasher of a meeting. I suggest we follow the same guidelines even for the core team.

As far as read only privileges etc. are concerned, that will be extremely useful. The only problem with that is the fact that it will mean more work (as far as creating user groups etc.) for Rajiv/Operations! :)

Yes. 12 non citizens united as a group, (who knows each other only through internet i.e. this portal), average age may be 26, for town hall meeting of US congressman at 8:30 am. (Typically, around 40-50 people attends and mostly 50 Years plus, retired coomunity). I don't know how many world records we broke that day, on 22nd Nov 2003 at 13th district in CA.

It is power of internet and who knows it better than us?

Re: The reason for "secret" is

Originally posted by operations
people can reveal their identities without losing privacy.

We can also make groups read only for all except chosen members.

Your decision. I just need to make you aware of our capabilities.

Yes, We can have read only thread/s and/or hidden thread/s for selective members.

Also, Yahoo!group was started just to initiate personal communication among core group members.
When we act on the Action ??

Dear Friends,

Well it almost took 2 months to form an action team.

As per Rajiv sir it may not be possible to file Law suit, instead we can file CA(?) to at least wake them up.

Well the USCIS already wokeup and had and having somany broken useless promises just like Indian Politicians.

Though Rajiv Sir helped giving the Direction but we the action/core team hardly comeup with anything concreate yet.

Sending/Faxing the letters seems haldy useful except some sweet replies.

The DHS/BCIS/USCIS implements lots of rules, we can not change them, even in near future they may propose to put a silicon chip with GPS activation in our head to locate/identify us.

There may be some similarities between DMV checks and IBIS checks at USCIS.

Around 10 DMV personnels checking 10 times our details (including the present address) this includes 10 queues.
Even though the DMV personnels are contiguos (physically adjecent to each other) they still repeat the same checks. This tells us how slow the process at USCIS.(So even we wake them up, they can not walk).

Why the USCIS VCS processing June 2002 cases while there are still 2001 and 2002 Jan cases pending. Why this randomness can we aks them why??, Can we file a law suit on this basis.

So far we have only some direction but donot know where to go. Seems we did not set a Goal yet!!!

All we wanted is there should be some decision on our pending cases whatever it may be and within the stipulated time period provided by them.

I would like our members(core team) put a status on the currect activities regarding the Action.


1) When the funds collection will start ???
2) Shall we go for a Lobbyist ??
3) Is it possible to invite/meet Mr. Prakash K or some other members for a small meeting with the action team.
4) Any other option??

A waiting men has somany thoughts and fustrations....This is a real life SCARY MOVIE-V..

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A lot of legitimate questions concerning the core group, the SUIT, funds and processing.

I provided the Director's phone number for somebody to call him and have a conversation with him. It maybe Rajiv or ANYBODY ELSE, we decide first. The Ombudsman is useless to me. He did not even reply officially to our petition. Forget about him or better complain as he is not fulfilling any of the position's tasks. Replace him. Complain to the new DHS Deputy director....

It looks to me that people wake up very late indeed. Actually, let us give it a few more days. If there is no change in STATUS that I like, then we need to reconsider the direction. I think we did a lot of Education 101 on the Country, the Press, the USCIS, the fears and the like and in most cases the disbelievers were indeed proven wrong. Finally there is a call to sign a petition against LouDobbs....
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Responding to Smita and Cinta

1) When the funds collection will start ???
++++++++++++++++Once we get incorporated. May be 1-2 weeks

2) Shall we go for a Lobbyist ??

++++++++++++++If necessry - yes.

3) Is it possible to invite/meet Mr. Prakash K or some other members for a small meeting with the action team.

+++++++++++++++++++++Worth a shot. My feeling is these people have not had time to get organized yet.

3) Any other option??

+++++++++++++++++++The law suit is still an option. I have not given up on that.
Dear Rajiv Sir,

Thanks to you very much for the Status info.

Probably the Law suit may be our last option.

I did remember(if I am not wrong) one atternoy mentioned that we can file law suit if USCIS proccess a case leaving other earlier cases in the queue.

I mean june/august cases are processed/approved leaving other jan/feb/march cases in queue. On this basis a January case holder may file a law suit.

Please ignore it if I am wrong.

Also forgive us if we are taking you valuable time.

Hi smita,
you raised very good points. I agree with Rajiv's suggestions to your questions. Onething is sure. BCIS will not improve the pace of approvals unless it feels the pressure. The only people who will put pressure on BCIS is the applicants (yes, WE). Unfortunately we are not able to organise properly due to our inherent letharzy , lack of methodical approach and more importantly our scattered locations and our pre-occupation with our work. We need to break all these shackles. I hope that once we collect fund, we will have enough tools at our hands to envigourate the people with incentives.

Hi all,
I think that it's time we should all meet, atleast state level. So we need to expand the volunteer teams so that we will have atleast 5 people from each state(with one of them as the team lead). These people should regularly meet and co-ordinate efforts to meet the local congress men or BCIS officials.
I am reproducing the current volunteer list. I think we have to ask more people to become volunteers. If you all agree, then let us create a new thread asking for more volunteers from unrepresented states. I think only CA and NJ are well represented. We can easily get a lot of folks from VA, MA and PA.

List of current Volunteers: (excluding core team)
V NJ 00 smita_goyle
V ZZ 00 karns
V VA 00 ramss
N ZZ 00 shsa
N ZZ 00 curryus
N ZZ 00 andy2000
T ZZ 00 tr22
T GA 04 taj72
T ZZ 00 srvimmi
T ZZ 00 allsucks

C CA 13 kadamtal
C CA 13 karma_yoga
C CA 14 140_takes_4ever
C CA 14 kashmir
C CA 15 c610
C CA 15 kuldeepc
C CA 16 rk4gc
C CA 24 westlakeuser
C CA 41 ganshm
C KS 03 srvimmi
N MI 11 GCJhalak
N MO 03 hidden_dragon
T TX 21 tr22
V MI 09 Edison
V NJ 06 rajum
V NJ 06 tamilpayyan
V PA 06 cinta
V PA 08 PhillyKP
State level volunteer list is more important to meet local Congressman/senators in group to lobby for our issues.

CA - active
MI - members are forming a group (see NSC forum)
GA - has many active members
VA - YJay, goastros, Find some active members to work with you
MA - Raj Chandra, Find some active members to work with you
TX - members are forming a group (see TSC forum)
NJ - dsatish/smitha goyle , start a new thread to form a group
PA - cinta, Find some active members to work with you

Please start a state wise group, so that local group can meet and co-ordinate the lobbying efforts.
Sorry to comment, but I haven't seen too much movement in this core team thread either. None of the core team members seem to be very active in moving forward with either Legislative or Legal action. I understand it is everyone's responsibility to do something about the situation, but our core team leads have to set the path. Case in point, dSatish suggested a conference call , which has not been commented on nor implemented. He also suggested a discusion on various issues before us, and no one seems to have any ideas or atleast doesn't want to share any.

Come on people, you are the ones with enthusiasm, let us move forward, if we don't move OUR lethargic asses how can we motivate the other forum members?

To give you an update on my activities in the past week or so:
1. I have been actively trying to drum up support amongst 140 applicants from ALL the service centers as well as amongst 485 applicants from VSC, NSC and TSC.
2. Worked on organizing the meeting with Congressman Pete Stark's staff last Saturday with 12 members from CSC.
3. Partially formulated an action plan for future legislative action in CSC, which is up for critique in the Town Hall Meeting thread. (will update with link soon).
Most of the members are active for last four months in various ways to address I-485 issues. The enthusiasm slowed down since we didn't receive proper reply from anyone. These days, I don't even update my efforts here. I used to update all my efforts few months back to gather more support for our group. Now there are lot of active members, so I don't feel the necessity to wake up the people.

Now we started the yahoo group for core team(I didn't complete the list due to per day restriction to add members to group). We should plan for conference call.

Start state level groups, it will be more effective and productive.
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Originally posted by Edison
Now there are lot of active members, so I don't feel the necessity to wake up the people.
Now we started the yahoo group for core team(I didn't complete the list due to per day restriction to add members to group). We should plan for conference call.
Edison you cannot stop the process of waking up people. We are no where near finished with the task of mobilizing a task force. We don't even have more than 15 people from the entire forum active in this regard. We need atleast 100 to be really effective, so I URGE you not to stop with your enthusiastic posts.

Since the Conference call idea needs a push, how about suggesting a date/time? Due to the 3 hour time difference between East and West coast, are more people interested in mid morning East coast, early morning West, or evening East Coast with an afternoon timing for the West?

If a few people post their preferences, we can make tentative plans for dates/time slots.
That is happening already, but single processing is not the answer. We need strong multi processing which means a national as well as a state wide campaign.

CSC is doing a good job right now, so people from there need to share experiences, advise, encouragement and guidelines to forums that might not have so many active participants. To co-ordinate this effort there needs to be a national team.

So while focusing on State wide groups is good, there needs to be some co-ordination between the various forums on a national level. But that is my 2 cents, feel free to disagree.
Originally posted by Edison
State level volunteer list is more important to meet local Congressman/senators in group to lobby for our issues.

CA - active
MI - members are forming a group (see NSC forum)
GA - has many active members
VA - YJay, goastros, Find some active members to work with you
MA - Raj Chandra, Find some active members to work with you
TX - members are forming a group (see TSC forum)
NJ - dsatish/smitha goyle , start a new thread to form a group
PA - cinta, Find some active members to work with you

Please start a state wise group, so that local group can meet and co-ordinate the lobbying efforts.

Sorry for my ignorance, but " how to get to TSC forum", would like to be state level volunteer, ie Florida.

Contacted Florida congressman office (John Mica), the Aide sent letter to TSC director and copy to me.
few points


Let me post a few points so we can go ahead:

1: Yes, we need National as well as State level representatives for an effective campaign. What this means is that even at the City level and state government level contacts can be valuable. example: Governors, assembly members, state legislature, etc.

2: We need to post ALL activities and correspondence, so we can gather more steam and people. Yahoo groups is a good way, but we need to expand.

3: Lawsuit. Maybe we need to consult and/or get the ACLU or some other strong organisation involved like AILA. This is a gradual process. The ACLU can be contacted at the State or National level. Just yesterday they were threatening the Philly Immigration office with a suit (Philadelphia Inquirer) for the special registration.

4: Review of past activities and coordination: In this review we need to identify the forces that can make a difference and the friendly advocates to our cause (isn, mpi?, immigration forum, AILA?,Lawyers, etc). This may be tricky. Congrees activities is a good example as well as the Judiciary and immigration committees, appropriations, DHS committees, etc.
Behind all these committees there is usually a group of people (forum) who make policy. Examples are the Defense policy forum and the DHS forum (people posted already). These people may be as powerful as any congressman.

5: Petition. A review to see how we can spread the message. We need Endorsment from organisations, companies and important people..the illegals did it.

6: Other government officials. Complain to the Ombudsman either directly if the communication is possible or by calling the Director at 202-514-4600. Contact the newly appointed DHS Deputy and complain.

7: Quick organisation. With the "immigrationportal" becoming a non-profit (Thanks Rajiv) we need to follow up. We need E_MAIL addresses pointing to this COMMON organisation. examples could be like e-mail aliases, like XXXX@immigrationportal.com. This will define a common source, even though we can use our personal e-mail addresses.

8: We need to utilize the ETHNIC diversity and resources at every level. Press, Congress, Caucuses, organisations, important people, companies CEOs, Religious leaders (Christian, any like Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, Muslim, jewish, Hindu, etc..remember the religious workers? Think tanks friendly to us..professional organisations, women's organisations (where are the primary or derivative women applicants??? they do take a slice from the 140,000 infamous employment visas, example: NOW). Maybe Jessy Jackson's Rainbow Coalition or Jessy Ventura's CNBC America, or something. These are just examples to excite some.
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