Who want to be part of action team

administrator(s) - Re: Call me Rajiv

Originally posted by operations
I still need to know who among you want to be the adminstrator of the project management software we have installed.
How many administrators can we have for the project management software ?
In case of more than two, I recommend karma_yoga from CSC forum in addition to Edison.
I can be adminstrator for project management software. I'll contact you by mail for further details.

If we need more than one administrator, I am ready to take the responsibility. In case of one administrator I think, Edison is our best choice.

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Originally posted by karma_yoga
How do u add link in signature?
It is just like adding links/urls in regular posts. Create an URL using one of the "post" threads and copy/paste it in your profile under signature. That should do the trick!
Re: Use the existing petition

Originally posted by operations

Be wary of inviting lawyers to join in.

My motivation: I need nothing from you.

So DO WHAT YOU NEED TO DO. YOU HAVE MY FULL SUPPORT. But be smart about it. The hard part is SUSTAINING the effort. I have built several grassroot efforts under most exacting circumstances. The burn out rate of participants is high if efforts are not properly coordinated and shared. Lighting the fire is easy, keeping it lit is the real challenge. So conceptualize, organize and above all, work together people.
It is very comforting to know your views.

Re: Use the existing petition

Originally posted by operations
The hard part is SUSTAINING the effort. I have built several grassroot efforts under most exacting circumstances. The burn out rate of participants is high if efforts are not properly coordinated and shared. Lighting the fire is easy, keeping it lit is the real challenge. So conceptualize, organize and above all, work together people.
There you go Golden words of wisdom!

karma_yogi, Edison,

Get cracking the moment you get admin access to the project management page, there is too much energy here that needs to be channelized. Let's not waste any more time.

FYI, I am trying to mobilize the I140 applicants from various forums towards supporting the cause, they will gain the maximum out of speedy processing since they have spent ages in Labor and I140 processing. The pool of I140 applicants should atleast double our total output and contribututions!

If the moderators of those forums could keep those posts up for visibility it would be VERY useful! If other active core team volunteers give it an occassional bump or post encouraging news there, from current campaigns it will be much appreciated!
I have given the following access rights

Karma_Yoga: Can add projects and all other related stuff (Chief)

Edison: Can add projects and all other related stuff (Chief)

Edison_Admin: Can add users and give them passwords etc.

E-mail me please for your passwords.

I am still working on some minor but annoying details (for instance, users cannot change their password to one of their choice. The Admin assigns it or they have to pick a random PWD. I will have to change some configuration settings in the PHP files. Right now, I am the only one with the knowhow. 5 of our people are busy finalizing a tracker project. Which looks kinda cool. Sneak preview will come soon).

But go ahead and start working with it.
Re: I have given the following access rights

Originally posted by operations
Karma_Yoga: Can add projects and all other related stuff (Chief)

Edison: Can add projects and all other related stuff (Chief)

Edison_Admin: Can add users and give them passwords etc.

But go ahead and start working with it.


Which location is it installed?


This software is cool. I was able to create projects, sub projects, sub-sub projects. Create calender events, to do list, attachments etc. Without reading any manual, just by trial and error. This is a wonderful project management software. Gives instant comfort level to user. :) :) :)
Originally posted by karma_yoga


This software is cool. I was able to create projects, sub projects, sub-sub projects. Create calender events, to do list, attachments etc. Without reading any manual, just by trial and error. This is a wonderful project management software. Gives instant comfort level to user. :) :) :)

It will do for now, but there are features we need that are missing. I will explain as I go along. I am still struggling with some of the configuration issues. May take me a week or two to resolve.:) :)
Edison_admin / Kashmir_admin / Rajiv_admin,

After I changed my login password at projects, and now it has locked me out. Pls help.
I have set it back to your old PW

Originally posted by karma_yoga
Edison_admin / Kashmir_admin / Rajiv_admin,

After I changed my login password at projects, and now it has locked me out. Pls help.

I guess it is best for Admins to change the PW for now. I will look at this problem. You can E-Mail me the PW you want me to assign.
Originally posted by tammy2
May be it is good idea to donate the blood for our GC campaign. We all should conduct the blood donation camp in the towns to attract the media attention.

Tammy2 it is novel idea I am copying it to Action team and Backlogs thread. It can be incorporated in to our future plan of actions
Edison_admin / Kashmir_admin / Rajiv_admin,

Is it possible to make groups of participants?
Some members will remain member of many groups..etc.
sub-Project will get participants from a group (state wise).
It might be a good idea to group participants state wise.

Re: Debates - my 2 cents on the issue

Originally posted by 140_takes_4ever
Just to get started on the process of coming up with a consensus on various issues:

Sample debating topics :
1) Are we going to suggest any minimum amount for contributions from the people in this forum ?

I would say no formally, but informally keep an informal reference sheet open. (like restaurant bills that precalculate tip amounts to 10% - 15% - 20% - for your convinience). We should try to create awareness and show people where the money is going and how it will be spelt. Not to mention the benefit they will receive from their funds. The rest we should leave to them. Coerciveness of imposed contributions will limit the final amount collected and every penny counts.

2) What is our top most priority (once we collect funds) ?

Our key focus should be legislative action, Budgets come up for renewal every year, legal action takes time. A friendly nudge and a wink by the appropriations committee to the Director of INS will go much further that legal threats. INS top brass is all lawyers in any case.

That being said, I would support a strong show of force to Congressmen and Senators and try to win them to our sides.

3) How is our team going to take final decisions ?

We live in a democracy so need to behave like one. Voting is the way to go, after discussion and case presentations.

4) How are we going to function as a team ? Is it just by exchanging postings in this forum Or teleconference sessions or regional meetings ? In case of regional meetings, we need regional coordinators. We also need to appoint some people as convenors for different actions (yjay for finance, edison for general actions, xxxxx for legal actions, yyyy for meeting congress men, zzzzz for organizing debates etc).

This will grow and grow fast/big if it needs to succeed. Nothing beats teleconferencing or face to face meetings if required. A good start would be to get a group going (like yahoo groups), where we can directly communicate via email.

It is very essential that this process be transparent, since the majority of the money will come from other portal users, so a strict log/minutes need to be kept. If necessary, we should host it on a website (we should ask Rajiv if he can lend us a small wing of the bigger Immigration.com portal). Periodically have polls, etc. to make sure we are carrying the weight of the entire community with us. The committee shouldn't run away on its own but stick to very narrow parameters, defined PRIOR to accepting money from the community.

Just wanted to get some thoughts out there for people to chew and comment on. We need to get started with organizing, while at the same time continuing with our fax/email/town hall campaigns. This is a priority! We need to be ready to pick up the ball once Rajiv gives us the go ahead on the non-profit organization and Money account. We have to be ready and discussion is the only way to go. So let us get started!

Looks Good.