Who want to be part of action team

multi processing

In case of multi processing, are going to keep track of all our activities and let congressman/senator know about it, or Just hand over our issue list/concern, etc...
Re: multi processing

Originally posted by cat&mouse
In case of multi processing, are going to keep track of all our activities and let congressman/senator know about it, or Just hand over our issue list/concern, etc...
What we did last time around when informed that no immigration legislature can be passed in a Republican controlled house by a staff member on Congressman Stark's team, was to tell her that we are a grass roots organization with members in most congressional districts and we will be petitioning all the Congressmen with our issues.

But that is not what I was trying to drive at when I spoke of multi processing. I was trying to show the need for co-ordination, co-operation and support! We won't have active members in each congressional district, in some cases we won't have more than one or two people willing to stand up to be counted, it is more difficult for them to do so alone as compared to being helped by a massive support structure. Hence the need for National teams, which work with state wide teams as well.


I think you summarized our future goals and directions VERY WELL. All we need to do is follow up on them! :) Even if we don't do everything you mentioned, instead end up doing half, even then we will be better off than where we are today!

My only grouse is that no one seems to be doing anything! We haven't moved anywhere in the past week as compared to what I expected us too.

Rajiv goes through all this trouble to set up the project management software at short notice and we haven't utilized it at all.

Awareness, something so essential to our organization, doesn't seem to be spreading as fast as it should because I don't see too many core team volunteers spreading the word!

I just feel we can do much better, no we NEED to do much better. We need to move, because every day we wait for INS to process our applications, is another day lost!

All I want to do is first motivate our core team to be more pro-active, and then we will have an even tougher job of moving the lethargic Immigration community with us.

An update on the situation in California: Click Here
We will be visiting Congressman Tom Lantos's office (12th District) on Wednesday next. Don't hold too much hopes for the meeting as you will see if you follow the link posted above, but it is a start and we will spread awareness and we will be pro-active.

I don't know about your guys, but I am dead sick of waiting and doing nothing. The only person from the core team, I am aware off, who is really doing his bit and way war more is Kashmir. And the rest of us NEED to be following in his wide footsteps!
Looking at the petition makes me wonder

What if we start faxing the petition with the signatures already collected.
I mean to say instead of sending 1 fax with 3000 + signatures, let us send 100 faxes everyday ( with individual signatures from the already signed petition) for 30 days to the director of USCIS. No response, start it all over again by adding a line on the top 'Reminder/Follow up #1'.
We can take turns doing this. Maybe they would be forced to take some action this way. We also will keep a record log of this.

Some points from all new messages

1. NEVER be discouraged. Hunker up and keep working at it. What anyone does or does not do should be of no concern to your efforts.

2. EVERY organization, AILA, ACLU, every organizatin has their own agenda. They will help you only if their agenda is furthered by it. Only YOU truly have an agenda for yourself. take control of your own situation.

I have seen today's business/legal world for too long. Everyone is motivated by their own, short sighted goals. You folks are good people. How many of you would get behind a cause that was of no direct concern to you. Well, that is just the way it is. If we know reality and be at peace with it, then and only then we can be effective.

Bottomline: keep going.
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Re: Looking at the petition makes me wonder

Originally posted by gambler
What if we start faxing the petition with the signatures already collected.
I mean to say instead of sending 1 fax with 3000 + signatures, let us send 100 faxes everyday ( with individual signatures from the already signed petition) for 30 days to the director of USCIS. No response, start it all over again by adding a line on the top 'Reminder/Follow up #1'.
We can take turns doing this. Maybe they would be forced to take some action this way. We also will keep a record log of this.


Sure. Every bit counts.
Re: Some points from all new messages

I totally agree !!
Originally posted by operations
1. NEVER be discouraged. Hunker up and keep working at it. What anyone does or does not do should be of no concern to your efforts.

2. EVERY organization, AILA, ACLU, every organizatin has their own agenda. They will help you only if their agenda is furthered by it. Only YOU truly have an agenda for yourself. take control of your own situation.

I have seen today's business/legal world for too long. Everyone is motivated by their own, short sighted goals. You folks are good people. How many of you would get behind a cause that was of no direct concern to you. Well, that is just the way it is. If we know reality and be at peace with it, then and only then we can be effective.

Bottomline: keep going.
Core team Yahoo group is active. Let's use yahoo group for personal contacts. I personally believe personal contacts can strengthen our team.

Again I request everyone to concentrate on local saate level teams which inturn will strengthen our national team.

Here is the answer from the Co-director of the MPI. Meeting with the USCIS director again. Please write to other members of the MPI.


Dear XXXX,
Thank you for your kind words.
You raise many critical issues which need answers--immediately.
But you know the reasons and the excuses.
i will be with aguirre in ottawa later on this week and i will raise these matter with him once more--but doing things well and faster are probably "above his pay grade." I believe that the function itself will have to be spun off a la SSI or even quasi-privatized ( a "public corporation" of sorts?) IF WE ARE TO CONQUER SOME OF THESE ISSUES.
In any event, lets all try to do our best in these difficult times.
If you have an idea for an MPI event on these matters--we will need the right data and the right people--just shout!
Bon courage, my friend.
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Nice warm reply from Demetri ! I wish Khatri was the same too ....

Originally posted by cinta
Here is the answer from the Co-director of the MPI. Meeting with the USCIS director again. Please write to other members of the MPI.


Dear XXXX,
Thank you for your kind words.
You raise many critical issues which need answers--immediately.
But you know the reasons and the excuses.
i will be with aguirre in ottawa later on this week and i will raise these matter with him once more--but doing things well and faster are probably "above his pay grade." I believe that the function itself will have to be spun off a la SSI or even quasi-privatized ( a "public corporation" of sorts?) IF WE ARE TO CONQUER SOME OF THESE ISSUES.
In any event, lets all try to do our best in these difficult times.
If you have an idea for an MPI event on these matters--we will need the right data and the right people--just shout!
Bon courage, my friend.
Sorry for not being in touch for last week. Something at home front needs my urgent
attention, so I won’t be active on immigration portal for at least 1 more week
Please, keep the momentum. I will be back around 8th December.

At projects.immigration.com, I have created the basic directory structure for coordinating activities at different districts. One problem though: After assigning a district (sub-sub-project) to 1-2 volunteers, when the volunteers add stuff in it, the(sub-sub-project), moves out from directory structure. If a Chief do the same thing, its stays in the directory structure.
We need to fix such issues for better coordination. I searched on net for better project management software (free off course) in linux/windows. Couldn’t find one. Or may be I haven’t search hard enough. If you know any other let me know. I can try at my home to see if it is good our needs. Or may be we have to develop our own. ( Like, our aim is to make a Tea. But to start with we have to get milk from cow. And so on…..)
Honestly, without proper project management we will be loosing steam. Besides we don’t want overwhelm people with lots of threads and info and expectations.
Also, I think we will soon need a professional strategist for lobbying efforts in future.
I will be back around 8th December on this portal.

VA team

HI YJay,
Why don't you make one last attempt to form a VA team ? We have formed a NJ team and MA team is also getting ready. Please start a thread for VA. Since i am actively associated with NJ team, i may not be able to start VA team. I will join VA team also because i will be in VA on alternate week-ends and i can all of you.
Conference Call

Hi Core Team,
How about having a conference call this Saturday. I am meeting NJ team members this week-end and we(NJ team) all can participate through one phone. Tele conferencing is pretty simple and we need to have this meeting to give a kick start to our efforts and also to bring commitment from all the core team members. How about having the conference call this Saturday ?
I think conference call is very good idea. I think I will be able to make it on this Saturday. Thanks dsatish for initiative. K_Y
Conference call is a good idea. What time is your meeting in NJ? We can try and coordinate a time after giving you guys some time to get to know each other and then get on one line with the rest of us. Offcourse we can leave the number open in case any other portal members want to listen in.
conference call

I think that it is too short a notice for conference call. Let us have that after 2 or 3 weeks. Meanwhile let us concentrate on building the state level teams.
conference call for the core team members

I will try to arrange the conference call for the core team tentatively during the next week-end (Dec'13th). I will provide the details during the next week. Is that OK with all of you ?

Sorry but I beg to differ. Saturday is definitely not short notice. I think it is high time we move forward before the momentum slows due to inactivity and people start to lose enthusiasm. We have a yahoo groups with email addresses and all we need to do is ping everyone using it. That way we can reach everyone who is interested, free and take it from there.

I also fail to see the co-relation between working for state as well as generating momentum on a national level. I think both can be done simultaniously without any hinderance to each other.

The way I look at it, something needs to be done! Action/Motion is key, or we risk stagnation.
Hi 140_takes_4ever,
Can you please book a free conference call for this Saturday (12/6) and publish the Access Number and Passcode here. Since the NJ team is meeting at some one's residence, i can't ask him if i can use his phone number for booking the conference call. So click the following link, folllow the instructions, book the conference call for 15 members for 1 hour (preferably from 5PM to 6PM EST).


Note : Any other core team member is welcome to book this call if we don't get a response from 140_takes_4ever (if he does not log in).

I have a telephone number and access code which I will be posting on the core team yahoo email group.

Let us stick to Saturday (12/6) from 5PM EST (2PM Pacific), I will try to post a simple agenda that people can add to or subtract from, for discussion on Saturday.

If non core team people want to join (we can have a max of 96 callers), please PM/email (if you have my email address) me or your respective state team lead for telephone number and access code. I will give out the access code to 60 other participants on a first come first served basis, reserving 20 for the core team and 16 for special invitees if any.

Hope to hear you all in the next 48 hours.
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Originally posted by 140_takes_4ever

I have a telephone number and access code which I will be posting on the core team yahoo email group.

Let us stick to Saturday (12/6) from 5PM EST (2PM Pacific), I will try to post a simple agenda that people can add to or subtract from, for discussion on Saturday.

If non core team people want to join (we can have a max of 96 callers), please PM/email (if you have my email address) me for telephone number and access code. I will give out the access code to 60 other participants on a first come first served basis, reserving 20 for the core team and 16 for special invitees if any.

Hope to hear you all in the next 48 hours.

Why don't you try this with about ten people first? The quality of a conference call dramatically drops with the number of people, usually, unless this free service is immune.
(from my experience with conference calls)