Re: multi processing
Originally posted by cat&mouse
In case of multi processing, are going to keep track of all our activities and let congressman/senator know about it, or Just hand over our issue list/concern, etc...
What we did last time around when informed that no immigration legislature can be passed in a Republican controlled house by a staff member on Congressman Stark's team, was to tell her that we are a grass roots organization with members in most congressional districts and we will be petitioning all the Congressmen with our issues.
But that is not what I was trying to drive at when I spoke of multi processing. I was trying to show the need for co-ordination, co-operation and support! We won't have active members in each congressional district, in some cases we won't have more than one or two people willing to stand up to be counted, it is more difficult for them to do so alone as compared to being helped by a massive support structure. Hence the need for National teams, which work with state wide teams as well.
I think you summarized our future goals and directions VERY WELL. All we need to do is follow up on them!
Even if we don't do everything you mentioned, instead end up doing half, even then we will be better off than where we are today!
My only grouse is that no one seems to be doing anything! We haven't moved anywhere in the past week as compared to what I expected us too.
Rajiv goes through all this trouble to set up the project management software at short notice and we haven't utilized it at all.
Awareness, something so essential to our organization, doesn't seem to be spreading as fast as it should because I don't see too many core team volunteers spreading the word!
I just feel we can do much better, no we NEED to do much better. We need to move, because every day we wait for INS to process our applications, is another day lost!
All I want to do is first motivate our core team to be more pro-active, and then we will have an even tougher job of moving the lethargic Immigration community with us.
An update on the situation in California:
Click Here
We will be visiting Congressman Tom Lantos's office (12th District) on Wednesday next. Don't hold too much hopes for the meeting as you will see if you follow the link posted above, but it is a start and we will spread awareness and we will be pro-active.
I don't know about your guys, but I am dead sick of waiting and doing nothing. The only person from the core team, I am aware off, who is really doing his bit and way war more is
Kashmir. And the rest of us NEED to be following in his wide footsteps!