N-400 applied after July'07 and got Interview??

Actually, I got my IL, but I sent it back, along with a request that I be placed in name check for the next few years, because I'm a glutton for punishment and a mental masochist! :D:D:D

That was a bad attempt at a joke, please don't take it seriously!

I should report you :D
Just email the link to this post to Vorpal's IO. He will take care Vorpal during the interview of the Y/N set of questions of N-400 :D:D:D:D:D

With a little bit of luck, maybe I'll even get myself deported for excessive traffic tickets!:D

OK, let me stop now!
Now, you are claiming that you are driving a fast car?
Vorpal, a rich immigrant. :D

Hahahaha, a 2007 Dodge Charger. :cool:

However, I've only had 1 speeding ticket in my entire life, when I was 19. I got pulled over by a sergeant in Rockville Centre (a NYC suburb) at around 1 A.M. It's a well-to-do area, so the cops there have nothing to do. At first, the cop accused me of being drunk, which I was not. He made me pull into a parking lot and, within minutes, there were about 10 cruisers surrounding me, all with their lights flashing. I'm sitting in my car and thinking to myself "wow, they just bagged a big criminal!". One by one, the cops took turns coming up to me and shining their flashlights in my face. After about 20 minutes of this nonsense, a different cop tried to get me to confess that I've been drinking, to which I told him "if you're so sure I've been drinking, go ahead and breathalyze me right now". Needless to say, I didn't get breathalyzed. The sergeant who initially pulled me over gave me a ticket for doing 41 in a 35 zone (mind you, he had no radar in his car!), and told me that he knows I'm drunk. He then took away my car keys and said that I have to stay in the parking lot and sober up, and an officer will come back in a couple of hours and return my keys.

If that's not a perfect example of abuse of power, I don't know what is. Oh, and my car at the time was a wreck that I bought for $500.
Early FP done in Oakland 8:30 am

PD : 12/10/07
ND :12/14 for spouse, 12/18/07 for me
FP letter mailed by INS : 1/10/08
FP letter received : 1/14/08
Went to Oakland with e-ticket copy at 8:30 am -- guy at the door called his supe and allowed us in for early FP.
Early FP done: 1/15/08
Actual FP appointment: 2/05/08 ( that was the date we were coming back -- so would have been hard to rush to the FP app from the airport )
Guess the wait is on for IL now
Hahahaha, a 2007 Dodge Charger. :cool:

However, I've only had 1 speeding ticket in my entire life, when I was 19. I got pulled over by a sergeant in Rockville Centre (a NYC suburb) at around 1 A.M. It's a well-to-do area, so the cops there have nothing to do. At first, the cop accused me of being drunk, which I was not. He made me pull into a parking lot and, within minutes, there were about 10 cruisers surrounding me, all with their lights flashing. I'm sitting in my car and thinking to myself "wow, they just bagged a big criminal!". One by one, the cops took turns coming up to me and shining their flashlights in my face. After about 20 minutes of this nonsense, a different cop tried to get me to confess that I've been drinking, to which I told him "if you're so sure I've been drinking, go ahead and breathalyze me right now". Needless to say, I didn't get breathalyzed. The sergeant who initially pulled me over gave me a ticket for doing 41 in a 35 zone (mind you, he had no radar in his car!), and told me that he knows I'm drunk. He then took away my car keys and said that I have to stay in the parking lot and sober up, and an officer will come back in a couple of hours and return my keys.

If that's not a perfect example of abuse of power, I don't know what is. Oh, and my car at the time was a wreck that I bought for $500.

Are you serious? Power trippers, thats all they do everyday.
Once I got speeding ticket, for 83mil/h where it was 65 and the officer was nice and at the end he said take care bro.
He just called me Bro? And guess what, I called and showed up for the court day but the ticket was lost and it is still lost so that Bro. saved my A**.
My record shows nothing but an empty paper with no lines? Some blue line probably..
Are you serious? Power trippers, thats all they do everyday.
Once I got speeding ticket, for 83mil/h where it was 65 and the officer was nice and at the end he said take care bro.
He just called me Bro? And guess what, I called and showed up for the court day but the ticket was lost and it is still lost so that Bro. saved my A**.
My record shows nothing but an empty paper with no lines? Some blue line probably..

I've had a few parking tickets where the cops forgot to fill in the date. In New York, that's grounds for automatic dismissal.

The really classic thing about my incident in Rockville Centre was the sergeant saying "And you expect me to believe that?", when I told him that I haven't been drinking. I was stunned for a moment, and then told him "as a matter of fact, yes I do!".
That is hard to believe anyway. :D
But it is sort of lame, speeding ticket for being 6 mil/h more? yuk.
I have a feeling that my IL is in my box today. I will go and pickit up :d
I am a psychic but didn't tell you guys :d "Vorpal, IL will be there next week on Wed."
That is hard to believe anyway. :D
But it is sort of lame, speeding ticket for being 6 mil/h more? yuk.
I have a feeling that my IL is in my box today. I will go and pickit up :d
I am a psychic but didn't tell you guys :d "Vorpal, IL will be there next week on Wed."

js360 also got a ticket for doing a 5 or 6 miles over limit on the way back from his interview. If a cop is bored, he/she will do anything to pass time. I was once driving with a friend of mine, and we got pulled over and searched for no reason at all. We didn't run any signs or make any illegal turns. The cops had the audacity to turn out our pockets and grill us on what we were doing in that neighborhood (no racial profiling, either - 2 white guys in a predominantly white neighborhood). Everyone in NYC has been harassed by the police at some point in their lives.
Finaly I'm done with my FP. I walked in this morning and almost no one there. Maybe 2 people before me that's it, the officer gave me the number, and then I heard someone calling my number, not even have time to walk to sit. Everything done maybe in 5 minutes..

So do you think it is wise to call the FBI now if there is no problem with my FP? or wait until tomorrow?
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In my letter, it states that i should be waiting for my interview to be conducted in 730 days. I think its ridicilous! What does it say in your letters? I was super happy earlier just to have my NOA but i just noticed the "730 days" part. I am down!
action123, good for you not you are here in line. Call them up tomorrow and ask them for result but I am sure it is clear.

Gatedgal, Don't be down cuz that is only a generic message, all different DO to Do but it doesn't really say anything (meaningless). Put it this way, very good excuse for USCIS in case that your case is being delayed. I don't think if it would take that long unless get stuck in name check.
In my letter, it states that i should be waiting for my interview to be conducted in 730 days. I think its ridicilous! What does it say in your letters? I was super happy earlier just to have my NOA but i just noticed the "730 days" part. I am down!

730 days is the generic processing time on NOAs for Charlotte DO. I wouldn't take this as a reliable processing time.
What is the FBI phone number where you call at to check for the finger prints? Also, what all do they ask you - Name/SSN/A#?
In my letter, it states that i should be waiting for my interview to be conducted in 730 days. I think its ridicilous! What does it say in your letters? I was super happy earlier just to have my NOA but i just noticed the "730 days" part. I am down!

Gatedgal, they keyword is "WITHIN" 730 days. Mine says 540 days, which is a standard number for NYC applicants. The real timeframe has been significantly less than that, according to NYC posts. Don't lose hope yet :)