• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2013 AOS Only

I'm a bit confused about translating my documents.
In this forum I read that all the certification, original, copy and translations need to be notarized by a public notary, but on the USCIS website I read that- "Any foreign language document must be accompanied by a full English translation that the translator has certified as complete and correct, and by the translator's certification that he or she is competent to translate the foreign language into English". nothing about notery.

What would you suggest me to do?

One more question- how much does it cost to pay to the translator, more or less?

Thanks!!! this forum really helps me a lot in the all process..
I'm a bit confused about translating my documents.
In this forum I read that all the certification, original, copy and translations need to be notarized by a public notary, but on the USCIS website I read that- "Any foreign language document must be accompanied by a full English translation that the translator has certified as complete and correct, and by the translator's certification that he or she is competent to translate the foreign language into English". nothing about notery.

What would you suggest me to do?

One more question- how much does it cost to pay to the translator, more or less?

Thanks!!! this forum really helps me a lot in the all process..

check your private messages
One more question- how much does it cost to pay to the translator, more or less?

It does not cost a bit, you just need to find somebody who is fluent in both English and your language, like a friend or colleague. I have posted an example about translation certification in this thread a while ago, please find that. The certification basically says that the translator translated the document for you and he knows what he is doing etc. and the notary notarizes that he really exists. :)
Just found that I'm current on July. From 2011 timeline I can see that several people who were current on July 2011 sent their
package on May. Is there a down side in sending the package now like those people did? I'm afraid that if I'll send it on July,
I won't be able to finalize the process on time (which is 10/31??)

Actually 9/30. If you send it now, there is good chance it will be returned to you. But if you want to try, go ahead and try it. Just make sure you have copies of everything. If they return it to you, it may take a few weeks to arrive. To increase your chances, put a copy of the visa bulletin with a big red marker around the DV dates.
Hey guys~
Just letting you guys know the stage where I got. 3 days ago I received an email from USCIS saying that they've received my case and ill send me a receipt (Form I-797) in 7-10 days time.
I'm also working on discussing with my sponsor. I found someone but my school finals are making it impossible for me to meet up with him.



(Mostly to you s1smom!!!!!)
Hey guys~
Just letting you guys know the stage where I got. 3 days ago I received an email from USCIS saying that they've received my case and ill send me a receipt (Form I-797) in 7-10 days time.
I'm also working on discussing with my sponsor. I found someone but my school finals are making it impossible for me to meet up with him.



(Mostly to you s1smom!!!!!)

Awwww, you're so sweet Mel, tnx! ((((hug&kisses))))

Congrats so far regarding your current AOS status, the rest of the walk will be a breeze for you (I'm trusting so much in your success)!

It's good to know you've found someone who is willing to fill out the I-134 for you. I actually did a bit of research over the weekend on the enforceability of the I-134 on a sponsor, and I pleasantly discovered USCIS says the form is not legally enforceable, which means it is not legally binding on whoever fills it out. Shocking ehy?!

According to the U.S. Department of State Foreign Affairs Manual Volume 9 Visas, Section 9 FAM 40.41 N4.6-3 (pg 15), Form I-134, though helpful in judging financial ability and in helping to determine a visa applicant will not become a public charge, it is not legally binding on whoever fills it out for the applicant. See for yourself:


So for all those still struggling to find someone to fill out the I-134 for them, it might be of help to print this out and show it to them, that regardless of the 'scary and strong' wordings on that form, they not legally obligated to you!
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and I pleasantly discovered USCIS says the form is not legally enforceable, which means it is not legally binding on whoever fills it out. Shocking ehy?!

It is great news, but I (as the forever pessimist) think that an independent court of law may rule differently if it comes to that. Basically you sign a document that says you are responsible for this person. A judge can justifiably rule that you should enforce and honor your own signature. USCIS is not a court of law, and if some other branch of government sues you to pay for the usage of public assistance by the person you sponsored, USCIS has no say and no skin in the game. Just sayin' :rolleyes:
Awwww, you're so sweet Mel, tnx! ((((hug&kisses))))

Congrats so far regarding your current AOS status, the rest of the walk will be a breeze for you (I'm trusting so much in your success)!

It's good to know you've found someone who is willing to fill out the I-130 for you. I actually did a bit of research over the weekend on the enforceability of the I-134 on a sponsor, and I pleasantly discovered USCIS says the form is not legally enforceable, which means it is not legally binding on whoever fills it out. Shocking ehy?!

According to the U.S. Department of State Foreign Affairs Manual Volume 9 Visas, Section 9 FAM 40.41 N4.6-3 (pg 15), Form I-134, though helpful in judging financial ability and in helping to determine a visa applicant will not become a public charge, it is not legally binding on whoever fills it out for the applicant. See for yourself:


So for all those still struggling to find someone to fill out the I-134 for them, it might be of help to print this out and show it to them, that regardless of the 'scary and strong' wordings on that form, they not legally obligated to you!

:D hugs hugs huggies back!! mom!

"the rest of the walk will be a breeze for you" haha wow, I'm not sure if that adds comfort or just more pressure :p Nah I'm joking, thanks for believing ^^ God leads the way.

Oh that's great news! :) Meaning of there is someone out there who could not find a sponsor it's okay? I'll still do it though, just wondering :)

And all this time I thought only the I-134 is required..but the I-130 is too? Shall I go ahead and tell my sponsor to fill it in then?
:D hugs hugs huggies back!! mom!

"the rest of the walk will be a breeze for you" haha wow, I'm not sure if that adds comfort or just more pressure :p Nah I'm joking, thanks for believing ^^ God leads the way.

Oh that's great news! :) Meaning of there is someone out there who could not find a sponsor it's okay? I'll still do it though, just wondering :)

And all this time I thought only the I-134 is required..but the I-130 is too? Shall I go ahead and tell my sponsor to fill it in then?

My bad, Mel. That's supposed to be I-134, your sponsor has nothing to so with an I-130, will go back and edit my post. Thanks for catching that!
It is great news, but I (as the forever pessimist) think that an independent court of law may rule differently if it comes to that. Basically you sign a document that says you are responsible for this person. A judge can justifiably rule that you should enforce and honor your own signature. USCIS is not a court of law, and if some other branch of government sues you to pay for the usage of public assistance by the person you sponsored, USCIS has no say and no skin in the game. Just sayin' :rolleyes:

And I, (as the forever optimist :rolleyes:) do not think an independent court of law can consider the I-134 as being enforceable on the sponsor. Also, it looks like most immigration lawyers are are also of the opinion that it's not as enforceable as an I-865.

According to Capriotti & Associates International Law:


Unlike the old I-134, the new form (that is, I-864)is legally enforceable. A government office that pays to support an immigrant can now successfully sue sponsors for reimbursement.

Some online legal opinions:


And apparently in Tornheim v. Kohn, 2002 WL 482534 at *3-6 (E.D.N.Y. Mar. 26, 2002), the I-134, was upheld by the court not to have constituted a legally binding contract.
Got my Biometrics letter today for 05/30/2013. Just one question, am I supposed to receive two of these? I didn't get one for my wife. Maybe it will come in tomorrow? Please share your experiences.
And I, (as the forever optimist :rolleyes:) do not think an independent court of law can consider the I-134 as being enforceable on the sponsor. Also, it looks like most immigration lawyers are are also of the opinion that it's not as enforceable as an I-865.

According to Capriotti & Associates International Law:


Some online legal opinions:


And apparently in Tornheim v. Kohn, 2002 WL 482534 at *3-6 (E.D.N.Y. Mar. 26, 2002), the I-134, was upheld by the court not to have constituted a legally binding contract.

I, the forever indecisive, will just trust mom cause she's always right ;)
Got my Biometrics letter today for 05/30/2013. Just one question, am I supposed to receive two of these? I didn't get one for my wife. Maybe it will come in tomorrow? Please share your experiences.

You should receive two appointment letters. When you received your wife's letter too, I suggest you do a walk-in. There is really no reason to wait.

Section 203(c) of the INA provides up to 55,000 immigrant visas each fiscal year to permit additional immigration opportunities for persons from countries with low admissions during the previous five years. The NACARA stipulates that beginning with DV-99, and for as long as necessary, up to 5,000 of the 55,000 annually-allocated diversity visas will be made available for use under the NACARA program. This resulted in reduction of the DV-2013 annual limit to 50,000. DV visas are divided among six geographic regions. No one country can receive more than seven percent of the available diversity visas in any one year.

For June, immigrant numbers in the DV category are available to qualified DV-2013 applicants chargeable to all regions/eligible countries as follows. When an allocation cut-off number is shown, visas are available only for applicants with DV regional lottery rank numbers BELOW the specified allocation cut-off number:

All DV Chargeability Areas Except Those Listed Separately

AFRICA 56,000-Except: Egypt 25,000, Ethiopia 36,000, Nigeria 17,000
ASIA 8,900
EUROPE 31,000, Except: Uzbekistan 15,800


Entitlement to immigrant status in the DV category lasts only through the end of the fiscal (visa) year for which the applicant is selected in the lottery. The year of entitlement for all applicants registered for the DV-2013 program ends as of September 30, 2013. DV visas may not be issued to DV-2013 applicants after that date. Similarly, spouses and children accompanying or following to join DV-2013 principals are only entitled to derivative DV status until September 30, 2013. DV visa availability through the very end of FY-2013 cannot be taken for granted. Numbers could be exhausted prior to September 30.


For July, immigrant numbers in the DV category are available to qualified DV-2013 applicants chargeable to all regions/eligible countries as follows. When an allocation cut-off number is shown, visas are available only for applicants with DV regional lottery rank numbers BELOW the specified allocation cut-off number:

All DV Chargeability Areas Except Those Listed Separately

AFRICA 66,700 Except: Egypt 50,000, Ethiopia 50,000, Nigeria 17,775
ASIA 9,850
EUROPE 33,000 Except: Uzbekistan 16,850