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DV 2010 AOS Only

I know not all of them.....but still even if they do it right, just think is it worth paying $1500-$2000 though. BUt ya I am not blaming all the lawyers...I will say Capeolive is better than any of the 7 lawyers I talked to before I hired lawyer. Non of them I talked to have a single bit of knowledge what this DV process is....
Hi Summet,

Everything will be alright. Don't worry, keep up the good work.

By the way, I like your "million dollar suggestion". They deserve it. (Not all of them, though)
Hi Friends,

May be it is time I do some lawyer bashing myself.
My experience I am about to write and jokes don't
apply to all lawyers. Before I start I should mention
that "all lawyers are innocent until proven guilty".

When I won the DV Lottery last year since my case was
rather complicated I wanted to do the AOS with a lawyer.
I talked to several lawyers. Before I started my rounds
I educated myself about the DV Process. My immigration
history goes way back. What happened with lawyers was
most of them told me that I was not eligible, some of them
told me that I was eligible and only one of them was able
to answer some of my questions. All of them were happy
to charge a consultation fee. So, if I had listened to lawyers
I would never have gotten my green card.

I would finish with some jokes on "some" of the lawyers.
I am just posting them for freedom of speech. It doesn't
necessarily mean that I agree with the jokes.

* Lawyer's creed: A man is innocent until proven broke.

* What do lawyers and sperm have in common? One in
3,000,000 has a chance of becoming a human being.

* If you see a lawyer on a bicycle, why should you never
swerve to hit him? It might be your bicycle.

* It was so cold last winter ... (How cold was it?) ... that
I saw a lawyer with his hands in his own pockets.

* You're trapped in a room with a tiger, a rattlesnake
and a lawyer. You have a gun with two bullets.
What should you do? Shoot the lawyer. Twice.
...May be it is time I do some lawyer bashing myself...[/I]

Thanks for lightening up the mood on this very serious forum...Had a good laugh, esp. with the "shoot the lawyer, twice..."...maybe Summet will do a very good job in training the tiger and the rattlesnake to torture the lawyer before shooting...just kidding. :D :D :D :D
Thanks for posting that note on the lawyers..who will be more happy than me reading those jokes...cheers capeolive...
Hi Friends,

May be it is time I do some lawyer bashing myself.
My experience I am about to write and jokes don't
apply to all lawyers. Before I start I should mention
that "all lawyers are innocent until proven guilty".

When I won the DV Lottery last year since my case was
rather complicated I wanted to do the AOS with a lawyer.
I talked to several lawyers. Before I started my rounds
I educated myself about the DV Process. My immigration
history goes way back. What happened with lawyers was
most of them told me that I was not eligible, some of them
told me that I was eligible and only one of them was able
to answer some of my questions. All of them were happy
to charge a consultation fee. So, if I had listened to lawyers
I would never have gotten my green card.

I would finish with some jokes on "some" of the lawyers.
I am just posting them for freedom of speech. It doesn't
necessarily mean that I agree with the jokes.

* Lawyer's creed: A man is innocent until proven broke.

* What do lawyers and sperm have in common? One in
3,000,000 has a chance of becoming a human being.

* If you see a lawyer on a bicycle, why should you never
swerve to hit him? It might be your bicycle.

* It was so cold last winter ... (How cold was it?) ... that
I saw a lawyer with his hands in his own pockets.

* You're trapped in a room with a tiger, a rattlesnake
and a lawyer. You have a gun with two bullets.
What should you do? Shoot the lawyer. Twice.
U are right about that Izzy120, I have a lot of scary techniques but I love peace but wont post those technique, may god give mercy to those lawyers.
Thanks for lightening up the mood on this very serious forum...Had a good laugh, esp. with the "shoot the lawyer, twice..."...maybe Summet will do a very good job in training the tiger and the rattlesnake to torture the lawyer before shooting...just kidding. :D :D :D :D
Hi Forum friends!
After reading your experiencies for a while, I ve decided NOT to use a lawyer for the DV process. However, since I am filling under the 245i, my case is a bit more complicated. So, I was think to use a lawyer just for the interview. Do you think that the lawyer presence during the interview would be of any benefit? Does anyone know if it is possible to hire a lawyer just for that? Can I submit my AOS package without the G-28 form (attorney apperance) and later decide to bring a lawyer for the interview? Or do I have to inform the IO that I am bring a lawyer with me? Thanks in advance for your help!
Hey friends,
just got my card today!!! Its really cool!! I love da new design. Never been happy like this before!! Now this journey is all over for me. Thanks all of you guys for your support, prayers and suggestions. I will be around here to help each of us out.
Congrulation nepal2010, really happy for you. wish u all the best for your new green status, and I am glad that you gonna be around, since you applied from the same service center I am gonna apply from, u can be a lot of help for me in the future as well. I am just waiting to see how my process for this seond time gonna look like.
once again congrulation...
Hey friends,
just got my card today!!! Its really cool!! I love da new design. Never been happy like this before!! Now this journey is all over for me. Thanks all of you guys for your support, prayers and suggestions. I will be around here to help each of us out.
Hi R2010,

Depending on your case and of course on the lawyer
it might be beneficial. If you decide to go to the interview with one,
just don't go with any lawyer. Lawyer presence might be helpful
itself but unfortunately many lawyers are not experienced on DV AOS cases.

You might think about starting the application without a lawyer.
Later on if you want to go to the interview with one, you can fill
out a G-28 form and go there with a lawyer.

No matter what your decision will be, it is very important
to educate yourself about the process. At least read
this forum from beginning to end.

Also, please add your signature "under section 245 (i)"
So that future applicants would know that it is possible to
adjust status under section 245 (i)

You have my best...

Hi Forum friends!
After reading your experiencies for a while, I ve decided NOT to use a lawyer for the DV process. However, since I am filling under the 245i, my case is a bit more complicated. So, I was think to use a lawyer just for the interview. Do you think that the lawyer presence during the interview would be of any benefit? Does anyone know if it is possible to hire a lawyer just for that? Can I submit my AOS package without the G-28 form (attorney apperance) and later decide to bring a lawyer for the interview? Or do I have to inform the IO that I am bring a lawyer with me? Thanks in advance for your help!
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Hi nepal2010,

Congratulations on your green card. I am happy for you.
Enjoy your new status. Exercise it responsibly...

Hey friends,
just got my card today!!! Its really cool!! I love da new design. Never been happy like this before!! Now this journey is all over for me. Thanks all of you guys for your support, prayers and suggestions. I will be around here to help each of us out.
Hi mechta,

Welcome to the forum. I was about the suggest you to add a signature.
But I see that you did it already. So, you are one of the lucky ones with
only a 3 digit number. Make sure everything is ready and send in your
application on October 1, 2010. Good luck...

Hi, Capeolive!!!!!! This forum makes me so powerful, thank you for sharing your experience!!! BTW, "Shoot the lawyer. Twice." it was a good one!!!!!!!!! ;););)
Hi Friends,

I am going to make a post about FY 2010 DV AOS Processing
for the applicants who got their green cards so far. These
are mostly actual times, some people have disappeared so I had
to do some estimations. Some of the dates can be give or take
5 days . I am covering October to April. This might be valuable
information for the future applicants. I hope it helps some people
out. Good luck in your process...

I couldn't place the info as table, so doesn't look professional.

Also if anybody wants to correct anything they are welcome to do it.

I should mention it is said that USCIS speeds up the DV process
toward the end of Fiscal Years.
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FY 2010

DV AOS Processing Times For Applicants
Whose Case Numbers were current in

October 2009

NAME ***** CUT-OFF ***** CARD

cooldude (Jacksonville, FL) * October * 2.1 Months

hek121 (Baltimore, MD) * October * 2.2 Months

nnffme (?) * October * 2.3 Months

bluet41 (Baltimore, MD) * October * 2.6 Months

gatorches (SC) * October * 2.6 Months

simpleman (Minnpls, MN) * October * 3.0 Months

agentsmith (Seattle, WA) * October * 3.1 Months

vzla (Virginia Beach, VA) * October * 3.2 Months

june620 (New York, NY) * October * 3.3 Months

ccs3840 (?) * October * 3.4 Months

happy2010 (Lax, CA) * October * 4.0 Months

jlaw (San Francisco, CA) * October * 4.2 Months

yaku (Miami, FL) * October * 5.1 Months

shasha88 (Montana) * October * 8.3 Months
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FY 2010

DV AOS Processing Times For Applicants
Whose Case Numbers were current in

November 2009

NAME ***** CUT-OFF ***** CARD

daima (Jacksonville, FL)* November * 2.1 Months

iceman (Charleston, SC)* November * 5.1 Months

zapatos (New York, NY) * November * 5.9 Months

i2009 (Philadelphia, PA)* November * 7.5 Months
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FY 2010

DV AOS Processing Times For Applicants
Whose Case Numbers were current in

December 2009

NAME ***** CUT-OFF ***** CARD

tk2010 (?) * December * 2.1 Months

thomen (W. Palm Beach, FL)* December * 3.1 Months

marley (Chicago, IL)* December * 3.1 Months

gagaun (Dallas, TX)* December * 3.2 Months

cm1979 (Las Vegas, NV)* December * 3.6 Months

ayataf (Philadelphia, PA) * December * 3.9 Months

bentlebee (Tampa, FL)
* December * 4.1 Months

chivik (Jacksonville, FL) * December * 6.2 Months

sogdian (Washington DC) * December * Pending
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FY 2010

DV AOS Processing Times For Applicants
Whose Case Numbers were current in

January 2010

NAME ***** CUT-OFF ***** CARD

middle (Denver, CO) * January * 2.1 Months

bianfid (Nebraska)
* January * 2.6 Months

ahad (Nashville, TN) * January * 2.7 Months

gdh (Orlando, FL) * January * 3.0 Months
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FY 2010

DV AOS Processing Times For Applicants
Whose Case Numbers were current in

February 2010

NAME ***** CUT-OFF ***** CARD

antar45 (Dallas, TX)* February * 2.6 Months

ewokra (Boston, MA) * February * 4.5 Months

schneidi (San Diago, CA) * February * Pending
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FY 2010

DV AOS Processing Times For Applicants
Whose Case Numbers were current in

March 2010

NAME ***** CUT-OFF ***** CARD

jasmine182 (Houston, TX) * March * 2.9 Months

houselight (Boston, MA) * March * 3.3 Months
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FY 2010

DV AOS Processing Times For Applicants
Whose Case Numbers were current in

April 2010

NAME ***** CUT-OFF ***** CARD

norkira (Detroit, MI) * April * 1.9 Months

nepal2010 (Dallas, TX)
* April * 2.5 Months

2010forme (Orange Cnty, CA) * April * 3.3 Months

x2010x (Chicago, IL)
* April * 3.7 Months

capeolive (Philadelphia, PA) * April * 4.2 Months

olsson (Phoenix, AZ) * April * Pending
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I really do appretiate that capeolive, I also did the same thing myself, I was reading through the first of the page to figure out the consumed time for the process and only got few of them done so thax again, coz u made my job lot easier, Looking at the trend, the ones in tx is lot faster so Hope if the same trend keeps rolling than I should be having my interview quick. for now just waiting on my NOA and the checks to be cashed....the last time I applied , the noa had the receipt date only 4 days after I applied hope that this time also its gonna be fast, and I am hoping that my process be a bit quicker coz as to my knowledge and from what u said they should still have my finger print so they shouldnt be calling me for the biometrics again..
FY 2010
DV AOS Processing Times For Applicants
Whose Case Numbers were current in

April 2010

NAME ***** CUT-OFF ***** CARD

norkira (Detroit, MI) * April * 1.9 Months

nepal2010 (Dallas, TX)
* April * 2.5 Months

2010forme (Orange Cnty, CA) * April * 3.3 Months

x2010x (Chicago, IL)
* April * 3.7 Months

capeolive (Philadelphia, PA) * April * 4.2 Months

olsson (Phoenix, AZ) * April * Pending