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DV 2010 AOS Only

Hi new one,

I didn't know that you got your EAD card as well.
You can start working when you get your green
card just go and change your social security card.

Hi capeolive,
I didn't get my EAD card.
On the stamp that IO gave me,
she wrote also employment authorized until June 21, 2011.
Hi new one,

Those things can be used for employment.
You must have left a good impression on the
immigration officers that they stamped your
passport. They don't do it often. So you are
not only new one you are also "special" one...

Hi capeolive,
I didn't get my EAD card.
On the stamp that IO gave me,
she wrote also employment authorized until June 21, 2011.
Hi new one, I havent seen any one with the GC but what I think from my understanding is that once they stamp your passport, u are legal to be working. And that stamp should work as your proof of residency till you get your Card...I would like other members to comment in this..
Hi Summet,
I was just wondering if I am allowed to work
without activate new status or whatever.
When my friends got green cards,
they didn't do anything to activate them.
So that makes me confused.

I just wanted to be sure, that I will not
make a problem if I start to work,
without activate it before.
Hi new one,

Those things can be used for employment.
You must have left a good impression on the
immigration officers that they stamped your
passport. They don't do it often. So you are
not only new one you are also "special" one...

Hi capeolive,

I almost didn't say a word.
"Silence is gold".
So I got my gold medal :D.
Hi new one, I havent seen any one with the GC but what I think from my understanding is that once they stamp your passport, u are legal to be working. And that stamp should work as your proof of residency till you get your Card...I would like other members to comment in this..

Hi Summet,

my friend got stamped his passport.
Not through lottery green card.
But probably it's the same.
He worked, he went home and came back without problems.
He didn't go to the SSA office to get registered his new status.
That's the reason of my confusion.
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I might have to try that If i am called for interview..
for now I am trying to get to the point where they will approve all my document and call me for interview.
Hi capeolive,

I almost didn't say a word.
"Silence is gold".
So I got my gold medal :D.
Hi new one,

May be they just like "silent" people.
After you get your card you shouldn't
be so silent anymore. Use your freedom
"speak up" when you see something wrong.
As you now "slavery" has been abolished...

Hi capeolive,

I almost didn't say a word.
"Silence is gold".
So I got my gold medal :D.
I might have to try that If i am called for interview..
for now I am trying to get to the point where they will approve all my document and call me for interview.

Hi Summet,
I'm sure you'll get the interview letter soon.

The money will be your only loss.
Hi new one,

May be they just like "silent" people.
After you get your card you shouldn't
be so silent anymore. Use your freedom
"speak up" when you see something wrong.
As you now "slavery" has been abolished...

Hi capeolive,

it's strange how that small piece of plastic or stamp in my case,
open your eyes and make you speak aloud without fear.
If i get the interview and get approved for the GC, the happiness in this new status will be far more than that grief for the money that I lost. However, the hate for that lawyer will still be the same...
Hi Summet,
I'm sure you'll get the interview letter soon.

The money will be your only loss.
If i get the interview and get approved for the GC, the happiness in this new status will be far more than that grief for the money that I lost. However, the hate for that lawyer will still be the same...

Now that's the way to go! I am sure all your hard work will pay off in the end and you have the support, prayers and good wishes of great people on this forum.

I am not surprised about how this lawyer turned out as I have had a sour experience myself with one of the best lawyers in the US. I won't say who it is but they are based in MD...(wink wink). They made some stupid mistakes and we didn't realize it until later (who would have known as they were supposedly one of the best lawyers!!!) and when we pointed that out, they said we needed to get another paid consultation and pay lawyer fees again to have this sorted out...all they cared about was the $$$...go figure!!!

Anyway, it is great that you have taken control of this. Be confident, positive and be prepared. You will come out with flying colors!!!
Hi Izzy120,

I learned that hard way myself. Once in the past
a referred to her as "He is a nice guy" She replied
as "Actually, I am a girl"

Whether male or female, majority of the people
in this forum doing a great job. I wish and pray
all the good people of this forum gets their cards
in time. Best wishes...

I didn't know new one was a girl...All this time, I was referring to her as a "he" :p...Girl or boy, you guys are all awesome!!! :D
Hi friends,

There has been a power outage due to some big storms where
I live since yesterday. They say it is going to take several more
days. I am trying to find some alternatives to have internet
connection but it is not easy. Even the libraries are shot down.
So, I may not be around often until the power is stored back.
You guys have my best wishes and prayers...
Hi all,

One question...
Stamp in my passport is dated on June 22, 2010.
Also it's Employment Authorized until June 21, 2011.
My SSN has note:
I want to find extra job while I'm waiting for my GC.

So I think I just have to bring my SSN and passport.
And that's it.
I don't have to go anywhere to activate my new status.


Go to your SSN office and update your card...the stamp on your status should do the trick.
Thanks to those who helped me through this process!! You guys were very kind and helpful…THANKS A LOT..
I have a question though…I did my case in state of Montana, and I know that I became the U.S. permanent resident, but am I a Montana resident too or should have to live in Montana in order to get the residency???

Congrats shasha88 on your green card.
Most of the time, when you live in a state for more than 6 months (183 days), you are automatically considered a resident of that state. You don't have to do anything in this regard, as long as you have an address/mail/driver's license or similar things to proof your residency in that particular state. You might need such things for tax purpose/student fees, etc.
Hi, guys!!!!!!!! Can anyone kindly post a sample of an Employment Offer letter? Thanks!!!

There's not that much to it. All it needs to be is on a company paper (with letterhead/name of the company at the top). It needs to say the date you were hired/will be hired, how valuable you are to the company/qualifications, duties you will be performing, as well as asking the immigration to help you obtain your green card/work visa, whatever it is that you are applying for. At the end, make sure the owner/manager leaves the name, contact number, date and sign the paper and VOILA.
Good luck.