• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2010 AOS Only

Thanks for your kind words new one, I was glad to have all them documents. I was expecting that document to be send on 22nd such that its gonna be there by 24th however, i didnt get the documents till the later afternoon on 22nd so had to do it today, but still I had to keep my routine so I send it in the way It will be in the office by 10 am tomorrow. I just don't want to be consuming any more time. I am just waiting to get my NOA and the checks been cashed so that I will know that the case is going smoothly and Can get my biometrics and interview done within this fiscal year.

Hi Summet,

You did excellent job!
Now just wait and be patient.
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Dear all,
First of all, thank you very much for everybody in this Forum for sharing their ideas and experience. I have learned a lot through this forum and that is why my interview went very smooth today. But have to wait for the Green Card as the USCIS office is in the process to request my DV document from the Department of State (DOS). Believe it or not I was looking more confident than the Interview officer, as I went through around 10 interview experience in the forum. I knew before hand that what are the docs and question they are willing to see and ask during interview. Anyway below is the summary of my experience.

I got to the USCIS office at 10:05, an hour early, so that I will have plenty of time to locate the building and parking lot as the USCIS office is near downtown. Around 10:15 I got inside the building and went through security scanning process and asked to be seated until interview officer (IO) calls my name. Around 11:50 a muscular man with tight polo t-shirt called my name and I stood up and followed him to his office. He asked me to be seated and explained me that before we start I have to take an oath. I nodded and stood up as he did and raised my right hand and listened to him saying the standard oath" I will say the truth and ........" and I said Yes sir.

He started with my ID, Passport and asked me when & where I last entered the US. I told him the date and location and he further inquired whether I have been to the US before that date. I said yes in 2003 in student visa to join such and such university. Then he went through my passport to locate the student visa that was granted to me. I told him that the passport that has my student visa is expired and the one which he has is a new passport. Then in asked me if I have brought my old passport........Luckily I did and handed him over....Then he asked me again if I have been denied a US Visa I said No. If I have applied for US Green card or citizenship I said No.....By this time I could notice that the interview officer was going through the list that he has on his table and also noticed sweat on his forehead. Believe it or not he looked more nervous than me later knew the reason when he admitted that it was his first DV application. He was very serious as if he does not want to make any mistakes. Then he verified my name, address, phone number, spouse, parents name and place of birth. And finally have you ever questions in page 3 of I-485. Mean while as I was answering him, he just circled the info in I-485 form with red pen. Finally, he said my document looks perfect and has all the information and he asked me if I have any question. This was the moment I was waiting for to burst myself...... I told him that during filling DV application form I gave my and my wife’s information and now I am adjusting status only for me because my wife already has a green card. The reason I am bringing this matter up because, the DOS is confused with my DV application as I have name of two persons in the DV application form but filed AOS for only one person and DOS has emailed me twice asking for my spouse AOS. I have emailed and called them back thrice that my wife does not need to adjust the status as she already has a green card so it is only me. I told him the reason I am mentioning all this because I do not want them to get in same confusion like DOS. He chuckled and told me that he will give me the visa number if available and started printing something from computer…..Again I told him that I have another question to verify; I told him that I called KCC this morning and verified with them that USCIS has not request my document from DOS and they do not prove document to USCIS until USCIS requests. Then he paused turned around from the computer screen and start flipping some document in his manila folder and told that he has all the documents he needed from DOS, laughed on DOS people. Then I was happy to hear that he has everything and thought probably DOS might have sent my document to USCIS and could have forgotten… Then he repeated again that he will look for my visa number if available….he spent 1 min in his computer and walked out of the room and came back after couple of minutes and then he admitted that he hasn’t processed the DV application before and said yes we have to request the document from DOS. Then he printed something from computer again and told me that my document looks okay unless there is something in the document coming from DOS otherwise once USCIS get my documents from DOS I will get all the information and a GC within 3 to 4 weeks in mail. Then he handed me a piece of paper and explained that your status will be undecided and will let you know though email once we get required doc from DOS. Then, I wished him a thank you and left form the USCIS office. The whole inter lasted for 20-25 minutes. It was 12:15 when I was out of the building.

Hi Olsson,
great news!
I am glad to hear you had smooth interview.
I am sure you'll get your green card soon.
Your family will become greener soon:D
Hi Izzy120,

As long as you give up your Canadian PR after
getting adjusted here it won't be a problem.
Important part is what you do after you get
your green card here. Then you have to live
here permanently...

Hello Seniors,

The question I am going to ask may totally be off-topic but I had to ask. I recently got PR for Canada and I have a Canadian PR visa on my passport and on my hubby's as well. We have until March of 2011 to land as PRs in Canada, however, since I recently got selected for DV, we may end up staying here in the US (provided that everything goes well with US immigration based on DV) and not move to Canada. However, I was concerned if this would create any problems, meaning, once the USCIS/IO sees that we have Canadian PR visas on our passports (i.e., during interview), is there a possibility that the IO may deny us US PR? Of course, we will explain that once we get US PR we will not be moving to Canada, and that it came way before I got selected for DV. How does this work?

Thanks in advance for your response!
Hello Seniors,

The question I am going to ask may totally be off-topic but I had to ask. I recently got PR for Canada and I have a Canadian PR visa on my passport and on my hubby's as well. We have until March of 2011 to land as PRs in Canada, however, since I recently got selected for DV, we may end up staying here in the US (provided that everything goes well with US immigration based on DV) and not move to Canada. However, I was concerned if this would create any problems, meaning, once the USCIS/IO sees that we have Canadian PR visas on our passports (i.e., during interview), is there a possibility that the IO may deny us US PR? Of course, we will explain that once we get US PR we will not be moving to Canada, and that it came way before I got selected for DV. How does this work?

Thanks in advance for your response!

Hi Izzy120,

you were double lucky:D.
I never heard about something similar.
I hope everything will be ok.
Good luck!
Hi Olsson,

It is still good news. They are going to approve you once
they get your file. Probably it will take less than 3 to 4 weeks.


Dear all,
First of all, thank you very much for everybody in this Forum for sharing their ideas and experience. I have learned a lot through this forum and that is why my interview went very smooth today. But have to wait for the Green Card as the USCIS office is in the process to request my DV document from the Department of State (DOS). Believe it or not I was looking more confident than the Interview officer, as I went through around 10 interview experience in the forum. I knew before hand that what are the docs and question they are willing to see and ask during interview. Anyway below is the summary of my experience.

I got to the USCIS office at 10:05, an hour early, so that I will have plenty of time to locate the building and parking lot as the USCIS office is near downtown. Around 10:15 I got inside the building and went through security scanning process and asked to be seated until interview officer (IO) calls my name. Around 11:50 a muscular man with tight polo t-shirt called my name and I stood up and followed him to his office. He asked me to be seated and explained me that before we start I have to take an oath. I nodded and stood up as he did and raised my right hand and listened to him saying the standard oath" I will say the truth and ........" and I said Yes sir.

He started with my ID, Passport and asked me when & where I last entered the US. I told him the date and location and he further inquired whether I have been to the US before that date. I said yes in 2003 in student visa to join such and such university. Then he went through my passport to locate the student visa that was granted to me. I told him that the passport that has my student visa is expired and the one which he has is a new passport. Then in asked me if I have brought my old passport........Luckily I did and handed him over....Then he asked me again if I have been denied a US Visa I said No. If I have applied for US Green card or citizenship I said No.....By this time I could notice that the interview officer was going through the list that he has on his table and also noticed sweat on his forehead. Believe it or not he looked more nervous than me later knew the reason when he admitted that it was his first DV application. He was very serious as if he does not want to make any mistakes. Then he verified my name, address, phone number, spouse, parents name and place of birth. And finally have you ever questions in page 3 of I-485. Mean while as I was answering him, he just circled the info in I-485 form with red pen. Finally, he said my document looks perfect and has all the information and he asked me if I have any question. This was the moment I was waiting for to burst myself...... I told him that during filling DV application form I gave my and my wife’s information and now I am adjusting status only for me because my wife already has a green card. The reason I am bringing this matter up because, the DOS is confused with my DV application as I have name of two persons in the DV application form but filed AOS for only one person and DOS has emailed me twice asking for my spouse AOS. I have emailed and called them back thrice that my wife does not need to adjust the status as she already has a green card so it is only me. I told him the reason I am mentioning all this because I do not want them to get in same confusion like DOS. He chuckled and told me that he will give me the visa number if available and started printing something from computer…..Again I told him that I have another question to verify; I told him that I called KCC this morning and verified with them that USCIS has not request my document from DOS and they do not prove document to USCIS until USCIS requests. Then he paused turned around from the computer screen and start flipping some document in his manila folder and told that he has all the documents he needed from DOS, laughed on DOS people. Then I was happy to hear that he has everything and thought probably DOS might have sent my document to USCIS and could have forgotten… Then he repeated again that he will look for my visa number if available….he spent 1 min in his computer and walked out of the room and came back after couple of minutes and then he admitted that he hasn’t processed the DV application before and said yes we have to request the document from DOS. Then he printed something from computer again and told me that my document looks okay unless there is something in the document coming from DOS otherwise once USCIS get my documents from DOS I will get all the information and a GC within 3 to 4 weeks in mail. Then he handed me a piece of paper and explained that your status will be undecided and will let you know though email once we get required doc from DOS. Then, I wished him a thank you and left form the USCIS office. The whole inter lasted for 20-25 minutes. It was 12:15 when I was out of the building.
Hello, guys!!!!!Can somebody, who had an interview in NY tell me please where were your interviews scheduled: at Garden City Field office or NY field office?

Hi mechta,

in DSP-122 Form you write where do you want to have interview.
Usually that will be office nearest the place you live.
My status changed today from CPO to PDA. Hope to get da cards by da end of this week. Can't wait.
And thanx capeolive for the info, now i already have the image of my card on my mind. I will post my view on da new card once i get it!!!

Hi nepal2010,
Couple days more and you are at the end.
Hi nepal2010,

Congratulations, whether by the end of this week
or by the beginning of next week. Little more

My status changed today from CPO to PDA. Hope to get da cards by da end of this week. Can't wait.
And thanx capeolive for the info, now i already have the image of my card on my mind. I will post my view on da new card once i get it!!!
Hi new one,

I hope it helps you. You know what to look for in your mailbox now. I hope you get it soon...

Hi capeolive,

I have a vision now what I will find in my mailbox.
I hope I'll find it soon :D
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I finally have The Update on my Case!

Hi Friends,

I finally got my Green Card after so many years.
Yes, it is green and yes, it is "green enough" for me.

My struggle has not come to an end yet. I will do
a Following-to-Join Diversity Visa Application for
the family. I hope this summer does not become
a "hot" one for me. I don't know if they are going
to be able to get the visa by the end of the fiscal
year, but I will do my part. I also pray for the best
and I know "the best" is not always to live in U.S.

I can indeed write long but I will try to make it short.

First of all, I thank each and every one of you who has been
supporting me in public and in private.

I thank the host of the forum Mr. Khanna and his staff,
thank you for having such a great service for years.

I thank the seniors of DV 2008 AOS Only and DV 2009 AOS Only
forums, I learned a lot from you guys.

I thank cooldude, Daima, i2009 who have preceded me
and have been helping people, you helped many of us.

I thank NuvF, for the information he provided in the past.

I thank new one, who supported me with the special prayers,
now the special prayers are for you.

I have been posting way too many messages lately.
I am sure I must have broken "somebody's" heart".
If this is the case, I am sorry for my "unintentional"
actions, please forgive me, whoever you are.

I don't have an intention to disappear after today.
I believe it will be "the right thing to do" just to
stick around and to "pay it forward" by helping
the new applicants out. So, my intention is to
stay until the end of this Fiscal Year.

I am multi-lingual and like to pray in
"the original" form but I will complete my
"public thanks" in English as well.

...on this happy day, I should end my words as follows:

Praise be to God who has sent
Moses with Torah,
Jesus with Bible,
Muhammad with Qur'an.
God is the One and Only.
There is no deity except Him...

My congratulations!!! and I wish good luck to you family and hope that they will join you here as soon as possible!
Good luck!
Hi Izzy120,

As long as you give up your Canadian PR after
getting adjusted here it won't be a problem.
Important part is what you do after you get
your green card here. Then you have to live
here permanently...

Thanks capeolive. Well, of course, we will give one up and stay here in the US, we have no ties in Canada whatsoever, and it does not make sense to start from scratch in another country...if you can stay here. I was just curious if they will fuss about it once they see our PR visas on our passports...
Hi all wonderful friends,

here is my experience.
I went over there 40 minutes before.
But I was waiting for more than one hour.
I supposed to have my interview at 8:30
but I had it at 9:30.

Some lady called my name and I went with her in the office.
She was very official.
She introduced me the other officer that was in the room.
They both were very serious.
I was scared because I remembered a bad experience
that some guy on this forum had in New York office.

But they were polite.
Asked me to show all original documents.
Passport, I-94, birth certificate, high school diploma,
award letter, DOS receipt, employer letter.

She also asked me for my sponsors documents.
I told her that I submitted sponsor letter, but
later I saw that he does'nt have enough income to sponsor me.
Also I said that I found new sponsor, and gave her all papers.
She said that's ok.

The other officer walked me to the door.
And told to wait in the waiting room.
Also she told me that everything is ok and she smiled first time :D

After 5 minutes the other officer came with a stamp in my passport.:D:D:D
She said :"Congratulations, this stamp is valid for one year,
but you will get your card in four weeks" :))))))))))))))))))

Thank you all my friends that you've been here for me.
Helped me to go through all this process.
Thanks for prayers and support.
I will be around to the end to help if I can.
I am sure that we will all get green card to the end of fiscal year.

My congratulations!!! You did it!!!!
Hi middle.com,

Thank you for being around and sharing my happiness.
Thank you for your good wishes. You have my best wishes
as well. You yourself enjoy your freedom my friend...

My congratulations!!! and I wish good luck to you family and hope that they will join you here as soon as possible!
Good luck!
Hi Izzy120,

you were double lucky:D.
I never heard about something similar.
I hope everything will be ok.
Good luck!

Yeah, tell me about it!!! It is almost funny when you come to think about it, we had tried every resort to stay here in the US and you know how it is with US immigration these days...chances were getting slim for us here in the US and we had to look for options despite how much we hated the idea of starting all over again in another country, the idea still lurks as we don't know anything for sure, I just hope everything works out fine with DV. I just hope they don't ask us to cancel our CAN PR first before they can issue us a US GC (which won't be a problem IF they WILL issue us the US GC).

Dear all,
First of all, thank you very much for everybody in this Forum for sharing their ideas and experience. I have learned a lot through this forum and that is why my interview went very smooth today. But have to wait for the Green Card as the USCIS office is in the process to request my DV document from the Department of State (DOS). Believe it or not I was looking more confident than the Interview officer, as I went through around 10 interview experience in the forum. I knew before hand that what are the docs and question they are willing to see and ask during interview. Anyway below is the summary of my experience.

I got to the USCIS office at 10:05, an hour early, so that I will have plenty of time to locate the building and parking lot as the USCIS office is near downtown. Around 10:15 I got inside the building and went through security scanning process and asked to be seated until interview officer (IO) calls my name. Around 11:50 a muscular man with tight polo t-shirt called my name and I stood up and followed him to his office. He asked me to be seated and explained me that before we start I have to take an oath. I nodded and stood up as he did and raised my right hand and listened to him saying the standard oath" I will say the truth and ........" and I said Yes sir.

He started with my ID, Passport and asked me when & where I last entered the US. I told him the date and location and he further inquired whether I have been to the US before that date. I said yes in 2003 in student visa to join such and such university. Then he went through my passport to locate the student visa that was granted to me. I told him that the passport that has my student visa is expired and the one which he has is a new passport. Then in asked me if I have brought my old passport........Luckily I did and handed him over....Then he asked me again if I have been denied a US Visa I said No. If I have applied for US Green card or citizenship I said No.....By this time I could notice that the interview officer was going through the list that he has on his table and also noticed sweat on his forehead. Believe it or not he looked more nervous than me later knew the reason when he admitted that it was his first DV application. He was very serious as if he does not want to make any mistakes. Then he verified my name, address, phone number, spouse, parents name and place of birth. And finally have you ever questions in page 3 of I-485. Mean while as I was answering him, he just circled the info in I-485 form with red pen. Finally, he said my document looks perfect and has all the information and he asked me if I have any question. This was the moment I was waiting for to burst myself...... I told him that during filling DV application form I gave my and my wife’s information and now I am adjusting status only for me because my wife already has a green card. The reason I am bringing this matter up because, the DOS is confused with my DV application as I have name of two persons in the DV application form but filed AOS for only one person and DOS has emailed me twice asking for my spouse AOS. I have emailed and called them back thrice that my wife does not need to adjust the status as she already has a green card so it is only me. I told him the reason I am mentioning all this because I do not want them to get in same confusion like DOS. He chuckled and told me that he will give me the visa number if available and started printing something from computer…..Again I told him that I have another question to verify; I told him that I called KCC this morning and verified with them that USCIS has not request my document from DOS and they do not prove document to USCIS until USCIS requests. Then he paused turned around from the computer screen and start flipping some document in his manila folder and told that he has all the documents he needed from DOS, laughed on DOS people. Then I was happy to hear that he has everything and thought probably DOS might have sent my document to USCIS and could have forgotten… Then he repeated again that he will look for my visa number if available….he spent 1 min in his computer and walked out of the room and came back after couple of minutes and then he admitted that he hasn’t processed the DV application before and said yes we have to request the document from DOS. Then he printed something from computer again and told me that my document looks okay unless there is something in the document coming from DOS otherwise once USCIS get my documents from DOS I will get all the information and a GC within 3 to 4 weeks in mail. Then he handed me a piece of paper and explained that your status will be undecided and will let you know though email once we get required doc from DOS. Then, I wished him a thank you and left form the USCIS office. The whole inter lasted for 20-25 minutes. It was 12:15 when I was out of the building.

It semms like your intervew's ok! All they need now to approve you is to get the documents from DOS! Good luck! keep us posted!
My status changed today from CPO to PDA. Hope to get da cards by da end of this week. Can't wait.
And thanx capeolive for the info, now i already have the image of my card on my mind. I will post my view on da new card once i get it!!!

Congratulations nepal2010, your GC is on its way! You should receive it in 3-4 days.

Congratulations Olsson for a successful interview. There have been cases, at the beginning of the fiscal year, that the USCIS did not request the DV files on time for the AOS interview. The officer did it just after the interview and the files were sent in just a couple of days. Wait until tomorrow and give KCC another call and see if the file has been requested.
Hello Seniors,

The question I am going to ask may totally be off-topic but I had to ask. I recently got PR for Canada and I have a Canadian PR visa on my passport and on my hubby's as well. We have until March of 2011 to land as PRs in Canada, however, since I recently got selected for DV, we may end up staying here in the US (provided that everything goes well with US immigration based on DV) and not move to Canada. However, I was concerned if this would create any problems, meaning, once the USCIS/IO sees that we have Canadian PR visas on our passports (i.e., during interview), is there a possibility that the IO may deny us US PR? Of course, we will explain that once we get US PR we will not be moving to Canada, and that it came way before I got selected for DV. How does this work?

Thanks in advance for your response!

Hello Izzy120,

I'm pretty sure that everything will be fine with your AOS process. You've been working hard and you already know pretty well what the process is about.

Having another PR from another country is not the problem "before" getting your US LPR. Now, after the LPR is granted, you can't establish a residence in another country. If you do it then you are abandoning your LPR status.
Hello fitness901,

I was wondering if you have any news from your sister's case. I hope that everything goes well for her.
Congrats to all the ones who have been getting txt updates, mail and even approvals. This just proves that everyone who's following this forum has been getting approved....how amazing is that. Keep up the great work everyone and good luck to the rest.
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