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DV 2010 AOS Only

My Interview Experience at Philadelphia Field Office!

Hi friends,

I was there 15 minutes prior to the interview
I took the elevator to the 3rd floor, it was packed.
I thought I would be there for hours due to the crowd.
After I turned in my interview letter I did not even wait
for 5 minutes, my name was called. The immigration officer
was a rather young gentleman, he looked professional.
Since I knew that my case was rather complicated I did not
have very high expectations but I was confident. To start with
this was my 3rd AOS and 4th immigration filing. I have been living
here for such a long time, my passport was full. I was doing AOS here
my family doing FTJ overseas etc. etc. Under the conditions I had I did
my best to explain the immigration officer my situation. At one point he said
I was very knowledgeable about the subject. He told me I had a unique
case but everything looked good but they had to check my case with
his supervisor one more time and combine all the other cases I had and
for that he had to make a phone call in the afternoon. I also gave him
some paperwork for my family. He said it would take about 2 weeks
for me to get information about my case, but everything looked fine to him.
I thanked him and left...

I did what I could as humanly as possible. I am hoping for the best outcome
for me and for my family. The whole process in a way has been like a dream.
I will believe it when I hold the card and later when I see my family here...

I thank everybody who supported me openly and in private.
I thank God who brought me so far in the process...

Greeeaaat!!! I'm soooooo happy for you.
Glad to hear that after so much time of waiting you had smooth and positive experience.
I'm sure you'll get letter very soon, and your family will join you soon.
So, so great......you can relax, you are almost on the end :D
Thanks Fitness901, Daima and i2009.
Yes, I have a plenty of time to get everything ready.
Feeling is great when you see white envelop with USCIS on it.
Some kind of butterflies:D happiness and fear (but just a little bit)..........
My Interview Experience at Philadelphia Field Office!

hi capeolive,
God is with you! He'll take care of the rest ... don't worry. you've done all you could and the rest is up to God. i just know that you'll receive good news for you and your family very soon.
take care.

new one - congrats on your coming interview. and good luck!
My Interview Experience at Philadelphia Field Office!

Hi friends,

I was there 15 minutes prior to the interview
I took the elevator to the 3rd floor, it was packed.
I thought I would be there for hours due to the crowd.
After I turned in my interview letter I did not even wait
for 5 minutes, my name was called. The immigration officer
was a rather young gentleman, he looked professional.
Since I knew that my case was rather complicated I did not
have very high expectations but I was confident. To start with
this was my 3rd AOS and 4th immigration filing. I have been living
here for such a long time, my passport was full. I was doing AOS here
my family doing FTJ overseas etc. etc. Under the conditions I had I did
my best to explain the immigration officer my situation. At one point he said
I was very knowledgeable about the subject. He told me I had a unique
case but everything looked good but they had to check my case with
his supervisor one more time and combine all the other cases I had and
for that he had to make a phone call in the afternoon. I also gave him
some paperwork for my family. He said it would take about 2 weeks
for me to get information about my case, but everything looked fine to him.
I thanked him and left...

I did what I could as humanly as possible. I am hoping for the best outcome
for me and for my family. The whole process in a way has been like a dream.
I will believe it when I hold the card and later when I see my family here...

I thank everybody who supported me openly and in private.
I thank God who brought me so far in the process...

Hi Capeolive,

I think it's just a matter of time until you receive your card and your family joins you. I'm hoping and praying for you that it happens sooner rather than later.

Continue to stay positive.

You can work for ANY co. with DV i 485 based EAD, no restrictions.
However, if you do your current J1 status will effectively become over.

There is an unwritten rule/advice within the DV community (past-present) to try hard to 'preserve' your current status until the AoS process is over (especially for F and J visas)

thanks a ton NuvF MY j1 status was done a month ago so I kinda have to use EAD thanks a ton
I got weird question:

Being on H1B If I get fired before I file I-485 and my PD will be in Oct, will I have to leave the country and do CP or 180 days will apply to me and could stay here and still do AOS?
I got weird question:

Being on H1B If I get fired before I file I-485 and my PD will be in Oct, will I have to leave the country and do CP or 180 days will apply to me and could stay here and still do AOS?

i am no expert but here's my 2 cents worth ... and i please do not take what i say as legal advice. best to check with uscis.
your h1b was issued to you based on the company which employed you ... i believe the company name is on the visa. once the company terminates your services your visa may be invalid, ie, you don't have status. which means you can't find employment with another company unless the new company sponsors your new h1b.
however, your i94 (arrival/departure card) has an expiry date which means you must leave the country by then. and for 2011 fiscal year the earliest you can submit your application is oct 1. so from now till oct 1 you are in limbo ...
if i were you i'll call and check with uscis on how to proceed.
be safe than sorry. don't put yourself into illegal status.
good luck.
middle.com you are a genius!!!!! I called the USCIS and the automated message confirmed that the production of my cards have been ordered. I still can't believe it. This is a long journey and I hope to finish it soon.

A few minutes later I got the SMS and emails confirming the CPO. I still can't get the status online but I guess it doesn't matter.

Thanks to everyone for the good wishes and the support!

Yes!!!!! another great news!!!! My congratulations!!!!)))
Just got my interview letter.........It's for June 22, 2010.
Woooow I feel soooooo goooood :D
But little bit afraid.........but I know everything will be fine :D

Yehhhhhhhhh, this week is full of good news))) My congratulations on your interview appointment!!! Get ready)
My Interview Experience at Philadelphia Field Office!

Hi friends,

I was there 15 minutes prior to the interview
I took the elevator to the 3rd floor, it was packed.
I thought I would be there for hours due to the crowd.
After I turned in my interview letter I did not even wait
for 5 minutes, my name was called. The immigration officer
was a rather young gentleman, he looked professional.
Since I knew that my case was rather complicated I did not
have very high expectations but I was confident. To start with
this was my 3rd AOS and 4th immigration filing. I have been living
here for such a long time, my passport was full. I was doing AOS here
my family doing FTJ overseas etc. etc. Under the conditions I had I did
my best to explain the immigration officer my situation. At one point he said
I was very knowledgeable about the subject. He told me I had a unique
case but everything looked good but they had to check my case with
his supervisor one more time and combine all the other cases I had and
for that he had to make a phone call in the afternoon. I also gave him
some paperwork for my family. He said it would take about 2 weeks
for me to get information about my case, but everything looked fine to him.
I thanked him and left...

I did what I could as humanly as possible. I am hoping for the best outcome
for me and for my family. The whole process in a way has been like a dream.
I will believe it when I hold the card and later when I see my family here...

I thank everybody who supported me openly and in private.
I thank God who brought me so far in the process...

You're done with interview, my congratulations with that, now all you need is just to wait, I think everything will be fine, they will just check all your cases and give you the best result!!! And soon you'll see your family!!! Good luck!!!
I got weird question:

Being on H1B If I get fired before I file I-485 and my PD will be in Oct, will I have to leave the country and do CP or 180 days will apply to me and could stay here and still do AOS?

Hello Lisa6,

Please check this website http://www.immihelp.com/visas/h1b/h1visa-layoff-jobloss-faq.html

I understand that you are considered out of status since the day that your employment terminates. Then you have to either find a new work that would sponsor a new H1B (it is not transfer, it is a new application) or leave the country, it doesn't matter what the I-95 says.

I know what it feels to work for a company that may risk your H1B status, I would suggest that you start looking for a new job right now in case that you have doubts that your company will fire you or that it would go out of business.

I hope that you don't need to do any of this and that you get your GC first.

Best of luck!
Hello Lisa6,

Please check this website http://www.immihelp.com/visas/h1b/h1visa-layoff-jobloss-faq.html

I understand that you are considered out of status since the day that your employment terminates. Then you have to either find a new work that would sponsor a new H1B (it is not transfer, it is a new application) or leave the country, it doesn't matter what the I-95 says.

I know what it feels to work for a company that may risk your H1B status, I would suggest that you start looking for a new job right now in case that you have doubts that your company will fire you or that it would go out of business.

I hope that you don't need to do any of this and that you get your GC first.

Best of luck!

Why is your interview cancelled and what does CPO means? Does it means card processed?
My Interview Experience at Philadelphia Field Office!

capeolive you are steps closer to the end of your journey. Your interveiw was positive and now its a matter of time before you have that GC in your hands. Congratulations !
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Thank you guys for answers.

My job is fine for now. I'm just freaking out with Ifs Ands and Buts.

I can't wait till Oct, it'll be the longest summer of my life:)
Just got my interview letter.........It's for June 22, 2010.
Woooow I feel soooooo goooood :D
But little bit afraid.........but I know everything will be fine :D

Congratulations !!! newone its perfectly normal to feel a bit afraid. Start getting all your original documents together in a file ready for your big day. God Bless !
Hi again,

This was a long day for me. I am exhausted.
Before I wrap it up I should thank one more
time those of you who supported me with
your prayers and good wishes.

If I have to name some names:
Norkira, Daima, i2009, thomen, leongsce, middle.com, x2010x, nepal2010,
new one, 2010forme, cooldude, NuvF, fitness901, lisa6, izzy120 and some others...

i2009's continuously checking his case status overloaded the system yesterday.
They'd better send my card soon otherwise if I start checking my case status
I can overload the system easily. I just don't want to cause a system failure...
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