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DV 2010 AOS Only

Just got my interview letter.........It's for June 22, 2010.
Woooow I feel soooooo goooood :D
But little bit afraid.........but I know everything will be fine :D
Hi for the last time tonight,

In this process of mine I did what I could as humanly as possible.
I pray God for success tomorrow and I know I will be backed by
prayers and good wishes of a lot of good people of this forum.
So I am going my interview in tranquility...

I will post my experience as soon as I get the chance...
Hi new one,

I was not going to post anything else tonight.
But when I heard the good news I was so happy
that I did not want to go without congratulating you.

Congratulations, I'll go to my interview tomorrow
with even more positive energy because of this great news...

Just got my interview letter.........It's for June 22, 2010.
Woooow I feel soooooo goooood :D
But little bit afraid.........but I know everything will be fine :D
thank you Bluet41 for those links, it's a great help...thanks agin man :)

Carpo Law
Office: (+63)2-750-0631
Office: (+63)2-750-0634
Mobile: (+63)917-5935265
Mobile: (+63)917-9258893

United States
Office: (415)287-3308
Office: (415)223-2654
Hi new one,

I was not going to post anything else tonight.
But when I heard the good news I was so happy
that I did not want to go without congratulating you.

Congratulations, I'll go to my interview tomorrow
with even more positive energy because of this great news...

Thanks capeolive!!!
I'll say prayer for you in the morning!
Keep your head straight, that cards are yours very soon!
Waiting for your experience.
Congrats i2009. I logged in just to check your status. Very happy to hear about your card production. Finally. Hope you have it in your hands soon. A good end to a very long journey. :)

Guys, I have an update in my case. I received a phone call from the Immigration Officer who conducted my previous interview back in February. He says that I don't need to attend tomorrow to my second scheduled interview because he checked my files and everything looks good and that he is approving my case.

Now, I can't log in to the USCIS website to check my case. It is either down or I get an error message saying: "It was reported to us that your computer or internet gateway has been locked out for a select period of time. This is due to an unusually high rate of use. If you feel this has occurred incorrectly, please contact the Customer Service Center for assistance at 1.800.375.5283."

I have not been connecting often and I tried to connect from different IP addresses so I don't think the message is correct. Do you guys can connect?
Congra I2009 i was not here yesterday ............ miss your wonderful news...........It is about time for you. i was always wonder about
your patience ...........Now it is paid

Again i am happy for you and have fun with your new status..............Party time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

middle.com you are a genius!!!!! I called the USCIS and the automated message confirmed that the production of my cards have been ordered. I still can't believe it. This is a long journey and I hope to finish it soon.

A few minutes later I got the SMS and emails confirming the CPO. I still can't get the status online but I guess it doesn't matter.

Thanks to everyone for the good wishes and the support!
Good Morning
Nice.............congra for interview letter and ofcours you going have lot of time to be ready.

Good luck....
Just got my interview letter.........It's for June 22, 2010.
Woooow I feel soooooo goooood :D
But little bit afraid.........but I know everything will be fine :D
Just got my interview letter.........It's for June 22, 2010.
Woooow I feel soooooo goooood :D
But little bit afraid.........but I know everything will be fine :D

Wow new one! so happy for you. It feels good to receive those mails from the USCIS, right? Don't be afraid, everything will be alright, just get everything ready and wait for your big day.

Thank you for your words, I appreciate it!

Best of luck!!!!
Congrats i2009. I logged in just to check your status. Very happy to hear about your card production. Finally. Hope you have it in your hands soon. A good end to a very long journey. :)

Thank you cooldude, I know that you and daima were always checking on me. No words to express how much I appreciate it. You guys have been so helpful, always with sound advices and great attitude. Thanks!
Congra I2009 i was not here yesterday ............ miss your wonderful news...........It is about time for you. i was always wonder about
your patience ...........Now it is paid

Again i am happy for you and have fun with your new status..............Party time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you fitness! I am looking forward to hearing good news from your sister's case on May 24th! All the best!
i2009 this is the best news I read today. It was high time they figured out their delay in your case. Congratulations. I know the system was down since morning. My advise to you is call someone in USCIS and ask them to confirm your present status before tomorrow's interview. I would play safe before the interview time tomorrow. Am sooooo soooooo happy for you. You have shown so much patience and I admire that quality in you. God Bless !!!!!

Thank you 2010FORME, I confirmed that the cards production have been ordered so I am on the safe side. I had a long talk on the phone with the immigration officer, he was the one who conducted my previous interview so he knew very well of my case.

I hope that you receive your cards pretty soon. I am hoping every day to hear good news from you.

Good luck!
My Interview Experience at Philadelphia Field Office!

Hi friends,

I was there 15 minutes prior to the interview
I took the elevator to the 3rd floor, it was packed.
I thought I would be there for hours due to the crowd.
After I turned in my interview letter I did not even wait
for 5 minutes, my name was called. The immigration officer
was a rather young gentleman, he looked professional.
Since I knew that my case was rather complicated I did not
have very high expectations but I was confident. To start with
this was my 3rd AOS and 4th immigration filing. I have been living
here for such a long time, my passport was full. I was doing AOS here
my family doing FTJ overseas etc. etc. Under the conditions I had I did
my best to explain the immigration officer my situation. At one point he said
I was very knowledgeable about the subject. He told me I had a unique
case but everything looked good but they had to check my case with
his supervisor one more time and combine all the other cases I had and
for that he had to make a phone call in the afternoon. I also gave him
some paperwork for my family. He said it would take about 2 weeks
for me to get information about my case, but everything looked fine to him.
I thanked him and left...

I did what I could as humanly as possible. I am hoping for the best outcome
for me and for my family. The whole process in a way has been like a dream.
I will believe it when I hold the card and later when I see my family here...

I thank everybody who supported me openly and in private.
I thank God who brought me so far in the process...
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Oh My God , Great news Capeolive !!! So far so good ...........believe me every thing going be great and just matter of time like the others
Keep up you faith like always............. you did you best you could..............The rest in God hand.

I hope he make his call this afternoon..................

My Interview Experience at Philadelphia Field Office!

Hi friends,

I was there 15 minutes prior to the interview
I took the elevator to the 3rd floor, it was packed.
I thought I would be there for hours due to the crowd.
After I turned in my interview letter I did not even wait
for 5 minutes, my name was called. The immigration officer
was a rather young gentleman, he looked professional. Since I knew that my case was rather complicated I did not
have very high expectations but I was confident. To start with this was my 3rd AOS and 4th immigration filing. I have been living
here for such a long time, my passport was full. I was doing AOS here
my family doing FTJ overseas etc. etc. Under the conditions I had I did
my best to explain the immigration officer my situation. At one point he said
I was very knowledgeable about the subject. He told me I had a unique case but everything looked good but they had to check my case with
his supervisor one more time and combine all the other cases I had and
for that he had to make a phone call in the afternoon. I also gave him some paperwork for my family. He said it would take about 2 weeks
for me to get information about my case, but everything looked fine to him.
I thanked him and left...

I did what I could as humanly as possible. I am hoping the best outcome
for me and for my family. The whole process in a way has been like a dream.
I will believe it when I hold the card and later when I see my family here...

I thank everybody who supported me openly and in private.
I thank God who brought me so far in the process...
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My Interview Experience at Philadelphia Field Office!

Hello capeolive,

Congratulations! I am sure that everything will be alright. You will have your dream come true and soon you'll be reunited with your family.

What do you mean by "...and for that he had to make a phone call in the afternoon..."? Does it mean that he will call you or that he needs to make phone calls to other officers?

You are one step closer to your green card. Everything will be alright. Keep that fighter attitude!
My Interview Experience at Philadelphia Field Office!

Hi friends,

I was there 15 minutes prior to the interview
I took the elevator to the 3rd floor, it was packed.
I thought I would be there for hours due to the crowd.
After I turned in my interview letter I did not even wait
for 5 minutes, my name was called. The immigration officer
was a rather young gentleman, he looked professional.
Since I knew that my case was rather complicated I did not
have very high expectations but I was confident. To start with

Congrats capeolive, it sounds like it went nice and smooth and you impressed the heck out of the IO and I am confident that he will make sure he helps a smart person like you.
Keeping the fingers crossed for more good news from you...