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DV 2010 AOS Only

I did an infopass today. IO told me that they have my case. That is good news, at least it is not lost. He also told me that it is in predecision or presomething (I don't remember) stage. He promised that I will get an interview letter as soon as they come to a decision on how to proceed. He also recommended me to fill an inquiry form which I did. When I told him that I wanted to talk to a supervisor who is more knowledged or has more access to information he kindly answered no. Instead he suggested that I have more patience.
I hope my visit reminded them about my case and it will move on.
P.S. It has been 82 days since I did my biometrics.
Hi sogdian,

It is good news that they have the file.
There are 2 files though.
First one is what you sent originally that NBC sends them.
Second one is DV case file that KCC has and sends them.
Did you call KCC, has your file at KCC being transferred to DC?

My advice is keep doing infopasses every two weeks.
No matter what, be nice to people. Try to do it different
days if possible. If you do it Monday do the next one
in two weeks Tuesday for instance. This way you might
get different people to talk to. Don't forget, being nice
to them would help you more. I hope you get your interview
letter soon...

I did an infopass today. IO told me that they have my case. That is good news, at least it is not lost. He also told me that it is in predecision or presomething (I don't remember) stage. He promised that I will get an interview letter as soon as they come to a decision on how to proceed. He also recommended me to fill an inquiry form which I did. When I told him that I wanted to talk to a supervisor who is more knowledged or has more access to information he kindly answered no. Instead he suggested that I have more patience.
I hope my visit reminded them about my case and it will move on.
P.S. It has been 82 days since I did my biometrics.
Hi Norkira and Ewokra

Congratulations !!! So happy for you both. Yes a small GREEN card can make soooooo much of a difference to us guys out here. Best of luck to both of you in the USA!!!!!!!
The file they have is AoS package. KCC case has not been requested. I think I is really a good idea to try different days of the week.

Hi sogdian,

It is good news that they have the file.
There are 2 files though.
First one is what you sent originally that NBC sends them.
Second one is DV case file that KCC has and sends them.
Did you call KCC, has your file at KCC being transferred to DC?

My advice is keep doing infopasses every two weeks.
No matter what, be nice to people. Try to do it different
days if possible. If you do it Monday do the next one
in two weeks Tuesday for instance. This way you might
get different people to talk to. Don't forget, being nice
to them would help you more. I hope you get your interview
letter soon...
HEY all

Ewokra and Norkira (with her family) congra to you all ............... U right Ewokra you should celebrate at the end of the fiscal year ,How about coming to washington dc ??
thank you very much. it doesn t have to be real meeting. all members who got their GC in this fiscal year. I don t know it can be aranged something on the internet. and we all owe something to this forum.

HEY all

Ewokra and Norkira (with her family) congra to you all ............... U right Ewokra you should celebrate at the end of the fiscal year ,How about coming to washington dc ??
Hey guys, we received my son's green card yesterday. I hope the rest of them are on their way to us.
Got the Green Card :) It's hard to believe it, but it's true. Now I don't know what to do with myself ;)
I hope all of you in this forum get to update your posts like me soon, I truly do.
I'll pray for each and one of you.

Congratulations Norkira. What a great experience you had. Very happy for you. I hope you enjoy your new status and thanks for your good wishes!!!
Hey guys, we received my son's green card yesterday. I hope the rest of them are on their way to us.

Congrats, that's awesome, here they come.....the first one's the hardest/most exciting one, the rest are a piece of cake :)
Hey I 2009

Any thing new with your side ? did you try to get more information from Uscis?............Yours and my sister turn now to get GC ,yours and hers numbers current on NOv. please make information app talk to some body in USCIS.
i was taking with my sister how was her court yesterday ? she was suprise she found out that immirgration IQ and even her lawyer didn't know the KCC file must be requested to get Visa........even IMMigration IQ argue why the DV payment went to Missour. For me this is little strange .
Any way some times they don't know what the need to do .

All my best wishes to you
Hey Guys


My sister has court this morning.........for master hearing .but immigration prosecutor she didn't request her file from KCC on time..........she did requested it by email ,she said she didn't hear from KCC and she does not know where my sister file is and she need time to find out .........the court set for May 26 .but my sister called KCC today after court to ask if it requested , it was requested but KCC said they just sent it today .

Hi fitness901,
I'm so glad that your sister case is moving, I'm sure in May you'll have some progress and success.
its been like 10 days that i have got my NOA but since then nothing. no online updates n biometrics appointment. Is it sth to worry about. While going thru most of the signatures i have seen ppl getting biom appointment with in a week frm the NOA. Do you think its time to do an infopass??

Hi nepal2010,
I saw that people did infopass if they didn't get bio appointments, so maybe it's good idea to do it and see what is going on.

Good luck.
Got the Green Card :) It's hard to believe it, but it's true. Now I don't know what to do with myself ;)
I hope all of you in this forum get to update your posts like me soon, I truly do.
I'll pray for each and one of you.

Congratulations Norkira!!!
You can now enjoy in your double lucky card :D....
Good luck, I hope you'll make BIG celebration :D