Charlotte interview
n400 receipt 3/15/07
priority 3/15/07
notice 3/26/07
FP 04/13/2007
interview 1/24/08...12:40 pm....approved
Oath scheduled 1/31/08 1-3 pm
Interview- no problems,very pleasant, 15 minutes, random 10 questions, read a statement in english, wrote a statement in english, signed photo graphs (no initials please!),make sure all signatures are legible (not usual scribble please!), since filing updated n 400 with changes-travel, employment, and birth of daughter, mentioned speeding ticket (settled) IO was not interested in including this in paperwork.
If your married status has changed while a GC holder bring paperwork as you might be asked.
Some others showed up in ripped jeans and dung-ball boots. Unbleilevable!
Dress up, it wont kill you!
Hoped to have Oath on same day, but told unlikely because late in day interview. Was also told by IO that No Oaths on friday.
Watch out for numerous speed traps along South I40/85/77