Charlotte, NC - N-400 Timeline


scars aside, finger prints shouldn't change. They took mine digital as well as on paper.
Should enable them to re-run as often as they like. Unless they delete/distroy them, but I have difficulties to believe that.
We are moving to Virginia in June!! I am soooo happy :) Hope everybody is hanging in there.

berrin, any news yet?
Folks, I am a new guy in this forum and finding this so useful.
I have a question to you guys regarding the 'other names used' in N-400.

My first name is long. So on credit cards they used only first 5-6 charactrs of my first name on the card and complete last name. But I did not put this name in the 'other names used' section on N-400.Should I have put this under 'other names used section'? if so, I believe I can rectify during fp.

Any idea?

My details are as follows
DO - Charlotte
N-400 sent 11/29
Received receipt - 01/13
FP received - 02/17
FP date 3/5
I am so happy for the move. Hope to meet you before then though! I still have not heard anthing but I am getting my hopes up since they are processing April applications now. I will post it as soon as I hear something....Cross your fingers for me!
We are moving to Virginia in June!! I am soooo happy :) Hope everybody is hanging in there.

berrin, any news yet?

Hi Gatedgal -

I hope you finish your naturalization before moving to VA, as the processing times there are atrocious (to say the least). It would put you back a long time if your case has to be transfered there. I lived there for many years and know this from 1st had experience regarding their slow DO - but all you need to do is look up their processing date on the USCIS web site.

Good luck.

I would just list that name.
For one, many of your financial transactions may be under that name and we all know how difficult it was/is to establish the credit history.

Even if money questions aren't always an issue when applying for N-400, it may actually look odd, if they can't find any links.

On the other hand - what's the problem with listing it?

If you change it later, it may cause additional delays. Get it into the system as early as possible.

Good luck
Folks, I am a new guy in this forum and finding this so useful.
I have a question to you guys regarding the 'other names used' in N-400.

My first name is long. So on credit cards they used only first 5-6 charactrs of my first name on the card and complete last name. But I did not put this name in the 'other names used' section on N-400.Should I have put this under 'other names used section'? if so, I believe I can rectify during fp.

Any idea?

My details are as follows
DO - Charlotte
N-400 sent 11/29
Received receipt - 01/13
FP received - 02/17
FP date 3/5

Hi JamesKing -

I believe you were correct in not listing this in the 'other names used' section, as it appears the credit card companies have shortened the name on your credit cards due to limited character space for printing purposes. I guarantee you that your name is listed correctly in their databases and on your credit reports. In fact, one of my names is abbreviated on my green card itself because of limited space - but USCIS has my full name.


I hope you are correct because at times a credit card is accepted as a form of supporting ID and thus may be associated with some records.

That is another reason why I would recommend to list it - possibly with an explaination why.

Better safe then sorry - but again, I see your point.

I hope you are correct because at times a credit card is accepted as a form of supporting ID and thus may be associated with some records.

That is another reason why I would recommend to list it - possibly with an explaination why.

Better safe then sorry - but again, I see your point.

Hi MartinAub -

That is a good point. But I wonder how JamesKing filled out his applicaition...And it really depends on this really... If he used is full first name, then isn't his fault if his name was shortened/abbreviated. I equate the 'other names used' section to nicknames or other names an individuals OPTED to use because they like that name or whatever. Also if you had a previous name (before marriage for women or name change for everyone). I think logically speaking, if some company shortens your name without your consent, you aren't bound by that - as you didn't choose it.

I forgot to mention that on my drivers license, they put together two of names due to lack of space - so now it appears as one big name. I never had any problem with that with USCIS as it doesn't match what is on my GC. I was even asked this once and I politely told USCIS that DMV did it because there isn't enough character space and that they would have to take it up with DMV if they had any questions.

as someone in another thread observed - we worry too much about stuff.
The only reason why I would be careful on this is because of the name check.

If I would have forgotten some minor travel or got the dates slightly off, but I am way below the "out of US" timeline, I wouldn't sweat that one bit.

Since it is common to abbrivate in computer systems due to lack of space, I think listing that wouldn't hurt.

I mean it's the same with name or address (where mine is long). Never fits on any form.

Well, I guess we gave him our best advise and a good number of reasons one way or the other.

I am done with my FP and still not able to see any status of my case on website. ANybody have same pblm? whenever I go there, it is giving message
like.."case status not available or not retrieved at this time:..
Lolali, I hope i will finish this naturalization process before we move to Virginia. I called them yesterday and the IO told me that my case was transfered from TSC to Charlotte, DO and probably will be delivered next week. I hope it will keep moving this fast and i will receive my IL soon.

Berrin, you will hear from them very very soon. Just hang in there.

I just cant tell you how rotten this place is and how excited i am to get out of here. I am sick and tired of being in the country. City will do good to me :)
Thank you MartinAub and Lolali for your inputs and replies regarding the other names used. I think it is a good idea to just enter the shortened names also in the other names used section.I hope I will be able to change during the FP process. Can I do it earlier than that by calling the customer service? Will they be able to update this info? Any idea?

My details are as follows
DO - Charlotte
N-400 sent 11/29
Received receipt - 01/13
FP received - 02/17
FP date 3/5
I would do it during your FP for the simple reason that you can verify what they entered.
They ask you anyway (at least in my and other cases)
I talked with IO today. They said my case is 20 days beyond processing time. They will put a service request if I have not heard anything in 10 days. How long after the service request I should hear something? Anyone with similar situations?

Just now I talked to IO over the phone.
I called actually to tell about failing to register online.
In that conversation, I just asked for my case status.
My FP done last friday, 02/22 in Charlotte, DO.
She said, I gonna get Interview in one or 2 months definitely.
Is that real possible? or they tell everyone just like that?:)

N400 sent........09/07/07
FP done...........02/22/08

Just now I talked to IO over the phone.
I called actually to tell about failing to register online.
In that conversation, I just asked for my case status.
My FP done last friday, 02/22 in Charlotte, DO.
She said, I gonna get Interview in one or 2 months definitely.
Is that real possible? or they tell everyone just like that?:)

N400 sent........09/07/07
FP done...........02/22/08

1 or 2 months, huh? When I had my InfoPass, I was given the same exact number by the IO. I've also seen other members of this forum report a similar timeframe given to them by IOs. This is beginning to sound like yet another standard USCIS response.
Had my FP done today


We had our FP done today in the Charlotte DO. It took us just 30 mins once we went inside.

One more thing for those who have future FP appointments. Please keep your cellphones in your car, they dont allow cell phones inside and you cant even switch it off and take it inside.

Now the wait for Interview letter starts... Does anyone know the timeline between FP and interview

Any idea?


I had my FP done today and now waiting for interview. Does anyone have any idea if small kids are allowed during interview or should the applicants be present only.

Thanks for your help
Last year, I went to my interview with my 10 year old daughter. She waited in the waiting room for me. It is a huge room with a TV monitor showing info about immigration stuff. Immigration officers come in and out calling for people's names they are assigned to. My daughter waited while I went with my IO to her office for the interview. Good luck.

PD: April 5, 2007
FP: May 9, 2007
Interview date:????