Atlanta Local Office Processing

TheRealCanadian said:
I'm probably missing something, but why do you feel that travel will pose a problem?

For what it's worth, TSC is processing I-90s from December 2003. File it now and you should get it in January or February at the earliest, after you return.
I'm just trying to be safe with the name change, I want to have the name changed on all the ids or none. If I apply I-90 now I may get it approved before I travel in Nov-Dec and in that case I may be in a situation where we have new last name on green card and old last name on passport(I may not get enough time to get name changed on passport if I-90 is approved close to my travel date). Also if I send the passport now for name change(which normally does'nt take more than a week) and dont get I-90 approved before I travel then again I will be in a situation where we have different last names on passport and green card.
I think I-90 receipt you can show as a proof..

ThakurSahab said:
I'm just trying to be safe with the name change, I want to have the name changed on all the ids or none. If I apply I-90 now I may get it approved before I travel in Nov-Dec and in that case I may be in a situation where we have new last name on green card and old last name on passport(I may not get enough time to get name changed on passport if I-90 is approved close to my travel date). Also if I send the passport now for name change(which normally does'nt take more than a week) and dont get I-90 approved before I travel then again I will be in a situation where we have different last names on passport and green card.
feb6361 said:
I think I-90 receipt you can show as a proof..
I'm in no rush. Thanks Guys for your input.

Its just like when we go for paspport stamping, you carry tons of other documents which are not mentioned in the approval notice, WHY ... just to be on safe side. If they ask for any document you dont have, you could argue with them and say it was not mentioned in the approval notice, but you may not have the element of luck with you and may end up with confusion/uneasiness. And at that point you realize Why was I so optimistic with BCIS ?

I guess I will tread on the side of caution and will defer any name change until after my travel.
ThakurSahab said:
Its just like when we go for paspport stamping, you carry tons of other documents which are not mentioned in the approval notice, WHY ... just to be on safe side.

I've never done that much. The only reason I've been so anal about bringing docs for the interview is I've seen horror stories here about folks that didn't get the approval at the interview and have been stuck for weeks and months.

Let me give you my experience, if it helps. When my wife arrived in the US, the only piece of identification that contained her married name was the I-94 she received at the POE 48 hours after we were married. When the INS officer was filling out the I-94 for her TD, he asked "Do you want this in your married name?" She said sure, and that was that. It never caused a problem, although every now and then they asked about why the name was different between the passport and the I-94.

In your wife's case, it's even simpler because if worst comes to worst, she still has the I-551 stamp in the passport with the same A#. Should be a complete non-issue, and I wouldn't delay her new card by six months by such a worry. At the same time, the impact of waiting that long is really low, too. Your call, but I really wouldn't be too worried about this.
TheRealCanadian said:
I've never done that much. The only reason I've been so anal about bringing docs for the interview is I've seen horror stories here about folks that didn't get the approval at the interview and have been stuck for weeks and months.

And similar horror stories.......with airlines being anal and not letting people take advantage/benefits of Green Card because they do not have a physical card(jut stamp in there passport) is deterring us from taking any action on name change. I'm not sure if you are aware about this or not but when you apply for I-90 you have to attach your ORIGINAL green card along with the application, meaning she will be without physical card for the duration of processing, which is another big reason for us not applying I-90 at this juncture.

Thanks for your help and avise on this matter though.
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ThakurSahab said:
I'm not sure if you are aware about this or not but when you apply for I-90 you have to attach your ORIGINAL green card along with the application, meaning she will be without physical card for the duration of processing, which is another big reason for us not applying I-90 at this juncture.

Wow. I didn't know that.

Knowing this, your course of action makes perfect sense.
Any new Interview scheduled???

Hello everyone,
Just wondering if any new interviews have been scheduled and what the ND dates. Mine in April 29, 02.

Having seen what happened with Feb6361, what are the grounds that I can stick on and ask for stamping before I leave ASC gate. ASC can come out with any execuses, I guess. My interview is schedule this Monday..8/9

hi Greencard0001,

Thanks for your reply, since u did your finger printing on 03/06/2002 and it is older then 15 months, did they ask you do fingerprinting again before the current interview or you have been called for interview with fingerprinting done on 03/06/2002.

Originally Posted by Greencard0001
RD 12/31/2001
ND 01/17/2002
FP 03/06/2002

Mine was a normal processing. No priority at all

Greencard0001 said:

Having seen what happened with Feb6361, what are the grounds that I can stick on and ask for stamping before I leave ASC gate. ASC can come out with any execuses, I guess. My interview is schedule this Monday..8/9

Received Green Card

I have received the green card(physical card) in mail yesterday. Had the personal interview at the Atlanta local office on July 20, 2004. After the interview they had said it will take 6-8 weeks to get the card in mail but got it in about 2 weeks.
waitingforaos said:
I have received the green card(physical card) in mail yesterday. Had the personal interview at the Atlanta local office on July 20, 2004. After the interview they had said it will take 6-8 weeks to get the card in mail but got it in about 2 weeks.

Darn. I'm still waiting. Hopefully Monday gives something in the mailbox. Congratulations!
Atlanta Processing Dec 2001 cases

Just came bcak fromot ATL office. Got my IEAD ( Valid for 1 yr) and got to see the processing times (Says Dec 2001) also confirmed with the clerk.

Dont know how long the Parole takes ( RD May 05 th ,2004 , transferred on July 31 st to Atlanta). :confused:
Thanks for the information related to the processing time; Dec 01 is way much better than July 01, posted on the USCIS website :)
chintu said:
Just came bcak fromot ATL office. Got my IEAD ( Valid for 1 yr) and got to see the processing times (Says Dec 2001) also confirmed with the clerk.

Dont know how long the Parole takes ( RD May 05 th ,2004 , transferred on July 31 st to Atlanta). :confused:

Chintu, where did you see the processing times? Are they posted in Atlanta office? Could you please confirm? How could the dates jump 6 months??

That's strange that the website is not updated. Maybe... since they update website once in a month, it's becuase of that.

Congratulations, waitinforaos for getting the plastic card.
My interview went pretty well this morning. General stuff, Oath, Fingerprint etc and then stamping. The whole process was over in 20 min and stamped. I was not asked for any docs. No EVL, No W-2, No tax returns

I want to thank two individual from the bottom of my heart. "realCanadian" and "Feb6361". RealCanadian has been very sporting and spirit lifter at a time when we all thought we were doomed. He waited for two years and I for one before we all cd see thgis day. He always wrote with great humor, fantastic details and lawful logic. I was an engrossed reader of his notes.

For all those who do not know Feb6361's contribution. He is probably the man behind the faster processing that we see now. His efforts with Rajiv Khanna and letter petition to Senator Chambliss back in Q104, in my view resulted in expeditious processing.

Thanks a lot
GreenCard001, let me be the first one to congratulate you. Enjoy the freedom, buddy! Go get drunk...!!

Hey.. i am still wondering when the dates are posted as july-01, how come you got an interview?

But anyways... real happy for you. :)
Congratulatation!!!!!!!!! We all will meet one Sunday evening in our favourite (may be Lucky!) place 'Global Mall' after my stamping will be done..

We will invite those who didn't get an interview also to help them..


Greencard0001 said:
My interview went pretty well this morning. General stuff, Oath, Fingerprint etc and then stamping. The whole process was over in 20 min and stamped. I was not asked for any docs. No EVL, No W-2, No tax returns

I want to thank two individual from the bottom of my heart. "realCanadian" and "Feb6361". RealCanadian has been very sporting and spirit lifter at a time when we all thought we were doomed. He waited for two years and I for one before we all cd see thgis day. He always wrote with great humor, fantastic details and lawful logic. I was an engrossed reader of his notes.

For all those who do not know Feb6361's contribution. He is probably the man behind the faster processing that we see now. His efforts with Rajiv Khanna and letter petition to Senator Chambliss back in Q104, in my view resulted in expeditious processing.

Thanks a lot
are the local centres taking thier dates as the dates or should we consider the Transfer dates as our Priority dates.
I was under the impression that the dates at the local centres are only for the cases filed at that office. Transfer casses are dealt seperately.