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  1. T

    Old-timers, any advise on 245(i) traveling with AP?

    :) hi Npnjan02 After a long time i logged in. I am really glad that your wife made it. ;) HI frodo, anytime your legal status expires for example the day your any type of visa expires. you have to reaply for expansion or get another visa. if you don't, in 180 days then you are...
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    Anyone waiting for interview from Chicago ?

    Hi,cheka Boxerbhai's answer is almost will be same answer from me as far as documents to carry for interview. For question in interview will be vary.Usally most of the time they asked you about your current employment they don't care who did you sponsered? as long as you have a current job...
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    To all :

    Hi,npnjan02 How come u don't know follow my thread but not his.I always follow him as matter fact we always talked on phone too. By the way a.bhai has similar case like you.
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    Anyone waiting for interview from Chicago ?

    Hi,all The discussion you guys are doing about RD ND and TD i had been done last yaer in diffrent website forum since i was memeber(not any more) , , and ofcourse Based on that discussion with diffrent people and talking with attorney plus my...
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    Did anyone receive such a message ???

    please email to
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    Did anyone receive such a message ???

    I just receieved welome notice for me & my wife.I181.I am little worried how come i didn't receieve for my kids? well who cares?passport stamped for all. npnjan02, Don't worry about ur job as long as they can afford to pay u will be fine. I never worked,not even payroll from day 1st who...
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    Did anyone receive such a message ???

    Hi, once ur case transfered has to have interview hence they transfer cases from main center.All transfer notices are same format paper.There is no such thing that speed procees reason.I hope npnjan02 get apporval soon
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    What is EVL?

    Emploment Varification Letter i.e. Job Letter
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    Urgent!! Birth Certificate

    Hi I am also candian citizen since 1992 and i had same problem but i got my original B.C. from India. During my interview when officer asked about my B.C. i said i will get it but my lawyer asked her that if he can't get it original B.C. then Waht? Officer said that he can get affidate with...
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    Finally 245i Case Approved

    Hi,Boxerbhai and npnjan02 Thanks. Yes when i had interview they took our new photos and finger print for first finger from all my family members. i took infopass appointment yesterday for me and my wife for jan-11 then my computer didn't let me do it further.Now i can't make for jan-11 for my...
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    Chicago Local Transfer Interviews

    Finally apprved Hi,all Finally I got approved. See detail in Thread says 245i approved in Nsc 485. thanks to all foroum members. :cool:
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    Finally 245i Case Approved

    Finally 245i Case Approved - ND April 01 2002. Hi, All By grace of GOD we got approved.I was main applicant.My wife ,Son, Daughter all approved. I applied L.C. before April'01 using 245i for employment catogary (RIR) L.C.approved on sep-04. I-140 Approved on March-02 Applied I-485 on...
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    Question to Gurus... -

    Hi,boxer bhai I don't know your answer but i am a canadian citizen and in canada this stamp is most important eventhough your passport is expired. This stamp will use for future.In canada will use for citizenship. If i would be in your situation i would certainley go and stamped. By the...
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    boxerbhai gets approved -

    Boxerbhai, congratulations. Enjoy ur freedom.I am sending today about my rfe (B.C.and Tax Return). Hopefully i will get soon. May be christmas Gift from santa !!!!!! :) :cool:
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    Case transferred to Chicago Local office

    Hi,All I have my interview done on 11/03/04 at 11.00a.m. Chicago.Lady officer #9 was so f*****g rude can't believe it.One thing i noticed that these officer are so dumb.they don't know very much immigration laws.My attroney came from newyork. Officer asked him why u came from newyork?how did...
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    Case transferred to Chicago Local office

    chi lin u don't need employment letter,medical or i-864. But if it is available i would suggest you that u carry emploment your case you must take proof of marrage and B.C. for all your depands applicant.Also it is better to carry last three year's tax return.
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    Please share your opinion...

    hi,npnjan02 I shouln't use surprise word.But what i mean by that i have friend and he has Aug-02 RD with 245i also has rfe in september-04.he hasn't reply yet. my Rd is March-02 and i get rfe then transferd to local interview is on 11/02/04. I don't your detail but your Rd is...
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    Please share your opinion...

    I am really surprised about npnjan02.By the way i am 245i applicant. my rd 03/14/2002 nd 04/01/2002 fp1 05/29/2002 fp2 12/19/2003 ON 3rd EAD ref 03/19/2004 REceieved rfe by NSC 06/2004 case transfer to chicago 07/2004 interview 03/11/2004 See more detail in transfer to chicago office...
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    Case transferred to Chicago Local office

    Congrats!! Viv2 Enjoy ur free freedom!! Thanks for your all posting in this forum.
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    Case transferred to Chicago Local office

    Thanks,Boxerbhai, I wasn't worry toomuch about that matters.My big concern was On interview letter saying Pleaseappear with your petitioner on 11/3/2004 at 10:15:00 AM.Since i applied under 245i i was nervous but few members of this forum advice that you don't have to take your employer...