Urgent!! Birth Certificate


Registered Users (C)
I have a problem.

I have received an RFE for my birth certificate "issued after November of 1993, IN THE ORIGINAL".

I have no family still live in China. My parents live in Vancouver Canada. Worst yet, my original residence is long gone and has been placed by a huge shopping mall. I can not locate a government body in China to issue my birth certificate.

All I have now is an old Chinese Notary for my birth issued in 1985. What should I do now? Can I ask my parents to issue an affidavit instead? What format this affidavit should be?

Thanks in advance for your help.
I should give it a try, right?

I did not ask. I have been a Canadian citizen since 1992. I wonder Chinese Consulate would help.
I am also candian citizen since 1992 and i had same problem but i got my original B.C. from India.
During my interview when officer asked about my B.C. i said i will get it but my lawyer asked her that if he can't get it original B.C. then Waht?
Officer said that he can get affidate with notary signed will worked.
In your case if your parent write a note about your birth then you can notary
that note will work.Hope this is help.
Thanks a lot

Thanks for your response. I have contacted my parents and they did find old notarized documents showing that they are my parents and my birthday was also stated. They were notarized in November 1995.

The fact of this RFE indicates a new trend of US immigration. My lawyer said that he never received or heard such a requirement for notarized BC document should be issued after 1993. It usually required the issuing date should be as close as possible to the day of birth.

Anyway, I am really grateful to your recommendation.