Anyone waiting for interview from Chicago ?

No reply at all

My case was transfered Sep. 2004. No reply until now :(
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What does notice say when tranf. to local office?

Hi all,

I have a simple question. When the case is traf. from the National center to Local office does it mention in the notice why it has been transferred ? I mean, I read here that some says that their case was trasferred for interview. I have got a notice and it says that your case is transferred to local office for speed processing. does every body get this standard message that it is trasf. for speed processing or some gets the notice that it's been tranf. for interview?just curious..any input is appriciated.

I485/I140 filing date: 14 April,2003 (Concurrent)
Priority date - some time in 2001
Labor Substitution
Got the notice for interview need help from gurus

For all those who have been to the dearborn ofice need your valuable tips, advice.I need to appear in 2 months with a whole bunch of documents.
RD 10/02
Good that you got the interview

Boxerbhai and taruwish would be the best people to guide you as they've both interviewed in the last 2 months.
When did you get the interview letter? My RD is Dec '02 and the case was transferred Oct '04. When was your case transferred?
Cheka -

This is the link for my interview experience -

As far as the documents needed goes, take everything that was listed in the interview letter. I would suggest you to make a file and take everything - ANd make copies, coz they want to retain a copy (especially 1040 tax returns) As far as I can remember, following are the things I took : ( My interview was triggered coz of marriage after filing my 485 - )

1) Interview Appointment Letter
2) I-485 Receipt
3) Recent pay stubs ( I took for the last 3 months)
4) Employment verification letter
5) Joint Home/lease document showing the spouse name
6) Credit card statements - In my case spouse was the secondary card member.(6 months)
5) Joint Bank statements (6 monts)
6) Other benefits (401K), investments where the spouse name is included or is a beneficiary
7) Medical insurance where spouse name is included
8) 1040 returns where I had filed married filing jointy.
9) Wedding album - The officer did see them and asked few questions on it
10) Pictures with family gatherings with myself and spouse.
11) Vacation pics with myself and spouse.
12) Original Birth certificates of both and copies
13) Degree certificates if available.
14) Original Marriage certificate and copies
15) Passport
16) Green Card format pictures
17) Car inurance card if available having both names

Others - please add on If I have missed anything here. ( I might have forgotton some stuffs)

Hope this helps - All the Best to you !

Interview Questions

Thanks Boxerbhai. That list would indeed help me plan my trip to INS. Just wondering what all questions one can expect.
My lawyer asked me to go alone as I don't need a Translator.Also I-864 is not required in employment based cases.I-693 I have already submitted I-693 to INS nebraska.

RD 10/02
TD 10/04

Boxerbhai's answer is almost will be same answer from me as far as documents to carry for interview.
For question in interview will be vary.Usally most of the time they asked you about your current employment they don't care who did you sponsered? as long as you have a current job and almost same salary as per your L.C.then you will be fine.
Sometimes depand upon officer in my interview i was trying to expline about my current job and told her that i used AC-21.She act like dumb!what you talking about Ac-21.Lafy officer didn't had clue about AC-21 but she was very smart on tax side.she asked me lots of questions about tax since i was 10% owner of corporation of current employment.
I never worked for a day nor on the pay roll for sponsered company.
Best luck for interview.
Primary case is approved, dependent transferred
RD - 2/02
TD - 11/04
Nothing so far from the Chicago office. Two inquiries (one from the attorney, one from info-pass) unanswered. Any suggestions?
Is it safe to move to a different state with the primary case approved (primary has a job offer in NY)? What will happen to the dependent's case pending in Chicago?
my husband & I were transferred in september of 2004. My husband changed his job (primary) in october 2004 (same state). I dont think it is a problem, but consult your lawyer.

We have an infopass appointment on 11th. Did they give you any answer at all regarding your case or was it a waste?
visit to chicago local office

RD Jan 9 2003
TD DEC22 2004

It was pretty quick, my appointment was at 9:20 i was there by 8:50.. they gave me a token..and my turn came after waiting for 10 minutes.

I had asked her about my case.. ( it sounded like this person was new).. she said ur finger prints are fine,background check is all clear (cleared Feb 2005) ..u should be scheduled for an interview soon.. she then stepped and talked to an other officer (not sure why).. she said we will forward ur case to adjudications and they will send u some information in the next 60 days.

not sure if that is an interview letter or just a case enquiry.. i had asked her about wait time for interview.. she indicated that she does not know that..

the mileage on the answer they give depends on how informed the person is whom u talk to according to me..

hope this helps..
There was another person with his case TD Sep 2004, that just got his interview letter. So yours is probably on it's way too.

What he found was that his case hadn't yet arrived here in Chicago. The case was still in transition after two and a half months. So the only thing the officer could do was to file an inquiry to find out what was happening to the case.
Good luck tomorrow.
BTW, I can't get any infopass information appointments. I've tried for a couple of days but nothing. How did you get it?
When can my spouse expect to be interviewed and what happens in an interview

My EB2 (employment based) 485 was filed in Nov 2002 in the VSC. Today (3/10/05), my spouse got email from USCIS that the case has been transferred to the Chicago office. Can anyone help me with the following:

1. When can we expect to get an appointment?
2. Do we have to do anything or the Chicago office will notify when to come for the interview?
3. Does the interview result into adjudication of the case or will there be more processing involved?
4. Is there a phone number in the Chicago office to find out the status?

My questions are basic, but will appreciate if anyone could update me on the answers. Thanks,
Info pass experience

I took an info pass appointment (udacha6 -I was never able to get the appointment, after trying for a while, I went to the office..they didnt let me in but said you try husband called his sister and asked to make an appointment and thats how we could get the appointment. I was aslo told to try late in the night or early morning) My husband and got our turn after waiting almost 2 hrs after our appointment time!!!..that idiot didnt know anything..he looked on the computer and told my husband everything in his case was ok- all checks cleared- and in "staging area"" and told me the myy case was not transferred..I got irritated and told him I got a leetter saying its transferred..he said but your files didnt arrive here physically..then he looked around (on the computer) and said in one place it says it is tramsferred..then he was wondering why we didnt get the interview!!!..then he said let me look at your case again and told my husband his is waiting for name check (first he said it was cleared) for that my husband said I have a email from fbi that says name check is clared back in he said fbi is not the only agency there are several other agensies involved in name check!!! We decide no point arguing with this idiot and left.
npnjan02 said:
There was another person with his case TD Sep 2004, that just got his interview letter. So yours is probably on it's way too.

do you know who it is?? what is that person's RD??

Same here.
My husband went for another info appointment yesterday (I was able to get a 7:40AM the morning after after I scheduled it because someone must have cancelled it). He had a mind-boggling discussion with the officer about his case who said that after four and a half month the case still hadn't arrived in Chicago. He also stated that his computer says that the case is still in Vermont and didn't even begin the transition process. We called the National 800 number the same day and were told that "yeah, the case is strange and most likely the case was lost in the mail". We filed two inquiries - one in Chicago, one over the phone, but the previous two were replied so I don't hold my breath on this one.....
We never got anything from the FBI on my husband so I don't know whether his name check was cleared or not. I tried three or four times, but in vain.
Don't know what to do next.
I have a job offer in NYC but my lawyer says that I shouldn't leave Chicago because his case is already as complex as it ever gets so we shouldn't make it impossible. Very sad, it is a good research position....