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  1. R

    Succesful interview Florida!!!

    Best luck for you and your friend,And congratz for her :)
  2. R

    DV Expires or not? [ 2005 thingy]

    5 years with no intention of going to the states....I think that's impossible man.
  3. R

    How long it takes to get SSN and GC

    You don't need to worry at all as long as you go the visa's from your embassy's then you're good to go :) first of GC takes up to 4-5 weeks to arrive ... and you said your self you went to SSN office and they accepted your application and it will arrive in 7-10 ...I don't think they would lie to...
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    GC processing - Education

    Well,In case you're planing to go to college or continue education or if the last education you received was high-school only so applying for a job would have to show the diploma
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    GC processing - Education

    It's simple as it is,1- You have to make sure you have all your papers ready Whether they gonna ask you for the college degree or High school degree 2-as ammeck said I think they will look for the high school degree since It's one of "MAIN" requirements to be eligible for DV lottery So what's...
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    Just email them you got nothing to lose,Actually you're losing time .. what you gonna do if you didn't get the letter and the Interview is tomorrow ? so Just email KCC or call them and ask them about your letter if you can track it down or they can send you another letter or copy VIA Email
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    Education system in USA for kindergarten student..

    Here And here I hope I helped
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    Affidavit of support, Help me

    Employment letter and I-134 Are perfect, but it's up to u if your bank account doesn't have enough credit proof then don't get it :) Best luck with your Interview
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    Affidavit of support, Help me

    Always make sure you have all the documents They might ask for your own funds,but I think I-134 Is fair enough,But make sure you have your own funds as well :)
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    Have my Interview coming and I am pregnant!!!

    Isn't it better to give birth to the baby at the states.... he will get the citizenship , But the medical fees there are pretty expensive
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    application name different to legal name????

    Best way to know is to contact KCC or the embassy and explain to them
  12. R

    Have not received Green Card ID

    I don't think KCC can help you anymore since you had the interview your case was transferred to the embassy so i think you should call the USCIS locate the nearest office for you and then call them they will pretty much help you . and the GC...
  13. R

    How to find affordable, safe accommodation in the States

    and may i ask what are the cheap cities that can have affordable rooms to rent and work,good colleges as well ?
  14. R

    Thousands From Terror-Sponsoring Nations Entering U.S. on 'Diversity Visas' Read before you post ..... Racism against Middle Easterners and Muslims Source I'm not sure how do you live in the states and you don't comprehend what racism...
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    Thousands From Terror-Sponsoring Nations Entering U.S. on 'Diversity Visas'

    dude whats with you and the Muslims,Just keep your posts racist free if you wanna post here , IF not keep your mouth shut ...
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    Thousands From Terror-Sponsoring Nations Entering U.S. on 'Diversity Visas'

    and how come this topic hasn't been deleted yet
  17. R

    Education Helps for a PR !!!

    why don't you find any work to help you in your studies
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    Thousands From Terror-Sponsoring Nations Entering U.S. on 'Diversity Visas'

    that doesn't look good :( not at all ..
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    Starting Work after entry

    Is it really that hard to find a job? I mean If I'm still at college or studying,can't I find jobs at a dinner or anything that pays the minimum wage ? sorry I went off topic,But I was just curious