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  1. W

    Atlanta GA - N-400 Timeline

    I thought chennai is very crowded. It is even difficult to walk in the streets due to so many people. Well - that was told to me by a malayali.
  2. W

    Name checks now taking around 6-8 months!

    Will USCIS make a way to speed up namecheck? By paying up more fees? Is there a way to do your own namecheck?
  3. W

    Big B gets US citizenship

    Big B owned a Tv station in US but sold it as it was not profitable. Some actors/actresses in Bollywood movies were models and when they act in movies it seems like they are modeling. Some are sons/daughters of former stars just like Big B's son who is a mediocre actor compared to his father...
  4. W

    Big B gets US citizenship

    Big B is an Indian actor. He has ben acting for almost 40 years! But I think Big B is not the best actor India produced talent wise. Most of today's actors in India cannot be called talented. I think in most asian/oriental movies the acting is bad. There is little talent.
  5. W

    I am back. What is new with you people?

    That thread could have become something beautiful. It could/might have become the longest running thread on the citizenship forum! that dream is gone now.:(
  6. W

    I am back. What is new with you people?

    We had a long thread going about Universal health care but the moderator/s deleted it. They could have transferred that thread to social forum or someother relevant forum but someone used their "authority" and deleted it completely. I think it may be(just a guess) someone who was participating...
  7. W

    Top things people do once they obtain citizenship

    Color your white hairs. Get Hair transplant for final. Stop checking mail obsessively. Stop reading postings on this forum every hour. Reduce your postings on this forum. Peace of mind.:) Relax, relax. No tension, No tension.:)
  8. W

    Receipt and FP Notice Received

    Hahaha Nice one and a Service request that takes 45 days!!!! very nice. Really really nice. Haha... Meanwhile pass those 45 days counting how many of your hairs on your head have turned to white color!!! Good luck man. Hahaha. really nice.:D
  9. W

    USCIS Online Status

    Any other way to get to the immigration officer? The contractors are not helpful and won't let you through to the immigration officer. I have the receipt so I can't use that excuse. What other way to get to talk to an immigration officer?
  10. W

    USCIS Online Status

    Who are the contractors? What is the way to get past them to get to an immigration officer? It is really impossible to get to an immigration officer. Those customer reps. won't transfer the calls to the immigration officer. The service order - GET THIS TAKES 45 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!! plus these...
  11. W

    N-400 Appliers - middle to late July - Anyone got interview/interview letter/oath le

    N-400 Appliers - middle to late July - Anyone got interview/interview letter/oath letter?
  12. W

    moving after Finger print - 2nd FP

    :D Good luck. The way TSC is moving you probably will be giving fingerprints in dallas.
  13. W

    US naturalized citizen giving birth outside US

    Ladybuggy, Why are you getting/taking second fingerprint notice although you have already gotten an interview and your citizenship is approved? It is in your signature.
  14. W

    Got fingerprint notice after 07/31?

    not only that - fat on abdomen(killer fat), stroke, heart attack, may be ulcer, eye bags, and the list goes on. Do keep posting every couple of hours though. Just by reading you guys/gals posts - my stress level has gone down.:D
  15. W

    Got fingerprint notice after 07/31?

    List of dedicated posters(posting like every 2 hours every day for last month or so): 1. bobsmyth 2. Vorpal 3. add Nimche keep it up people, it makes wait all the more exciting.
  16. W

    tsc-receipting times

    What does your letter say? Does it say "received the application on this so and so date?" Is that the priority date?
  17. W

    USCIS Receipts Update 11/23/07.

    TSC moved 1 day!! From July 26 last week to July 29 this week. Since USCIS is closed on saturdays and Sundays and July28 and July 29 were Saturday and Sunday respectively!!!! So those 2 days don't count. Only July 27 counts so it really moved from July 26 to July 27 in 1 week...
  18. W

    Prediction on weekly receipt update times

    I offered my services as a volunteer for processing N-400 receipts specifically for TSC. They laughed it off. :D
  19. W

    Prediction on weekly receipt update times

    Bingo. Tsc at 7/26 like my prediction. The slowest one, whereas California and Nebraska are doing September. Someone wake those guys and gals up. May be we can volunteer to do N-400 receipts on weekends and afterhours. I think I can do one in 5 minutes. So 20 hours on weekends = 120 N-400...
  20. W

    Prediction on weekly receipt update times

    I predict N-400 for TSC will go to 7/26. Not much basically. - says updated through Nov. 16, 2007 but when you click on the link it says: As of November 9, 2007, USCIS has completed initial data entry and issued receipt notices for applications and...