I am back. What is new with you people?


Registered Users (C)
Last week and this week have been very very busy for me.
Between work and wife's delivery being so close, I had no time to check the forum.

What is new with you guys? Any progress with the USCIS processing these days?
Are they faster?
I heard that they are up to date on everything and all apps for GC/Naturalization and Work Permits are completed:)
I even heard the USCIS is thinking about firing people sicne there is no need for so many employees since there are no queues and no backlog and the FBI name check system is updated and now done by having IO submit the name through a secure application ON THE FLY.

Life is so good..isn't it?
Life is very good, but nothing has happened here. Now by having alot of new people which are ready for Interview and nothig is going on. We are still waiting. I guess the field offices are overwhelemd with alot of applications.
But it is good to have you back + new baby is coming so I pre-congratulate you in advance.
Last week and this week have been very very busy for me.
Between work and wife's delivery being so close, I had no time to check the forum.

What is new with you guys? Any progress with the USCIS processing these days?
Are they faster?
I heard that they are up to date on everything and all apps for GC/Naturalization and Work Permits are completed:)
I even heard the USCIS is thinking about firing people sicne there is no need for so many employees since there are no queues and no backlog and the FBI name check system is updated and now done by having IO submit the name through a secure application ON THE FLY.

Life is so good..isn't it?

Have you been reading the National Enquirer while you were away from the forum?
Not much going on ... seems like a lot of people have had their Interview starting around November but no Oath Letter sent out including me !
Last week and this week have been very very busy for me.
Between work and wife's delivery being so close, I had no time to check the forum.

What is new with you guys? Any progress with the USCIS processing these days?
Are they faster?
I heard that they are up to date on everything and all apps for GC/Naturalization and Work Permits are completed:)
I even heard the USCIS is thinking about firing people sicne there is no need for so many employees since there are no queues and no backlog and the FBI name check system is updated and now done by having IO submit the name through a secure application ON THE FLY.

Life is so good..isn't it?

Oh yeah and i also heard that pigs have grown wings and can fly. George Bush is the best President ever and fee hikes have been reversed.
What do you guys think if anyone will get interview letter before end of the year? We should probably create a new thread and predict. Because I am totally bored to dead.
I heard that they are up to date on everything and all apps for GC/Naturalization and Work Permits are completed:)
I even heard the USCIS is thinking about firing people sicne there is no need for so many employees since there are no queues and no backlog and the FBI name check system is updated and now done by having IO submit the name through a secure application ON THE FLY.

Life is so good..isn't it?

Dude, I want some of whatever it is you've been smoking! ;)
Sounds like a good plan for the rest of this year cuz' we won't hear anything else from USCIS in 2007:D:cool:

At least we got our receipts and FPs! Before I even found out about the frontlog, I wasn't expecting to receive an IL this year, let alone be interviewed. I feel bad for all the people who haven't received their FP appointments yet, especially the ones who are being misinformed by the USCIS. I hope the new year brings them answers to their questions.
We had a long thread going about Universal health care but the moderator/s deleted it. They could have transferred that thread to social forum or someother relevant forum but someone used their "authority" and deleted it completely. I think it may be(just a guess) someone who was participating in it. :rolleyes:
After time out it all looks rosy. But you will come back to earth soon.:D
Here is my guess after I woke up ...
We will probably hear about interviews for those who applied after July starting March 2008...
16-18 months is rediculous and won't cut it ...unless u r stuck in name check ...
Besides, name check sucks..
Think about it..for example, I entered the US in 2002 (so the embassy back home had a background check for over a month with Israelis and Palestinians before they issued me a visa).
Then, I got through name check while getting the GC..
And now, after being a good resident for 5 years, why should it take more time than the most serious times (getting into the USA as non immigrant or getting green card)..

I am assuming this applies to many of you guys as well..
This whole name check process delay for n-400 is silly...
We had a long thread going about Universal health care but the moderator/s deleted it. They could have transferred that thread to social forum or someother relevant forum but someone used their "authority" and deleted it completely. I think it may be(just a guess) someone who was participating in it. :rolleyes:
After time out it all looks rosy. But you will come back to earth soon.:D

Presumably you are referring to the pages long political rambling titled "Thank you Obama"?

You can blame me for deleting it... my skin is thick, and it wasn't even remotely on-topic for this forum. Oh, and no I hadn't been a participant, so I guess that squashes that theory.

Just for the record, I have no ability to move threads, only delete or edit.
Spam Moderator, I guess someone here has the ability to move threads around. We had a thread for Family reunification(sorry to have it in citizenship forum, but it was related to citizenship) they moved it to Family joint visas which I hate to go. So I have never posted anything since then.
So if it is not you then who?
Presumably you are referring to the pages long political rambling titled "Thank you Obama"?

You can blame me for deleting it... my skin is thick, and it wasn't even remotely on-topic for this forum. Oh, and no I hadn't been a participant, so I guess that squashes that theory.

Just for the record, I have no ability to move threads, only delete or edit.

That thread could have become something beautiful. It could/might have become the longest running thread on the citizenship forum! that dream is gone now.:(