We are moving like a Turtle at TSC

I am not sure why? My application number also does not appear online.
I was told it is like that for several people on this board.

I just got my N400 reciept, read it carefully, it says visit www.uscis.gov for more information, and it also says "At present this site does not provide case status information."
I am enjoying my stay in India - and totally oblivious to the goings-on in the US. It's amazing - it's been just a week away, and already, US is so far and distant, almost like a dream!! The primaries and the pre-election fever in the US is also far away (although I saw front-page news about Hillary and McCain in Indian Express). I hope the FP notices have arrived for me & my wife, and I just have to pick them up upon my return on 01/12 and go for the FP appointment sometime later in the month. I'll keep you posted.

For those who are interested - India is growing in many ways - road and bridge construction is everywhere, new and large buildings, and malls are sprouting everywhere, people are gung-ho, and you can see visible signs of prosperity. I have been touring the villages too - and in some parts, time has stood still, and the places & prople are much like they were 30 years ago. But clearly, the elephant has started stirring!!

I have some nice pictures of the countryside on my trips to Chennai, Palani, Tanjore and my native village in Tanjore/Nagapattinam, and will be glad to share them with anyone interested.
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Glad to see your having fun in India. Since you left, the USCIS has been dissolved and all applications for Naturalization have been rejected. :D:D:D

Looking forward to seeing your pics Ravi1985..a good Mallu friend of mine just sent me some from Kerala..really beautiful place..have a safe trip home...:)
turtle has picked up speed and is running like a hare, see my sig. Good luck to all those who are waiting, Bob Smith, Vorpal et all.. your IL will be coming any day, hang in there.
turtle has picked up speed and is running like a hare, see my sig. Good luck to all those who are waiting, Bob Smith, Vorpal et all.. your IL will be coming any day, hang in there.

"Like a hare?" With your kind of timeline, it looks more like the turtle is strapped to a scramjet engine (Mach 10 - I believe).

Lucky you! :)
turtle has picked up speed and is running like a hare, see my sig. Good luck to all those who are waiting, Bob Smith, Vorpal et all.. your IL will be coming any day, hang in there.

Thanks and congrats! I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
Glad to see your having fun in India. Since you left, the USCIS has been dissolved and all applications for Naturalization have been rejected. :D:D:D

Looking forward to seeing your pics Ravi1985..a good Mallu friend of mine just sent me some from Kerala..really beautiful place..have a safe trip home...:)

Bobsmyth it seems you are indian.:D

You did FP already? Vow!
I submitted application first week of December 2007.
I am yet to receive FP appointment letter.

I called Customer service. They said that my application receipt has been send on 1/18. I didnt receive till now. what is the best way track that letter.
I called Customer service. They said that my application receipt has been send on 1/18. I didnt receive till now. what is the best way track that letter.
If it was sent 1/18 you should have received it by now. It may have got lost in the mail. You may try asking USCIS is they can send you another one if you still haven't received it by next week.
If it was sent 1/18 you should have received it by now. It may have got lost in the mail. You may try asking USCIS is they can send you another one if you still haven't received it by next week.

Customer rep gave Receipt Number as SSCXXXXX. Is this the case number to track on website.

On of the rep was saying we cant track the case online.We have to call and track by A #. Can we track the case using SSC** num?
The USCIS online system tracks numbers by receipt number (SSCxxxxxxx in your case). However, the system isn't reliable or updated.
The only way right now to track your case is to speak with immigration officer and provide A#.
any recent FP notices?

Anybody who filed in Sep/Oct/Nov 2007 to TSC got their FP notices?
I am just wondering how things are moving in TSC.


You did FP already? Vow!
I submitted application first week of December 2007.
I am yet to receive FP appointment letter.


I know I guess I got lucky. Just finished my FP and the staff was very nice even gave me a booklet with CD to study and said next will be interview and oath. They did not mention a timeline though. I am sure your FP notice will be in the mail soon. For me now the waiting game begins.
I know I guess I got lucky. Just finished my FP and the staff was very nice even gave me a booklet with CD to study and said next will be interview and oath. They did not mention a timeline though. I am sure your FP notice will be in the mail soon. For me now the waiting game begins.

you got booklet and CD to study? I did not get any book or CD. hmm.
did you ask them for a book ?