Traffic tickets and naturalization (threads merged)

apparently he used a radar, so they say, but he says i was going 72, but hell give me a ticket for 65 in a 60 zone. i know i wasnt going over 70 for a fact, but still regardless, i see so many instances where a cop says your going this fast, but ill give you a ticket for going this fast, they just all lie, they need to keep up there quota
Armed Forces Traffic Ticket Overseas

On my N-400 I did not mention I got an Armed Forces traffic ticket, because I thought traffic tickets do not have to be mentioned unless DUI etc.:eek: I got a ticket ONCE on post in Germany because my wheels did not come to a "full " stop at a stop sign. Armed Forces Traffic Tickets do not carry a fine and are also not reported to court ( they have another form ticket they use for serious violations like DUI or accidents etc that do get reported to courts) . The unit commander gets informed and he decides what to do. Basically you accumulate points for driving badly on an Army Installation and if it is more then say 10 points in year you are not allowed to drive on post for a while. The points expire after 12 months, but the incindent remains on your Army Installation Driver's Record. Again there are no fines to pay or courts involved. This is strictly within the military. Reading through these message boards I learned I probably should have mentioned it on the application. It was an honest mistake and I plan to rectify it during the interview. Should I bring an updated print out of part 10 and mark "yes" for I was cited? Given the fact there was no fine to pay and no court to appear to and there were no further consequences I do not need to mark anything else right?:confused: I can probably get a copy of my driver's record from our overseas duty station which would show just that one incident. My stateside driver's record is clean. I have NEVER gotten a ticket in the USA :) knock on wood! Any input as on how to best document this during the interview is very much appreciated. Oh yeah and I am not active duty military, but my husband is:)
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On my N-400 I did not mention I got an Armed Forces traffic ticket, because I thought traffic tickets do not have to be mentioned unless DUI etc.:eek: I got a ticket ONCE on post in Germany because my wheels did not come to a "full " stop at a stop sign. Armed Forces Traffic Tickets do not carry a fine and are also not reported to court ( they have another form ticket they use for serious violations like DUI or accidents etc that do get reported to courts) . The unit commander gets informed and he decides what to do. Basically you accumulate points for driving badly on an Army Installation and if it is more then say 10 points in year you are not allowed to drive on post for a while. The points expire after 12 months, but the incindent remains on your Army Installation Driver's Record. Again there are no fines to pay or courts involved. This is strictly within the military. Reading through these message boards I learned I probably should have mentioned it on the application. It was an honest mistake and I plan to rectify it during the interview. Should I bring an updated print out of part 10 and mark "yes" for I was cited? Given the fact there was no fine to pay and no court to appear to and there were no further consequences I do not need to mark anything else right?:confused: I can probably get a copy of my driver's record from our overseas duty station which would show just that one incident. My stateside driver's record is clean. I have NEVER gotten a ticket in the USA :) knock on wood! Any input as on how to wisest document this during the interview is very much appreciated. Oh yeah and I am not active duty military, but my husband is:)

I think you're worrying too much for nothing. There was never a fine
and therefore no record of the ticket exists in the eyes of USCIS.
You are probably right. But I am not as much worried as I just want to do the right thing. I understand that this ticket with no fine and no court is not a big deal, but honestly I am simply confused :confused:. Was I supposed to mention it on N-400 or not? If yes how do I best go about it during the interview. There is so much mindboggling and confusing info out there regarding traffic tickets. I had never even thought about it until I read it on these message boards. Before I applied I read my guide to N-400 and nowhere did it mention traffic tix... Did I have an old copy or something, lol?
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You are probably right. But I am not as much worried as I just want to do the right thing. I understand that this ticket with no fine and no court is not a big deal, but honestly I am simply confused :confused:. Was I supposed to mention it on N-400 or not? If yes how do I best go about it during the interview. There is so much mindboggling and confusing info out there regarding traffic tickets. I had never even thought about it until I read it on these message boards. Before I applied I read my guide to N-400 and nowehere did it mention traffic tix... Did I have an old copy or something, lol?

I think the confusion stems from some IOs tellings applicants during their interview that they should have included any traffic tickets on the application. In your case, not having included the traffic ticket on your application is neither right or wrong. The IO will ask you during the interview about any citations and that would be your chance to bring yours up. It would be a different story if you had a DUI or something more serious.
Traffic Camera Light ticket

I applied for naturalization couple of months ago. I have a vehicle registered under my name. My wife is also some time drive that car. Couple of years ago I got a letter from NY finance department about running a red light under red light camera program. I am not sure if I was driving the car at the time of offence. I did not mention this in my N-400 application. Please let me know if I should mention this at the time of the interview? I have heard from lot of people that this ticket do not go on some body record. Please advice.
I applied for naturalization couple of months ago. I have a vehicle registered under my name. My wife is also some time drive that car. Couple of years ago I got a letter from NY finance department about running a red light under red light camera program. I am not sure if I was driving the car at the time of offence. I did not mention this in my N-400 application. Please let me know if I should mention this at the time of the interview? I have heard from lot of people that this ticket do not go on some body record. Please advice.

The more important thing you need to ask yourself is if the ticket has been paid. If the DO asks about it at interview, then you should of course mention the ticket.
I applied for naturalization couple of months ago. I have a vehicle registered under my name. My wife is also some time drive that car. Couple of years ago I got a letter from NY finance department about running a red light under red light camera program. I am not sure if I was driving the car at the time of offence. I did not mention this in my N-400 application. Please let me know if I should mention this at the time of the interview? I have heard from lot of people that this ticket do not go on some body record. Please advice.

You are correct, this ticket does not go on your record. It's like getting a parking ticket. I'm a NYC resident, and I've been caught by the red light camera. The ticket isissued to the license plate no., not the driver.

Thanks for your reply. Did you mention that ticket in your application or you will diclose it in the interview? My problem is that the ticket was issued to me couple of years ago and I don't have any detail for that ticket. Please reply.

I didn't mention any tickets on my N-400, because, like many other applicants, I didn't think that tickets under $500 need to be mentioned, as long as the offense wasn't a DUI/DWI. I'll be disclosing traffic violations at the interview; however, I won't be disclosing the red light camera ticket. As I've said, a ticket like that is given to the license plate. Anyone could have been driving your car, which is why it doesn't show up on your driving record. To answer your question, don't mention that ticket. It's like mentioning parking tickets.

Thanks Buddy for your valuable information. Please let me know about your interview experience. Keep in touch and good luck.
My time line is
11/19/2007 Application mailed.
12/16/2008 Check cashed.
1/12/2008 NOA Received (Finger print letter)
1/23/2008 Fingerprint done.
Waiting for IL

Thanks Buddy for your valuable information. Please let me know about your interview experience. Keep in touch and good luck.
My time line is
11/19/2007 Application mailed.
12/16/2008 Check cashed.
1/12/2008 NOA Received (Finger print letter)
1/23/2008 Fingerprint done.
Waiting for IL

No problem, always glad to help out! Hopefully, we'll all be getting our ILs soon.
Vorpal, you mentioned you were going to mention ticket during the interview or only if asked? I am in the same situation, as that I did not mention a minor traffic ticket ( my wheels did not come to a FULL stop at a stop sign )since it was overseas on an army post and there was no fee or court to pay or attend. I was certain I did not have to mention it until I started reading post on here after I filed and now I am just confused. I have no issues telling them about it at time of interview, but I am not sure whether I need to bring an updated n-400. I never had to sign anything that I was cited, no fee, no court. What do I update if at all? Cited? Cited and charged? I wished they would clarify Traffic Tickets better in the future, there seems to be so much confusion out there because of it.
Vorpal, you mentioned you were going to mention ticket during the interview or only if asked? I am in the same situation, as that I did not mention a minor traffic ticket ( my wheels did not come to a FULL stop at a stop sign )since it was overseas on an army post and there was no fee or court to pay or attend. I was certain I did not have to mention it until I started reading post on here after I filed and now I am just confused. I have no issues telling them about it at time of interview, but I am not sure whether I need to bring an updated n-400. I never had to sign anything that I was cited, no fee, no court. What do I update if at all? Cited? Cited and charged? I wished they would clarify Traffic Tickets better in the future, there seems to be so much confusion out there because of it.

I agree completely, the traffic ticket nonsense is probably one of the most confusing parts of the N-400. In the Guide, it clearly states that no proof needs to be provided for traffic violations if the violation is not a DUI/DWI and the fine is less than $500. However, I've seen numerous posts where the IO specifically asked for traffic records, regardless of violations and fine amounts. If that's the case, the USCIS should just require all traffic records, regardless of what the violation is. It seems that the USCIS is purposely trying to make the process as difficult and confusing as possible.

I am definitely mentioning traffic violations at the interview. After dealing with all the crap, I am not risking having my application denied over failing to disclose traffic tickets. If the traffic ticket you received was issued outside of the army base, I wouldn't mention it. However, since the army base is considered American territory, I'd mention the ticket just to CYA. You can just fill out a new page of the N-400 (the one that asks the arrest/citation questions) and list the ticket. Just to be on the safe side, attach a short written statement, explaining that there was no fine or court hearing.
This has to be one of the most asked things here. I never reported any of my speeding tickets on the N-400. I researched it out and as mentioned here everywhere I saw from lawyers said unless it's over $500 or a DUI related offence it's not necessary.

During my interview I was only asked if I had ever been in court (I was 2 times because where I lived at the time it was mandatory to go to court for any speeding ticket). I told him yes, 2 times. He then asked if they were DUI related and I told him no. That was it. So he found out I had tickets, but wasn't interested at all in them since they weren't DUI related.

So that was my experience anyways. I was confused as well with that question on the N-400 and hence researched it as much as I could. Seems most people are in that same boat that don't report simple traffic tickets, but there's always exceptions and some people on here have been asked to show proof. Then again, they might have had other issues with their N-400 that maybe prompted them to ask for the proof. Who knows...
Citizenship and Traffic Infraction/Arrest

Hello All,
I was arrested for a Felony hit and run charge 16 months ago (did not go to jail as I got out on bail). There were only very minor bruises in the accident.
The courts charged me only with a simple traffic infraction (like a speeding ticket) for not having exchanged insurance information and cleared me of all other charges.Basically I was charged with Hit and Run but the actual verdict was just a traffic infraction. I have a clean record otherwise.
I am thinking of applying for a citizenship. How do you think this will affect my case? I got my GC in 2000.


but doing a hit and run is really dumb.

Just like the a*s in the black truck that scratched the side of my car at Staples and drove off. Nothing major, but you just don't do that.