Welcome to the US Open a traffic ticket and see what is written on it. It is a Citation - some explictly say so. The "citation" word may not have been used in your country of origin, in the US it does not need a lawywer to interpret the word citation - any written note handed to you by the police for breaking a law is citation. It can involve penalty or be a simple warning, neverthless it is a citation. However if one is "warned" verbally it is not a citation. Because you are not "cited".
Most people on this forum have strongly held beliefs and have already decided on a course of action and no one can dissuade the person. If you are looking for the answer that you believe in, be prepared to read equally strongly held beliefs that are contrary to your own belief. Otherwise just go ahead with what you want to do. I personally don't think there is any misinterpretation. A person can be cited for any break in law from jay walking or underage drinking to defecating in the public and of course in this case a breaking a traffic law.
Most people on this forum have strongly held beliefs and have already decided on a course of action and no one can dissuade the person. If you are looking for the answer that you believe in, be prepared to read equally strongly held beliefs that are contrary to your own belief. Otherwise just go ahead with what you want to do. I personally don't think there is any misinterpretation. A person can be cited for any break in law from jay walking or underage drinking to defecating in the public and of course in this case a breaking a traffic law.
I've read the application multiple times and none of the questions on the entire application mentions the words "traffic tickets". You may argue as much as you want that "being cited" and "traffic tickets" are the same thing. They may be for some people, maybe lawyers. I believe the majority of people are neither lawyers nor are they supposed to be familiar with legal jargon.
So this really creates room for misinterpretation, but in no way this would be misrepresentation - no one should be penalized for confused unintelligible language.
My interpretation is that if there were really an interest in knowing information about traffic tickets one of the question on the form would be, "Have you ever had a traffic ticket?". And that's just not the case.
My bet is that the YES would be close to 100% if the question was really related to traffic tickets.
I personally do not know any American citizen who never had a traffic ticket - and I know a lot of people
If you go back to the original question you will see that it is related to "volunteering" information.