San Francisco Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

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If you see old performance of DOL it's not new. DOL works this way only. Some times one month applications could take 2 or more months to process.

BTW, has anyone got success in using Tone-Talker? It's ringing for past 2 days atleast.

Keep Calm (that way you won't burn your blood and mind which is not going to affect GC processing anyways).
LC approved

Just wanted to brief you guys on my case details:

SESE Date: 10/21/2001
RD at DOL : 10/18/2002
DOT code: 999-151-051
Remand to State notification: 07/30/2003
Receipt of notification at lawyer's office: 08/06/2003
LC approved: 10/02/2003
Recipt of approval notication: 10/13/2003
Qualification: Post graduate with 6 years experience
Job reqt demands post graduation?: Yes
Layoffs at company? : Yes

When the Remand to State notification was received Lawyer spoke to DOL officer to confirm, and was informed that the notification was incorrect. The correct status was the application was being remanded to the non-RIR queue at DOL. 2 months later, LC approval was received.

Thank you guys, for being a source of encouragement and providing useful info. I just feel lucky, and want to wish you all good luck. See you in I140 forum.
Re: processing dates

Originally posted by reval_wait

Has anyone with DOL date of Nov 2002 heard anything, my application moved to DOL in Nov 2002.

The online phone system says they are processing Nov 2002 applications (I think this is the second month that it is stuck at Nov 2002)..

Any ideas what is happening or anyone in the same situation???

I am in the same boat... papers in DOL Nov 12th 2002... the AVM does not work for most part and the status got stuck at Nov... It would be great if we can know which date they are on......
Re:LC Approved


Congratulations!! and thanks for detailed information you gave.
Are you in Software? and how about the company?
EB2 vs EB3 in RIR

Hello there,

In the current situation does it make a difference if a case was filed under EB2 or EB3 as long as it is in RIR category??

Basically another way to put it is: Does EB2 get through faster or has a better chance than EB3, given both cases are filed under RIR.

Re: EB2 vs EB3 in RIR

EB2 or EB3 has no relevance as far as RIR (or Regular Labor for that matter) is concerned.

Originally posted by ss1123
Hello there,

In the current situation does it make a difference if a case was filed under EB2 or EB3 as long as it is in RIR category??

Basically another way to put it is: Does EB2 get through faster or has a better chance than EB3, given both cases are filed under RIR.


Congrats!. Man you are lucky.

Can you please explain more on the following. What is Remand to State and remanded to the non-RIR at DOL, is there any difference?.

"When the Remand to State notification was received Lawyer spoke to DOL officer to confirm, and was informed that the notification was incorrect. The correct status was the application was being remanded to the non-RIR queue at DOL. 2 months later, LC approval was received. "

Also please let us know if the remand to approve has to any thing with the lawyer or it just happened automatically.

Your answers would help answer few of the many unanswered question regarding DOL's process.

Rd: 10/02/2002; Remanded to State in July 2003
Re: Re:LC Approved


Lives7 should be a Software System Analyst. His Dot code from his post is 151-051 which corresponds to Computer System Analyst .

Originally posted by hanuman_chalisa

Congratulations!! and thanks for detailed information you gave.
Are you in Software? and how about the company?
Re: LC Approved


Titan01: This is my understanding. There is a RIR/non-RIR queue in SESA and there is a RIR/non-RIR queue in DOL. My application was in EB2 RIR. When DOL initially remanded back to state, it meant they were sending it back to SESA to be processed in non-RIR queue. When they reversed that decision later, it meant they are retaining the case in DOL, but processing it in the DOL non-RIR queue. I guess since the IT related RIR applications in DOL is now not being processed (pending clarification on auto remand policy), DOL was processing non-RIR applications faster, and my case went thru.
Hanuman: Yes, I am in Software.

Good Luck!
Hi Lives,

Its really confusing.How they are processing RIR/Non-RIR cases fastly.Bcos every RIR case remanded back from DOL must be in NOn-RIR queue right.I dont know what is happening??Bcos i am also in the same bay area.So i am eager to hear the news.

Any update?

Originally posted by cala
Anyone got receipt or case number from DOL for cases forwarded from SESA on or after Aug, 2003?

My case was forwarded to DOL in Aug, 03. I still havn't received receipt and case number from DOL.
finding LCs applied by the company

Does anyone know how to find the LCs applied
by company name in DOL web site
Re: finding LCs applied by the company

Go to :

However the database has cases REVIEWED between 1996 and 2001.

So if your company's cases were not adjudicated during this time you wont find it.

I dont think there is any way to find LC petitions filed and still pending from a company.

Originally posted by shankru
Does anyone know how to find the LCs applied
by company name in DOL web site
EAD card

My comapny applied for my GC in December 2002 in EB2
SESE Date: 12/16/2002
Comapny Size: large corporation with Offices in 170 Countries

Seems like in california state labor and fed labor are taking 1 year each.
so when Can I expect my EAD card.

Every one is saying they are processing November 2002 cases..
Can u please send me their web site link.
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