I am sorry for the re-post - didn't know how to 'create' a post on this forum, so am replying to another post.
Original thread:
I have been a long time reader of this forum and I love it. Thanks a lot to all those who contribute selflessly.
I heard something disturbing this morning from none other than my lawyer. Not the paralegal, but the attorney himself.
My labor is currently with the regional office. My company is in San Jose, CA, and the application started in Apr 2002, and it moved from state to federal in Apr 2003. When I look at flcdatacenter.com, I see that my R_RO date is 4/14/2003 and the last activity is Received Regional Office. Since the current certification dates I am seeing are for 2/10/2003, I had called my paralegal to let her know that she should start preparing for my 140-485 concurrent filing.
To respond to that request, my lawyer called me this morning and told me that even though my date is 4/14/2003, they got the letter from the labor dept only in June 2003, so that will be the date I should look out for. So he told me I still have 6 months to start preparing for 140/485.
Is that true?