New York City Transfers

I don't know anything about AC21, I did change jobs after filing for AOS after about 3 years, I didn't have to inform INS because I can change 180 days after filing AOS, it is the same job category and similar description, thats what my lawyer told me. I filed under EB3 category I think he charged around $3000 for everything from labor certification to adjustment for the entire family, the thing with him is that you pay him as you go through the different processes in installments. He does go to garden city often, he couldn't go to the interview with me because he was on vacation then, and advised me to go because you don't know what date they will reschedule the appointment, but he walked me through the different steps and questions that they would ask, draft out employment letters, went over everything in detail, very nice and understanding guy. The interview wasn't hard, they mostly asked questions about job details, and tax information. I did inform the officer of job change she said it was ok, but needed a financial report from new job just to keep for her records. She was understanding, and now I'm just waiting for a decision.

There is also another lawyer

Spar and Bernstein he's always on the radio and takes calls every friday and saturday night on 93.5 FM at around 8pm, it's a caribbean station. I don't know how much he charges, but I heard he's also good.

40-06 82nd ST
Elmhurst, NY 11373
718 685 0500
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Thanks J4Life95

Thanks very much for the referrals. I called Ming and he is out till next week so that will be tough as my interview is on 8/5. I also went and met the lawyer at Spar and Bernstein. They charged 120 for the consultation and i feel i wasted that as they were really not sure what they were doing. I think the lawyer they put me with was useless. Bernstein himself is probably good but he is away till next week also. Anyhow, I will have to shop around for more lawyers. Hard to find one that really knows whats going on.

I have a question for you if you dont mind. You changed jobs 3 years after you filed 485, correct? I changed job 1 year after i filed 485. But the lawyers are saying that in the employment letter the job duties, title and pay have to be same as the previous job (with which labor was done), did you experience same thing? Does the title, pay and duties have to be same after job change? Did INS emphasize or check on that during your interview? Unfortunately, my title is different but job details are similar but not identical. Did your EVL state the titlle, pay and job duties, all 3 items?

I heard that garden city is very thorough and they sometimes call the employer to find out if the letter is authentic and if u are actually doing what the letter states, is that true? They have this much time in their hands i guess.

Once again, thanks for you priceless advise. I truly hope u get ur cards very soon. I am sure u will. Take care and all the best.
Sorry to hear that Ming wasn't there, I've been trying to call him myself and he didn't return my call. I guess he's on vacation. Ming did tell me that once it's the same job description and field, it doesn't have to be exact then you can change jobs. In the employment letter he drafted he included the salary, title,job duties dates employed etc. If the salary is less than the job you had before, you can include that once you get approval that the company is willing to increase your salary they don't make a fuss about that, if you work overtime that will be a plus. With my employment letter I also included my supervisors business card incase they have to call. The thing is that at Garden City, the officers don't know who they are going to interview in advance. When they call your name to start interview, their supervisor gives them your files and that's the first time that they will be seeing them so the questions that they ask will be on whatever they have in your file or what documents you give them. My advise would be to take brochures, pictures with you at work, company business cards, maybe documents from your company with your name. They really don't ask that many questions because of the amount of interviews that they have to complete a day. They mostly stress on taxes and your job details. Dont give them anything that they don't ask for, and make copies of everything to take with you, don't worry about parking there is plenty. The people at Garden City are friendly and understanding, some of them are immigrants themselves it's totally the opposite of federal plaza, they don't rush things, or get attitudes, there is no line to wait on, you go straight in hand in you appointment letter and sit until they call your name to go to the second floor. Good Luck with everything.
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Thanks J4life95! I will do accordingly. I am thinking of going and meeting Allen Kaye who is an attorney in NYC. I see from his webpage that he is quite good. Any idea? He charges 200 for consuktation and 2500 for everything after that including going to interview! ANyway, Ming's secretary said he is back on 14th. FYI. I will let you know how my talk with lawyer goes. I will have to see if my company is willing to put some changes in the EVL to reflect my old job description exactly. Thanks again and take care.

I have sent you a private message with another lawyer as well, you have not read it, though. I went to Allen K. about 5-6 years ago, I assume it might be the same one. He is quite famous, he might have been the president (or at least very involved) of the American Immigration Lawyers Association? Anyway, my experience was that in our situation he called an expert from New Jersey who advised us to move to Canada and forget about the US. I guess he is so busy, he has lots of helpers (lawyers). All the best to you!!
any suggestions

we are expecting a baby next year.we are thinking of delivering the baby in India.we are green card holders.Anybody has any legal advise on this one?.We are thinking to return 2 to3 months after the baby is born.
You shouldn't do that, the baby will be an Indian citizen and will have to file for it's papers, it's not gonna be considered an american citizen because you are Green Card holders not American Citizens. When you become naturalized then your baby will be granted citizenship.
charts said:
I'm curious. Why were you guys been transfered to NYC? Where did you file the AOS? Why they have to interview in the NYC? This probably why NYC process takes 2-3 years.

I filed my I-485 thru marriage in Apr and got an interview notice 6 weeks later. I'm not sure if I'm a lucky or unlucky one.
The difference is clear:there are more I-140(employment)than I-130(marriage)to be processed in NYC...I think that is the reason!
Anybody Else Transferred To Nyc???

:confused: I am trying to find out whether there are other experiences with the NYC transfer.
Surprisingly, I found just a couple of people ( OK, so there are tens or hundreds of thousands, but they don't know about this site).
Is there a correlation between the TD and the interview date? Or only the RD is important?

I was wondering what happened with:


(Lucky1234 interviewd _ When was the RD ?)
(Hana Interview and approved)
(J4life95 RD 2001, Interview Aug 2003)
(Tata2003 RD 02/15/02, TD 01/06/02, Interview Letter Received in July 2004).
(deguchi Rd Nov2001, TD Nov 2002)

I also found an excel file made by: GC022002
sundancekid 01/02 08/03 11/03 02/04 NYC
hana 9/01 11/02 1/04 3/04 NYC
minicab_NYC 12/01 06/03 10/03 12/03 NYC
deguchi 9/01 11/18/02 NYC
hardworkgc 5/03 NYC
tata2003 02/02 01/03 NYC
asn485leu 01/04 NYC
j4life95 10/01 10/02 08/03 NYC
hardika 01/03 NYC
lucky1234 07/03 03/04 4/04 NYC
My receipt date is 11/01. I am still waiting for the name check to pass through. I faxed to CIA early June and never heard back from them. Any idea how to speed up the process? Contact Senator would that help?
can anybody give me advise?

I was wondering if we have to get passport and visa for the new born baby to get back to USA?.After coming here we can apply for green card for the baby.I have a 4 year old daughter who is born here.
shreya321 :)

That is so sad: only you and 3-4 more had an interview in all these years!..and at least you and j4life95 didn't get the approval yet..
I thought the approval is given at the interview..soooo incredible..
That is so sad: only you and 3-4 more had an interview in all these years!..and at least you and j4life95 didn't get the approval yet..
I thought the approval is given at the interview..soooo incredible..

You really have to push them to give you the approval at the interview. At my interview they really did not want to approve it but after begging and pleading they approved it and stamped my passport.

You shouldn't put your new born baby through all the trouble, just have the baby in the US so it can have full rights and citizenship. With your green card is takes about 3-4 years to apply for your infant since your not a citizen yet. If you were a citizen and then had the baby abroad, it would be a naturalized US citizen that would be different. You've been through so much already just to get your green card, why would you want to put your own child through the same trouble?
J4life95 said:

You shouldn't put your new born baby through all the trouble, just have the baby in the US so it can have full rights and citizenship. With your green card is takes about 3-4 years to apply for your infant since your not a citizen yet. If you were a citizen and then had the baby abroad, it would be a naturalized US citizen that would be different. You've been through so much already just to get your green card, why would you want to put your own child through the same trouble?

I completely agree. My son was born here and his life is so much easier because of it. Immigration views naturalized citizens differently from those born here. I know how many times I wished my parents had delivered me in the US. The only reason not to have your child in the us is for tax reasons (inheritance tax, global taxation, etc.) If that is not a concern I would strongly urge you to have the baby in the US. Good luck.
Interview approval

Thanks Deguchi,

Your advise will be helpfull to those with pending interviews, I personally didn't get an interview letter (yet, RD 05/02/02, TD 09/23/03).
Have you sent the supporting docs to the address printed on your confirmation notice?

lgwait said:
Personally, I don't suggest you e-filling. I did my 3rd e-EAD renewal on 2/4/04, did photo and finger prints 3/20, online updated 3/25. Haven't get approved until today. my file also with MSC. yes, you can call to schedule an appt right away, but the waiting time is much loinger than traditional paper filling, at least is happened to me. By the way, does anyone know what can I do now? only waiting? my old card has expired last month.
lgwait EAD

My EAD has expired as well, while waiting for the renewal. Somebody in this forum replied "you should stop working right away"..I wish I could afford that luxury..I also wish I had the life circumstances to be blamed for not applying 3-4 months ago..
Well, this is my 14th EAD..
I guess one can go to receive an interim EAD (ONLY??) after 90 days from the application date.
working with a expired ead

hey instant
i had applied for my 3rd ead just like urs ...pretty late it got expired on 15may04 and i had applied on 29th apr04..haven't recd it yet but my boss is ok with it and so i have no problem,i am still working for the same company since i filed for my papers..and fortuanately they lawyers say it should not be a problem..with my paperwork..sincei have the receipt..
altough my case was transferred to newark local office on 22jun04 and last friday i got the interview letter schd on 06aug04...and my 3rd ead has not yet been approved
btw my freinds case was transferred to ny local office and it took him almost eight months to get the interview..hope u dont have to wait tht long..(since its election year)i will pray for u