New York City Transfers

Wrong address

The reason I got my letter two days before the finger printing appointment is that they sent it to my old address (from over a year ago). I have tried many times to make sure they have the new address but apparently it is impossible for them to make sure all their computers are update. So for others who have had a change in address try your best to get your mail forwarded. The post office only forwards mail for a year and after that you need to go and make a special request to forward the mail.

A copy of the letter is also sent to your lawyer so if all else fails you can get a copy from them.

I am going to have to buy a suitcase to take my full INS file with me to the interview
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Guys, we were interviewed on april 26 and the case is pending for FBI name check. This is really frustrated after such a long wait and getting so close. I just got my internet connection today becase we moved the day after the interview.
Are your name is very common name in your country?
From the other thread, there seems quite some people didn't get
approval after the interview.
Is any of you guys applied Employment base cat. under 245i and had an interview in NYC or garden city. Please post your experience will be highly appriciated. Thanks
I don't think our names are popular in our country. One thing through all these years we found out is that you can't use any reasoning and logic with INS's process.

We had interview April 27. The interview was scheduled for 10am and we got there at about 9am and waited until around 10:30 when they called us to the interview officer's room and swear in. She asked the update financial documents from the lawyer and kept typing and pulling information from FBI and other database and print out our information and endorse our passport for pending I485 (245i) application. The lawyer asked her whether the finger print comes back ok. She said yes and pending name check and then we left. The whole process took about 10-15 minutes.

I will check back if you have any additional questions.
To Tata2003: Thank you for all your post. I am almost in the same situation as yours. My last two EAD got approved from VSC. On April VSC transfer my files to MSC. In the mean time, my EAD were pedning at VSC also. But When they transfered my 485 file to MSC; VSC transfered my EAD files to NYC. My question to you do you think NYC will transfer our EAD to MSC since that where our 485 files. Please respond. -Thanks
one step closer...

I have found out that my FBI name check was cleared on April 24th

Hopefully I will get my approval notice soon now.

It took about 3 months from my interview and 5 months from when the FBi received the request, to clear my name check

In response to the increasing number of name checks being delayed the FBI has set up a public enquiry phone #

it is 202 324 2399

you can find the status of your namecheck, when it was received etc

hang in there everyone!
I found this today from

05/05/2004: USCIS Move to Reduce RFEs
• The AILA has reported that yesterday the USCIS started its move to reduce issuance of RFEs which had burdened the agency with tons of workloads leading to the delays in adjudication and backlogs. This move cuts both ways for the customers. But before we get to this point, let's find out the skeleton of the agency's new guidelines.
o Outright Denial for Failure to Meet Basic Statutory/Regulatory "Substantive" Qualification Requirements: From today, the agency will deny petitions or applications if the filing fails to meet the "threshold" eligibility requirements for the petitions or applications. This will help the agency to throw out either frivolous or totally ineligible cases without wasting any time and money.
o Outright Denial for Failure to Submit "Sufficient" Evidence to Establish Eligibility: When the petitioners or applicants submit the required basic threshold supporting documentation which meet the "initial" evidence requirement under the statute and regulation, the agency will not give additional opportunity to supplement the evidence by issuing RFE. Accordingly, it will be critically important that the petitioners or applicants go an extra mile to document not just de minimus threshold evidence but sufficient evidence to prove the threshold requirements.
o RFE is required When "Initial" Records Are Missing: The statutes and regulations list the record requirements for filing of petitions or applications. If such records or evidence are missing, the agency will continue to issue RFE.
• The positive impact of this move is obviously reduction of backlog. This web site has been advocating such move all along.
• However, one should not ignore the negative side of this decision. People will see increased number of denials in the mail without RFEs. A couple of things people should be conscious in presenting a case from here on:
o Meticulous Documentation for Threshold: One cannot sit on a minimal documentation anymore. The agency cited as an illustration issue of "employer's financial ability to pay the proffered salary" to the alien employees. If the least amount of evidence is submitted to establish this requirement, which the agency believes failed to prove this requirement, the case will be denied outright. From here on, "extra" documentation may be a prudent thing to do.
o EAD vs. H-1B Strategy for I-485 Filers: The risk of working on EAD rather than H-1B status will increase substantially under the new policy. Once I-485 is denied, the alien loses the legal status immediately if the alien worked on EAD rather than a nonimmigrant status. The agency will immediately revoke the EAD. The only recourses available will be either an appeal or a motion to reconsider or a motion to reopen. Meanwhile, those who work on H-1B will not be affected by such denial when it comes to their H-1B employment and legal status. Besides, those who work on EAD rather than a nonimmigrant status are subject to removal proceedings as they do not have any specific nonimmigrant status when the I-485 application is denied. Another important point to remember for the 7th-year H-1B extension eligible professionals. Under the current court decision, the denial of agency does not deprive them of eligibility for the 7th-year extension "if" an appeal has been filed timely. The court determined that "final decision" under the AC 21 that stops the eligibility for the 7th extension eligibility would not arrive until a decision is made by an appeal unit. It is thus likely that people will witness an increased number of appeals to seek remedy for the legal issues and to preserve their right to the 7th-year H-1B extension pending appeal.

My spouse came as a B1 and when transferred to the F-1, the semester already began, so there is a eight months period where we can't provide evidence of going to school. We took the attorney's advice to pay $1k to become 245i, which we probably should not have done. The BCIS did not even question that period of time. I don't know why the attorney would advise us to do that.

Hi, Sundancekid:

congrats! Did you just call the 202 number and leave your A# and phone number? How long did it take for FBI to call you back?

call the 202 number and follow the instructions

I do not know how long they will take to reply-- I think they will be a lot busier now everyon has the number

BUT, you should not call just to see what's happenning-- only call if your name check is pending.
NY Transfer - Interview Done - FBI Name Check Pending


Interview Completed, but I-485 still pending due to FBI name check not received.

Has any one contacted the FBI "Name Check Division"? How long does it take for them to respond to queries?

Any info is greatly appreciated.

Approved At Federal Plaza

:cool: hi all,
we got our passport stamped after the interview.Let me give the details.
We had an appointment today 10am.We reached there at 9 am.Called for the interview at 9.45 am.The lady who interviewed us was extremely nice lady.Interview took just about 20 mins.She didn't ask much documents att all.Just employment letter and tax returns.she didn't even ask for marriage certificate or proof of marriage.she didn't even look at those documents she requested..I don't even know why it got transferred.she stamped our passports and told us we will receive our green card with in 2 months.
that was a big relief :)
RD AUG 28 2001
TD FEB 18 2003
:cool: Iam same person who used to post with user name KRISHNAVARAN
To: shreya321

Good Luck and God bless you. I have a question for you. When you arived at federal PLz. which floor did you go to for the interview and what's your case details? -Thanks


Saw your post that you have your interview at garden city next week. Are you ready for your interview. When you get approved don't forget to tell us how everything went. Please give details....

Blessings and may God be with you...
we went to 8th floor.I came to this country with R1 visa.(religious).i applied for Employment based greencard.category is EB1.
J4life95 said:

Saw your post that you have your interview at garden city next week. Are you ready for your interview. When you get approved don't forget to tell us how everything went. Please give details....

Blessings and may God be with you...

Firstly congratulations Shreya!! That is great.

My interview is on monday. am going to try to take everything I can think of.
Will definitely let you know how it goes (post will be a couple of days later as I am traveling directly after it).

Hope for the best.