New York City - N-400 Timeline - Naturalization Experiences

Officially a naturalized Citizen!

Hello All,

As of Aug 20, I am now officially naturalized!

I had my appointment for 10.30 am. Arrived at the Federal Plaza at 10.15 and was ushered into the room (on the 3rd floor). There were about 175 of us taking the oath. I went with my cousin. She had to sit at the back, while I had to sit with the other oath takers. Before we were seated, we had to hand in our green cards and other documents (such as EAD and I-20) in our possession.

The ceremony itself was unremarkable. Some of my friends had inspiring speeches from federal judges and the likes. None of that for me. There was a video about how wonderful New York was for tourists (which I thought was really silly considering all those naturalizing are anything but tourists) and then one official read the names of all the countries of origin of the people who were naturalizing (68 -- that was cool I think). Then, we collectively stood and took the oath. Then a second person led us through the pledge of allegiance, followed by the national anthem. Then the officers distributed the naturalization certificates.

The whole ceremony lasted less than an hour. I was out by 11.30 a.m.

The certificate itself has space on it for you to sign once you verify that the information is correct. I was going to sign as I usually do,(first, last name with middle initial) but the officer told me to sign my entire name (with middle name spelt out). I found that a little weird. But I guess they want you to write out the whole name.

The certificate states that it should not to be duplicated. But the officer told us to make a copy before we sent it out with our passport application.

I had prepared my passport application and taken it with me. But unfortunately, the agency did not have any representatives there. (My friends in California dropped off their applications at the ceremony). So, I made a copy of the nat. cert. and went to the nearest post office and sent off for my passport. ($170 + $25 for postage -- I did the expedited version as I need to travel soon).

Now am waiting for the passport. Once it arrives, I can go to the Social Security Administration and let them know that I am now a citizen.

I am going to register to vote in the coming days. I think I might have missed the deadline for the primaries. You need to register at least 25 days before the elections in the state of New York.

I guess that will be the last of the bureaucratic hoops to jump through ...

I arrived in this country on 14 Aug 1992 -- so it took me 18 years, almost to the day, to "become" American!

Good luck to all those who are waiting!

All the best

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Congratulations!!! 18 years is small potatoes compared to other, some people wait 40 years... G.W Bush is still waiting for his naturalization ceremony, doesn't know who wrote the declaration of!!! This was a requirement after he left
I was wondering if I can move while CIS is making a decision on my citizenship application. I'm applying for jobs all over the country, so would a move to CA or another state while they make a decision require the case to be transferred again, or does that only apply before the interview?
I was wondering if I can move while CIS is making a decision on my citizenship application. I'm applying for jobs all over the country, so would a move to CA or another state while they make a decision require the case to be transferred again, or does that only apply before the interview?
It all depends if you notify USICS and they register your change before possible oath.
Oh. Will they ask if I've moved at any point from now until the oath (if I am approved)? This is all hypothetical because I have no definite offers of work out of state, but I want to see what my options are. If I did get a job somewhere and I don't submit an AR-11, I'd be ok?
Oh. Will they ask if I've moved at any point from now until the oath (if I am approved)? This is all hypothetical because I have no definite offers of work out of state, but I want to see what my options are. If I did get a job somewhere and I don't submit an AR-11, I'd be ok?


Don't leave NY, you are the glue holding the city together, or more chaos will follow the city. You should get your network to place you in a position, applying for jobs these days is a waste of time. I can't tell you how many jobs I have offered to people informally, while we have a posting of the position on the web, receiving hundreds of resume which we just shred. Good luck in your job search....
I thought that pigeon and rat crap was the glue holding NYC together?;)


You are too funny man!!!! My sources tell me, Cafe owns a vast network of pest control companies, so he has vested interest in the continuation of the rodent population in!!! I knew his claim of looking for a job out of state was a cover-up, he's the!!!
I still didn'yt received my IL. My appl. for N400 was submitted at the begining of June and I did my FP more than a month ago.
When will I receive my IL?
To Cathyg. I also sent my application in the beginning of June, but I already got an update that my case had been transferred to a local office on Sept. 10. Now I'm expecting to receive my IL in the mail. So I think yours should come to you soon too.
Finally, got the interview letter after 5 months of filing the N-400 application.


05/07/2010 : N-400 Sent - Lewisville, TX (via UPS)
05/10/2010 : N-400 Rec.
05/20/2010 : Checks Cashed
05/10/2010 : Receipt PD
05/24/2010 : NOA Rec.
06/21/2010 : Rec. FP letter;
07/14/2010 : FP Scheduled
06/23/2010 : FP done
07/23/2010 : YL Received
07/20/2010 : YL Date
09/14/2010 : Case sent to local off.
09/17/2010 : Interview Letter
10/19/2010 : Interview Date @ Garden City
xx/xx/2010 : Oath Date
xx/xx/2010 : USC Date
xx/xx/2010 : Passport Application
xx/xx/2010 : Passport Received
All right, got the interview letter...

Hi ironsmith, my post below was for you.. I meant to say that you are lucky to have received your IL. I haven't reveied mine :(
USCIS customer service rep informed me my name has been on the list for an interview appointment since July 15.
mbetona, We are the same I start getting worried, the worst part, I lost receipt paper, So I don't even have my receipt number to check what's going on.
my time line

New York (Queens), 3 year based

06/11/2010: N-400 sent to Lewisville, TX lockbox
07/15/2010: FP appointment (actual)
8/15/2010 YL Received