New York City - N-400 Timeline - Naturalization Experiences

knavigator1, I only have yellow letter left, is the one number start with NBC*+ 9 digital number ( and indicate as file number) ? I did try to track that but status page say need to be 13 character. So I guess yellow letter doesn't have.

I lost Both receipt paper and Finger Print page.
Finally I got my receipt number to work now my status shows

Request for Evidence

On June 21, 2010, we mailed a notice requesting additional evidence or information in this case N400 APPLICATION FOR NATURALIZATION. Please follow the instructions on the notice to submit the requested information. This case will be in suspense until we receive the evidence or the opportunity to submit it expires. Once we receive the requested evidence or information and make a decision on the case, you will be notified by mail. If you move while this case is pending, please use our Change of Address online tool to update your case with your new address or call our customer service center at 1-800-375-5283.


So I called 1800 number and the representative say the request of evidence means My finger Print and i don't have to worried about it, and I did finger print at 7/15 , has been almost 3 month, why it still show this info? Should I be worried? does anyone else has the same status like me after almost 3 month of finger print?

Pls advice the matter Thank You!
Ironsmith, Which part NYC are you? NYc, Queens or Brooklyn .

We have almost same time line and I still haven't got my interview letter.
Ironsmith, Which part NYC are you? NYc, Queens or Brooklyn .

We have almost same time line and I still haven't got my interview letter.
mbetona, Could you tell me if ur online status already transfer to local office or it says request of evidence? since we have almost the same time line. tks!
Well, I'm moving to CA for a couple of months at least. My current housemate says I can continue to receive CIS post here, so she'll let me know if they send me anything. Hopefully it's soon.
Well, I'm moving to CA for a couple of months at least. My current housemate says I can continue to receive CIS post here, so she'll let me know if they send me anything. Hopefully it's soon.


Did you get signed by a casting agent too? I thought my friend was the only one, he's moving to CA too, to model. Apparently, he has soft hands and he's into hand modeling, as you in to hand modeling too...?
Hah, great Seinfeld episode. I wish I were a hand model. Alas, I am unemployed, so I'm going to CA to help my mom with some things as we recently had a death in the family. I'm still looking for work in NYC, and I intent to remain a resident here with the hope of returning soon.
I had my interview today at Federal Plaza. Everything went well: I passed the civic test and everything was fine with my application and passport stamps. But at the end the officer asked me to bring one document that I didn't have with me. I received a letter noting the date and time when to bring the document (next week). It's not a problem for me. I just want to know what is going to happen next. The officer said my N-400 will be approved once I bring the document. But when I come back I won't be seeing the officer who interview me today. Did anybody have a similar experience? Is it possible that I'll be approved and get my oath letter the day I go there, or will I have to wait for my approval notice and/or oath ceremony letter in the mail? How long did you have to wait? What is the chance that my case will be delayed for a much longer time because of it?
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Would you mind stating what kind of document you were asked to bring in?
All IO's are different and all DO's are different, so mostly likely we wouldnt have an idea of how long you will have to wait. just have patience and pray for the best, Goodluck and congratulations!!!
everyday when I hear the mail man come I am the first to go out and check if my interview letter came? I am tired of waiting. I think something weird is going on with my case, info pass next Monday...

I applied on the basis of marriage. I had joint tax returns for 2009, but 2007 and 2008 I filed separately. The IO asks me why. I said that my husband didn't file because he didn't work. I know that we should have filed together anyway, but we were to young to understand the consequences. I didn't think it would be such an issue. The IO was nice about. He asked me to bring proof from IRS that my husband didn't file those for those years.
here is my interview experience.

First since i live in Orange County NY, I had to get up @ 4:30am so i can be out of my house by 5:30am .... I met my Lawyer at her office and we were on the NYS Thruway by 6am-ish. My Appointment was @ 8:20am and once i hit the GW Bridge there was massive TRAFFIC. There was an accident on the opposite side of the bridge but since everyone wants to look, I slowed everything down. Arrived downtown found parking a couple of blocks away. I wasnt gonna drive around and look for the best rate or anything, I was running late. Finally, I arrived at 26 Fed Plaza around 8:40, my lawyer was 5 minutes behind me. We enter the building and security was right on top of things. shoes off, belt off , jacket off..after that. We went up to the 7th floor. Handed in my interview letter and was told to have a seat and wait to be called. By this time, I was a nervous wreck because I was late and because of what I went thru driving down there. Around 9:20 I was called to door 1. Nice tall black lady walked us into her office. Began going thru the application right away checking of everything. She noticed that my mother's maiden name was on my Honduran Passport. So she wrote it in red pen on the application. Then we go into the charges/convition part of the app. She told me to give her the supporting documents from my 2 arrests. Then she asked me to briefly tell her what happend at both arrests. So I did no big deal. On my second charge for possesion of M.J. (youthful offender) she asked me what was the outcome, so i gave her the discharge letter from the 3 year probation.. she then took a few moments to read thru the dispositions and the records I gave her. She asked me if she can keep originals, I said no problem. As she was going thru the application I realize that she had a strong accent. I kept thinking to my self, this lady must be from The Bahamas or WestIndian. I had to ask her a few times to repeat the question cuz I really couldnt make out what she said. but I go thru it no problem.

Then the History/civics test.
1 Name a war in the 1900s?
2 How many house of representatives?
3 Cheif of Justice?
4 In what month do we vote for president?
5 Who is the father of out land?
6 When do we elect a house representative?
She asked me to read a sentence - In what month is columbus day
Then told me to write - Columbus day is in October

She then gave me a paper saying that I passed the tests. Then she said she has to give my file to a supervisor for approval. Which I understand just from reading past experiences on this board. Im gonna have to wait I guess. Hopefully they see that enough time has passed and they see that I'm totally rehabiilitaded. I didnt travel out or had any arrest since 1999. Either one of my charges are deportable. I dont wanna have to appeal, not because I dont think I'll win but because I dont wanna spend the money on it. Once i remember question #6 I'll add it on. However I do feel happy with the way everything went today. I'll be looking forward to receive "THE LETTER". Thanks everyone on this site for everything. if it wasnt for this site I dont think my experience would've been the same.
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quickly send off those tax papers to keep your case moving in the right direction!

Your case is moving a little slow even for new york, hope you get some great news at your info pass next monday!