Nebrasaka I-140 Excel Scanner ..

There must be a limit for every stupid things.

Is it a good idea to send a letter or mail to Nebraska Service Center director to investigate why all the cases are getting RFEs Since Last week?


Customer Feedback:
We strive to provide quality service to our customers. If we have not lived up to this commitment, we would like to know. If we have met or exceeded your expectations, please let us know that as well. To comment on the services provided at this office, please write to the Center Director, at:

USCIS Nebraska Service Center
P.O. Box 82521
Lincoln, NE 68501-2521

Note in the heading of the letter and on the envelope: "FOR THE PERSONAL ATTENTION OF THE DIRECTOR."

No need to give any personal information. Just we can write "From NSC I-140 filers".

please update my info in the tracker

Here is my case status:

EB3, RIR, semi-concurrent
I-140, RD 12/20/03
ND 12/23/03
REF sent on 02/26/04
don't know what the REF is about yet. Will update once I
found out.

RD 01/09/04
ND 01/14/04

all are still pending
There appears to be no limit for stupidity in USCIS.
Another stupidity :- They seem to have stopped August processing and have moved to Sep - Dec 03.
Many cases are still pending from Apr - Jun.
They approve/send RFE's for half the cases of a month and then move to another month leaving the rest in limbo.

I have written many letters to the director for another problem I am facing and am getting no response.
Their customer service No. is hopeless
Can we also contact a senator or congressman to shake these morons out of their idiotic way or working
Any ideas !!!

Something needs to be done for this RFE virus and slow processing otherwise it is not going to stop
Please send letter to NSC director,"Quality review" department(I don't know what is Quality here) and also local senator and congressman.

Points to be mentioned:

1. Already huge delay due to H1B Cap.
2. Trainee Officers should be properly instructed to avoid unnecessary RFEs.
3. I-140 is the major petiton for AC21 and other things and these trainee officers should not be allowed to play with our life/career
just like that.

Common, let us make difference. Let us act from today.

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I am with you...Let me know what kind of co-operation you need from my side.

Few weeks back I sent a letter to the director with the heading "For the personal attention of director" nothing happened....

I totally agree, that all the cases are going to these F'd up training guys.

My company filed for 9 guys. We are doing eveything legal. Responded to RFE for few in the 2nd week of Jan but again we are getting same RFE for rest. No approval for the ones for which we responded in Jan...

I think these morons stopped looking at RFE responses and issuing the similar for the rest. These guys are playing with our lives.
NSC way of working

Hi everyone, I fully agree with you. It looks like when they move to next month for processing, they forget about processing the cases of previous months. Mine is pending for close to 12 months (filed in early Mar 03), no RFE, no approval, follow up by Attorney, no reply, customer service just sucks. Using tracker, I could see that there are about 30-40 pending cases of Mar 03. In some of the posts, I saw few cases of Feb 03 and many cases of April 03 also pending. Is there any way out or we have to go through this mental torture continuously. Is there any thing that can be done to handle this mess or bring it to notice of NSC. Can some thing be done on similar lines as done by for I485 cases by filing law suit. Any suggestions or any leads. Thanks
Originally posted by rseth123
Guys lets take n extra step and move towards filing a law suit again these su'kers.....

How can we forward our request to Rajiv to take this up also on similar lines as he is doing for I485. Can robocoop, ginnu, naanshi and senior members help in this matter. Thanks
No approvals from 09/10/2003

I ran the scanner for 09/10/2004. No approvals from the list I posted earlier.

I think I should run this list next week since they are still processing August 2003.
I sent the 485 complaint (from this site) to my local senator and I got a canned reply that I believe everyone else got saying that they will not interfere in the working of the immi service. I do not see why we would get a different response or a response at all this time... I am with the group to try to make a difference and would send the letter.

The tragedy is that we cannot also call them up because "officially", they are still processing May. We can only hope and pray that they will process all the 140's when they "officially" process the later months'. Till then, we can only grin and bear .... :D :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

Originally posted by naanshi
Please send letter to NSC director,"Quality review" department(I don't know what is Quality here) and also local senator and congressman.

Points to be mentioned:

1. Already huge delay due to H1B Cap.
2. Trainee Officers should be properly instructed to avoid unnecessary RFEs.
3. I-140 is the major petiton for AC21 and other things and these trainee officers should not be allowed to play with our life/career
just like that.

Common, let us make difference. Let us act from today.

Those who visit this thread every one should send letter to service director as suggested by naanshi. Don’t be pessimistic it may get the attention of NSC service director if he/she receives many letters regarding the RFE matter. It does not harm, just write the letter and post it to the service director. I have no I-140 pending still I will send letter on Monday, talk to your friends and make them to post the letters, more the letters more attention they will get.
AND if on I-140 receipt they said the case would be processed in 150 days or 180 days but the case it still pending more than 180 days then also contact/involve your congressman/senator office
NSC Ombudsman

The Nebraska Service Center Ombudsman (NSCO) was established as a full-time permanent position on December 30, 2000; and reports to the Director, NSC. It does not report to the Department of Homeland Security Citizenship and Immigration Ombudsman.

The NSCO generally accepts complaints and requests for intervention or assistance from Congressional offices, stakeholder or community-based organizations, or individual customers where normal means have not resulted or will not result in fair, consistent, effective, and/or efficient administration of a decision and/or service rendered by the NSC. The significance of the impact to the applicant, petitioner, or beneficiary has a bearing on whether the complaint or request will be accepted. Where an individual case is involved, a benefit must generally have been denied; and a motion, an appeal, or a like submission must generally have been subsequently filed (e.g., Forms I-730). Where multiple cases are involved, there must generally be indications of inconsistent decisions or systemic problems.

When the NSCO accepts a complaint or request, either the NSCO or the Director's secretary will telephonically notify the complainant, requestor, or their representative.

The NSCO will decline frivolous complaints and requests. Non-frivolous complaints or requests may be declined due to existing caseload, time or other constraints. The NSCO does not usually acknowledge declined complaints or requests. Frivolous complaints or requests are discarded. A declined non-frivolous complaint or request is forwarded to the appropriate NSC or USCIS office for action. It is the responsibility of that office to contact the complaintant or requester, as appropriate.

Additionally, the NSCO does not have jurisdiction over a case that has been transferred to another jurisdiction, for which an appellate authority has rendered its decision, or that is under investigation by federal enforcement personnel. The NSCO does not usually acknowledge complaints or requests that are declined due to lack of jurisdiction.

The NSCO issues an annual report that details the criteria against which complaints and requests are evaluated, and that contains anecdotal stories and statistics to describe the services rendered. Copies of the annual report may be obtained by writing to the NSCO.

Complaints and requests must be written, accompanied by copies of supporting documentation, and mailed to the NSCO.

Express mail must be sent to:

U.S. Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Nebraska Service Center
Attn: NSC Ombudsman
850 "S" Street
Lincoln, NE 68501

Non-express mail must be sent to:

U.S. Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Nebraska Service Center
Attn: NSC Ombudsman
P.O. Box 87333
Lincoln, NE 68501-7333
nanshi, ginni, and others,, do any of you have a copy of the mail that you guys sent ..

I will also send the letter, and need a good written mail and I don't want to make any grammer mistakes by writing my own letter..

Also please let me know if there is an e-mail to which I need to send or to a postal address ?

It is a good idea if the letter contents are put and every one can send same or similar to USCIS. We have to wake them up with flury of letters.
Receipt for 485/EAD/AP Received

Receipt for 485/EAD/AP Received
All :

I-140 ND/RD -- 31-OCT-2003
Received receipt of 485/EAD/AP - Notice date 23-FEB-2004.

Can someone Please update the excel sheet. Thanks Everyone for the ideas and support during this delay of the receipt for more than 2 months

Happy ... Happy that my application was safe .. :D :D :D :D
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:-( .. more RFE's ... only 6/350 I-140 cases on Feb 27th that I am tracking for Aug 2003..

LIN0323751198 RFE sent 2/27/2004 Received 8/5/2003
LIN0323751402 RFE sent 2/27/2004 Received 8/5/2003
LIN0323850140 RFE sent 2/27/2004 Received 8/6/2003
LIN0323950618 RFE sent 2/27/2004 Received 8/7/2003
LIN0324051317 RFE sent 2/27/2004 Received 8/8/2003
LIN0324350308 Approved 2/27/2004 Received 8/13/2003
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last week was RFE week. I hope the idiots processing cases last week go on a long leave or get transferred to some other department !!!