N-400 applied after July'07 and got Interview??

I do too, But I used to pay so much. I have started buying skype credit for her which cost us 2 cent per minute when she calls me and I have skype phone at home which is great and doesn't cost at all. But sometimes I have to call from Phone cards which I hate because they bustard charge you for ever for different stuff and suddenly you notice your card is done. Other than that I also have started using this automated system which you just call them up at their number and it is 4 cent per minute but it is easier to dial the pin code each time and all that crap.

Gatedgal, thank you for you offer and I appreciate your concern, but I was complaining more about distance which sucks really bad and I am tired. I have been doing this phonecalling thing for almost 6.5 years now. ahhh...
yes it is easier for a person like me to see my family who is just in canada, but still, you are all getting off point, i was just sayin that you guys are starting to complain about the length way to early. and also, it may be true that it takes longer considering this is the USA, and you are coming from overseas, so the background checks they do will take longer, cause lets face it, theres more risk. i have lived in the same little town in canada all my life before i moved to the US, it would be easier for my check to get done faster. i think it would atleast.
In the immortal words of Rodney King, can't we all just get along? :D

Anyway, here's something to think about. It seems more logical to count the DO processing timeframes from the date the NOA was generated, as LolaLi suggested in a different thread. In light of the now-clearing frontlog (can you believe that TSC overcame VSC???), it seems that the priority date is now simply a reference point. Any thoughts on this?
A funny Infopass experience with a happy ending.

Well I had my Infopass appointment today and it was quite funny mostly on account of my being completely stoned. Ok I exaggerate, But I'd gotten only 3 hours of sleep, and could barely keep my bloodshot eyes open. I really had little idea what was going on around me.

I wait in a small queue (only 3 people when I got there) outside a large room with many seats and glass booths. Right at the entrance there's a guy seated at the desk checking papers - screening people no doubt. I show him my infopass appointment printout and ID, and was squinting at the booths (I'd forgotten my glasses at home) trying to catch a glimpse of the immigration officers. Meanwhile this guy looks at the appointment printout and ID but keeps pestering me with questions - what brought me there? when had I filed my N400 application? What's my A#? I'm wondering why I have to answer all these questions just to get into the room. So I pull out my receipt and show it to him and say all I'm there for is to know if I've passed namecheck. "Aha! The dreaded Namecheck!" he exclaims with undisguised glee "I can tell you right now, even without checking anything that it will not be complete" I'm getting a bit annoyed that this screener is keeping me from entering the room with his unsolicited opinions. "How can you say that?!" I protest. "Because namechecks are taking anywhere between 10 months to 3 years" he says. "Holy crap - you're kidding!" I exclaim. "No I'm not" he says. I'm wondering what to do now and whether this guy will ever let me in to talk to talk to a real IO - when out of the blue he says "But you're lucky, I see that yours is complete". What?? Then in my sleep-deprived fog it finally dawns on me - this guy is not a screener, he IS the Immigration Officer! (I finally focused on the badge on his shirt) "Really? Namecheck complete?!" I ask incredulously. "Yes" he says. "But your file is still in Vermont" it's still going to be a while for the interview - I'd say 90 days".

I made him repeat it a couple of times to be sure I was hearing right. Then I blurted out a thanks, and walked out. I must have come across as a complete idiot. but who cares? Namecheck is done! :))


- Waiting 3 months after Fingerprinting for doing Infopass is not unreasonable - especially if you've tried calling without any results

- Get good sleep, and most importantly remember to take your glasses or contacts if you wear any ;)

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Considering the fact that the name check is initiated at the same time as the FP appointment letter is generated, you are definitely doing the right thing by going to InfoPass. At the very least, you'll have an answer and, hopefully, peace of mind knowing that your name check has been completed and you are in queue for interview. Make sure you let us know how the InfoPass went!

On a different note, the NCSC reps have made yet another great step in proving their uselessness. I read a post earlier today where an applicant described calling the NCSC and being told that Vermont Service Center no longer issues NOAs. I am absolutely speechless...
Vorpal - some questions for you and other members on this forum regarding your thoughts on processing times. If the name check, as you say, is initiated at the same time as the FP letter is generated then would this not mean that, for the vast majority of applicants, the name check is complete by the time fingerprinting is done? If this is indeed the case, then why was Thebluegod informed that namecheck is now taking 10 months to 3 years?

As well, my DO still indicates that an N-400 can be processed in "7 months", according to the update they posted on 12-14-07. How can this possibly be the case if namecheck is taking so long? Discounting what the Officer told Thebluegod at the Infopass appoitnment, what I would like to know is 7 months from WHEN? It could be 7 months from Priority date, NOA date, FP date or Name check date. Anybody have any ideas or thoughts on this?
Thanks for sharing your experience, TheBlueGod! I don't know how much I believe the 10 months to 3 years timeframe (that alone would eliminate the 7 month processing timeframe reported by most DOs), but I guess I'll find out for myself in March. A hearty congrats is definitely in order for you! You've officially passed the most dreaded hellhole of the naturalization process. Have a few beers tonight!
Vorpal - some questions for you and other members on this forum regarding your thoughts on processing times. If the name check, as you say, is initiated at the same time as the FP letter is generated then would this not mean that, for the vast majority of applicants, the name check is complete by the time fingerprinting is done? If this is indeed the case, then why was Thebluegod informed that namecheck is now taking 10 months to 3 years?

As well, my DO still indicates that an N-400 can be processed in "7 months", according to the update they posted on 12-14-07. How can this possibly be the case if namecheck is taking so long? Discounting what the Officer told Thebluegod at the Infopass appoitnment, what I would like to know is 7 months from WHEN? It could be 7 months from Priority date, NOA date, FP date or Name check date. Anybody have any ideas or thoughts on this?

I was writing my reply to TheBlueGod's post while you posted yours, and I have the same exact questions as you. As I've stated, if the name check was taking 10 months, then the 7 month processing timeframes would automatically be invalidated. Besides, there have been several users who have already received ILs after filing in late July '07, some as late as mid-August '07. That puts a dent in the 10 months - 3 years theory. Also, if your name generates no hits, the name check is usually completed within 72 hours. In theory, the name check SHOULD be completed at around the same time as the fingerprints.

Concerning the 2nd part of your post, my personal theory is that we should count the 7 months from the date the NOA was generated, which is usually a few days before you receive it in the mail. I assume that the generation of the NOA signifies the completion of the data entry for your application, and you are then placed in the processing queue. Also, keep in mind that the receipt of FP notices varies greatly from DO to DO, although they are issued by service centers. For instance, I received mine at the same time as my NOA. Many other members of this forum are still awaiting their FP notices, and some of them received their NOAs before I received mine. It's a crapshoot, really.
I guess 10 months is if you get hit by the machine otherwise it should right comeback to USCIS. One way the other they will blame it on each other since both organization are insufficient.
So three months from date you got FPed. I hope sooner we see some people are moving along this process. Thank you guys.
Thanks for sharing your experience, TheBlueGod! I don't know how much I believe the 10 months to 3 years timeframe (that alone would eliminate the 7 month processing timeframe reported by most DOs), but I guess I'll find out for myself in March. A hearty congrats is definitely in order for you! You've officially passed the most dreaded hellhole of the naturalization process. Have a few beers tonight!

Thanks Vorpal! - I will have an extra beer tonight (in addition to the one I usually have!). I hope all of you get over this obstacle quickly too.

Yes, I'm skeptical of his 10month-3yrs timeframe too - I would not put much stock in it. I think he may just have been trying to scare me or give me a formal answer. I'm glad that he actually checked my case, rather than just sending me away.

I wonder if VSC is dragging its feet in sending over files - alphagc who has posted on another thread had his interview canceled because Vermont still hasn't sent over his files to Boston.

For me the biggest problem is really going to be the interview - my case is quite complicated (with one continuous absence of almost 11 months when I was doing my postdoctoral research in Europe). I'll go into the details in another post -but from what I've seen on this forum most people who've stayed out more than 6 months at a time have had their cases denied at interview.

For now though, one step at a time. I'm just glad the Namecheck hell-hole has been crossed successfully!
Vorpal - some questions for you and other members on this forum regarding your thoughts on processing times. If the name check, as you say, is initiated at the same time as the FP letter is generated then would this not mean that, for the vast majority of applicants, the name check is complete by the time fingerprinting is done? If this is indeed the case, then why was Thebluegod informed that namecheck is now taking 10 months to 3 years?

As well, my DO still indicates that an N-400 can be processed in "7 months", according to the update they posted on 12-14-07. How can this possibly be the case if namecheck is taking so long? Discounting what the Officer told Thebluegod at the Infopass appoitnment, what I would like to know is 7 months from WHEN? It could be 7 months from Priority date, NOA date, FP date or Name check date. Anybody have any ideas or thoughts on this?

I'm pretty sure the DO processing estimates are measured from the priority date. And yes, it seems that the IO today was leaning more towards worst-case scenarios when he told me about the 10month-3yr figure. Also as I mentioned, I was half-asleep and was not paying attention to words like "could take" or "is taking" which make a big difference.

All in all, go with the D.O processing estimates and ignore the whole 10month-3yr comment I got today.

'thebluegod' or anyone, why does the service center take so long to forwad your file to the DO after the name check is complete? Do they then have to go through a background check as well?
Also, is it the DO or the service centers who send out and schedule the interview dates?

Like someone said I can't wait to get this over with and get a life...
Thanks Vorpal! - I will have an extra beer tonight (in addition to the one I usually have!). I hope all of you get over this obstacle quickly too.

Yes, I'm skeptical of his 10month-3yrs timeframe too - I would not put much stock in it. I think he may just have been trying to scare me or give me a formal answer. I'm glad that he actually checked my case, rather than just sending me away.

I wonder if VSC is dragging its feet in sending over files - alphagc who has posted on another thread had his interview canceled because Vermont still hasn't sent over his files to Boston.

For me the biggest problem is really going to be the interview - my case is quite complicated (with one continuous absence of almost 11 months when I was doing my postdoctoral research in Europe). I'll go into the details in another post -but from what I've seen on this forum most people who've stayed out more than 6 months at a time have had their cases denied at interview.

For now though, one step at a time. I'm just glad the Namecheck hell-hole has been crossed successfully!

I have no idea what's going on at VSC. According to the latest receipting update, the Turtle Service Center (TSC) has overtaken VSC by 3 days. I certainly hope that they are not holding on to applications longer than necessary.

On a side note, when my mother was applying for citizenship in 1997, it took her 3 years just to get the FP notice. It was probably a freak occurrence, but she also applied through VSC.

the main problem i have with infopass is, that it seems its actually whats its called but backwards, seems as if they pass on giving you correct and full info. ive never heard anybody get and straight answers from them, all estimate and bullshit, they just lie to get your ass out of there.

js360: Did you move from Seattle to CA while NSC was processing your case? How can your DO be Seattle if you live in CA? I guess I am clueless or just missing something here..
'thebluegod' or anyone, why does the service center take so long to forwad your file to the DO after the name check is complete? Do they then have to go through a background check as well?
Also, is it the DO or the service centers who send out and schedule the interview dates?

Like someone said I can't wait to get this over with and get a life...

I have no idea what's holding up VSC in sending over files to Boston DO.

The process i believe is

First FBI fingerprint and namecheck --> When that's cleared Service center sends over A-file to DO , and in parallel DO schedules interview

There is no independent Service center background check that I'm aware of.
js360: Did you move from Seattle to CA while NSC was processing your case? How can your DO be Seattle if you live in CA? I guess I am clueless or just missing something here..

when you say CA do you mean california or canada, anyways, i dont live in seattle, but i live in washington state, i am originally from canada, born and raised and lived in the same town my whole life before moving to the states, i currently live only a quick 20min drive to the border, and its total only 45min away from my old house in canada.
So for me to learn a lesson: after you got your FP done, all the result will be in Service Center that you have applied to (in my case CSC) and then when they get all the background check from FBI and all that they send your A# (means your case?) to local office for scheduling an interview?
If that is the case then you online status should change in some points but even the approved people I have seen never got an online status change from the date USCIS has received their case.
I am getting confused now, I thought from FP and after Service Center has no rolls into this process.
Put a light on my head....
my online status has not changed, and who really knows there procedure, they are so inconsistent why would be believe they are consistent with there procedure. this is all done by hand and humans make errors. they just make a lot over there uscis that cause problems in others lives. they do not care about us, to them its paperwork and a job. anyways, i hope all my stuff is at my DO now since im going for interview, cause in the past people would get interview and still have to wait. im hoping that they do not give interviews to people unless everything else is cleared and all the paperwork is at the DO. i do not know who schedules the interview but i think that it should be done by the DO once they have everything.
So for me to learn a lesson: after you got your FP done, all the result will be in Service Center that you have applied to (in my case CSC) and then when they get all the background check from FBI and all that they send your A# (means your case?) to local office for scheduling an interview?
If that is the case then you online status should change in some points but even the approved people I have seen never got an online status change from the date USCIS has received their case.
I am getting confused now, I thought from FP and after Service Center has no rolls into this process.
Put a light on my head....

Hi Nimche, I'll assume the question was directed at me. so I'll answer it.

  1. Yes, FP result and FBI namecheck result goes to your Service center, and then the Service center asks your D.O to take over and schedule an interview for you.
  2. The D.O looks for a slot in their schedule and sends you the date in an Interview Letter (or maybe asks the Service center to send it to you - I'm not sure - in any case the interview date originates from the D.O)
  3. Some paperwork consisting of your entire INS history (for me 24 yrs worth of stuff!) needs to be transfered from the Service center to the D.O so that your interviewing officer has it all in front of him/her at the time of the interview.
  4. Ideally by the time interview date comes around - your paperwork has arrived. If not, the D.O will cancel your interview.

Regarding online status - All the accounts from this forum indicate that it's hardly ever updated (even when you're done with the interview and going in for oath!) so as far as I can see it is of utterly no use - why did they even bother to offer this online service if they're not going to make any effort to update it?? baffles me. I've seen one or two reports of people actually getting an informative email from USCIS but these are rare.
Thanks for the answer, I guess I got it and it will sink in. It is a dream to be done with USCIS anytime soon in my case at least.
No IL yet?
when you say CA do you mean california or canada, anyways, i dont live in seattle, but i live in washington state, i am originally from canada, born and raised and lived in the same town my whole life before moving to the states, i currently live only a quick 20min drive to the border, and its total only 45min away from my old house in canada.

Thanks, "js"! I meant california, just curious if you were with CSC now, wondering why your case got bumped up, but I imagine now it may be because gettting back backgound checks were faster in your case based on your country of origin.. Anyway, congratulations!

I was told by the officer at the Seattle DO that interviews are scheduled by NSC, that came as a surprise, I thought the DO would do that once they got ones case file.

Then again I don't quite know why NSC whould hold ones file after the backgroumd check is complete, my background check I was told, was complete a while back (august)...

I guess its best to ignore logic or try to figure these things out?
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