Missouri SESA Tracker

Tell me about it

Applied in November 2001, No response from SESA yet and RamFan based on your response I guess it will take another 3-4 months. This sucks.
Well, I guess only thing we can do is wait.

Today, I received a kind of good news. I found out that someone in my company has received LC approval from Chicago few days back. According to the guy his details are as follows:

Filed Missouri SESA: September 14th, 2001.

He got that certification around: September, 10-13th, 2002.

He filed under RIR EB-3 ( IT ).

I hope this helps.


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I applied around 10/18/2001. My lawyer talked with someone in MO SESA on 08/22/02. MO SESA told her that they are working on first week of October cases and they adviced her to check back within three weeks. Then, my lawyer sent an email to MO SESA last week. MO SESA has not reviewed my case yet. In addition, my lawyer asked them whether they forward their cases to Chicago. But they mentioned that they send their cases to kansas city. Though atleast couple of people already mentioned that their cases were forwarded to Chicago.

I think, all of us should update our timelines so that we can track the progress of the processing time.
Question for Ramfan

You said it will take 30 days to process 1/10 - 6/10, so when they start the october case?

Does anybody know MO case will send to Chicago or KC?
Answer for ringbell

Yes, that is true. They told my lawyer last week that it will take them another 30 days to get through LC cases received between October 1'st, 2001 and October 6th, 2001.

Regarding Chicago and Kansas City controversy. I am 100% sure that Missouri SESA should be forwarding LC to Chicago office for Federal review since October, 2001. To prove this you can look Federal LC timing:


It clearly shows Kansas City not moving forward after October 2001. In other words they stopped receiving LC from state agencies after October 2001. They all suppose to go to Chicago, due to DOL reshuffle last year around October 2001.

I don't know why Missouri SESA would tell some people that they are forwarding their cases to Kansas City regional office. May be they should check again with Missouri SESA and verify the information given earlier.


I would not assume that, but definitely they are slow. I would think they might speed up a little - in coming days or we all can at least hope for better processing time.

to all LC seekers


I was like you guys when my company filed my LC that time SESa was processing june2001 and mine filed in march 2002.

It was there for quite a long time and didn't move at all. In May 2002 it started moving to july and so on. Then I thought mine will be processed next year i.e 2003 and was preparing mentally for that.

Through discussions forum i came to know that there is a number to find out that the cases are coming to chicago. On Aug 18th I just tried to know how the system works,it so happend that there is case against my company and it was my case only. I was so delighted because so many people were waiting to get their labour certified.

Everyday I used to listen the AVM and after couple of daysAVM recorded message played a nice song for me :)

Labour....... has been certified.........

Then I came to know, though we say EB2/RIR or EB3RIR, there are some exceptions.

The basic things what I noticed,

Skill set,
Ads for RIR if any
Presentation of the your case
and last but not the least.

All the above matters a lot.

Now I have completed my medical and getting ready for I 485 filling which I never dreamt of filing this year.
Question for RAGHUC


Congratulations !! I am glad that you got for your LC so fast. For me this is very strange may be it has something to do with your profession. What kind of work you do? Do you mind sharing your profession with all of us here on the forum. It would give all of us peace of mind.



I have MBA from MIT, and working as software consultant in Wisconsin. Specialized in Business Fucntions. This is my brief history. Any questions, don't hesitate, shoot at me.

One more thing, your salary makes big difference, While filing your labour they would mention that number. I think if it is below 76,000 or so even though it is EB2/RIR make your case move slow. This is my observation only.

Mine is well above that. That would have made the difference too.
Not so sure

Well, I am glad you proudly shared your educational background with us, but the bottom line is that you should also be considered under IT. It does not really matter whether you manager software projects or you are a low lever programmer as long as you filed under same category i.e. RIR EB-2 or EB-3. I really don’t think Salary will make any difference in moving your LC faster. May be your profession would (like if you are a professor or teacher etc.)

In my opinion SESA only validates information like Wage, Job Code, Job duties etc. and forwards it to the regional office. Regional Office makes the final decision or you can call it as: real decision. And I agree, they look into your company’s background, education etc. ( I do not think going to an IVY league school makes any difference, so people don’t get disheartened if you not from MIT).

This is just my opinion.

Question for RAGHUC - You are working in Wisconsin, how come you’re LC was filed in Missouri. I would assume your company is located somewhere in Missouri ?

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You got it

whatever it may be, sometimes this processing baffles me a lot. YInformation gathering is more important to draw conclusions.
I wish everyone applied in MO would get LC certified soon

I have requested my attorney to file I140 first then later 485. I am not preferring concurrent filing. Let me see how it works.

See you all in another forum.

MY best wishes to all
MO- SESA still singing the same song

Missouri SESA Phone # 573-751-3773 is still singing the same song – Processing RIR cases received on October 1, 2001 for about a month now. I hope it is not suggesting that they are literally working on cases received on October 1, 2001. How many cases they received on October 1, 2001? Or they are implying cases received during October 2001. I hope they update the information sometime soon may be 1’st of next month i.e. October 1, 2002.

They Passed October, 6th, 2001


I think my LC ( RIR, EB-3) reached Chicago regional office around September 26th, 2002. It was filed on October, 6th, 2001. I am waiting for a fax from Chicago office to be 100% sure. But I am positive that Missouri SESA has moved little futher.

Good Luck,

How do you Know?


This is a really good news, but could you please tell me, how do you know, it is reached to the Chicogo office. Mine was filed in 1st week of november 2001.
Thanks for the update. Good luck with your Federal Labor.

How did U find out about your labor been sent to Chicago on 26th? Mine was submitted on 18th. Hopefully, I will hear something about it pretty soon.

Well, Here is what I did:

I called Chicago Regional office number 312-353-1059, and searched permanent LC cases by employer phone number. It said that they received two cases on September 26th, 2002. One of them has a DOT code corresponding to my job title. I am assuming that it is my LC. But to be 100% sure, I requested a fax from Chicago office – The fax will contain DOT code, received date and Salary of the employee. If it matches my salary then it’s mine. There is a queue of two weeks in Chicago office - fax back system, I am not sure when I will receive the fax. Also, recently my company laid-off 1000’s of people, so I am not sure how it would turn out for me (so far none in IT). So far my company has 100% success rate for LC applications. I am keeping my fingers crossed.

Good Luck,

My lawyer sent an email to MO SESA. She got the following response.

"We are just beginning to work October RIR cases. Be advised however, that H-2B season is beginning and a processing delay is
more than likely going to occur with the permanent cases."

I thought that they had started October RIR cases some time ago...this is frustrating. The H-2B cases mentioned is for temporary visas that do have processing priority over all other cases.
this is crazy

"We are just beginning to work October RIR cases"

They gave the same answer to my lawyer a month ago. What is going on.....? And now they are ready to put RIR on back burner for H-2b. We are bunch of unlucky folks....