July 2005 AOR..buffalo timeline...

Yeah, the Consulate is super fast recently.

We will send out the passports to Buffalo since we havn't had a US visa yet.
Folks, i am sure you will all hear from the consulate around one month after finishing
ur medical exams...

Best lucks,
Got my interview waiver

Some good news. I got my interview waiver. The letter is dated Sep 13.

They have sent the forms necessary for the medicals. They have also requested for statement of funds. I am sure I had submitted it with my application also.

Any tips about the medicals. I assume they have to be submitted within 60 days from the letter date?

Any suggestions about where can I get this done cheaply in Bay area california?

Hey spce,

Congrats!!!! The big waiting is over. 2-3 months more and everything will be finished.

As far as I understood ("please proceed within the next 60 days") you should have your medicals done in the next 60 days after you receive the letter (or after they issued the letter... I'm not sure). Ad literam they don't need to be submitted in the next 60 days.

A good tip is the one given by linie: you can have your hospital analyses done before the ones in the doctor's office (although you still have to contact the DMP for preparing the forms).

I have no clues about California Bay....

spce94mech said:
Some good news. I got my interview waiver. The letter is dated Sep 13.

They have sent the forms necessary for the medicals. They have also requested for statement of funds. I am sure I had submitted it with my application also.

Any tips about the medicals. I assume they have to be submitted within 60 days from the letter date?

Any suggestions about where can I get this done cheaply in Bay area california?


My IA said that do the medicals as soon as possible.
As far as DMP go not much choice in Bay area, about 3-4 of them right? check their online list of DMPs. call everybody and ask for price range. I did that here in LA area, had a choice of just 3 docs. chose the cheapest one

Congratulations spce! re: DMP, it doesn't seem like you have too many choices. just like what DHM suggested, call all of them and go with the cheapest one.

Hey G! How was your medical? Hope all went well! :)
Hi all,

My IA says "please proceed with your medical examinations within the next 60 days". I'm not sure if this is a good or a bad thing....we''ll see.

DHM's IA says: "medicals as soon as possible"
spce94mech IA says: "60 days"

How about other guys?

I had my medicals done yesterday (doctor's office) and today (hospital). It seems that the blood test (I'm not sure about the other tests) takes up to 2 weeks to get to the doctor's office and then they will be sent to Otawa. Kinda slooow.....veeerrrry slloooow. Hopefully everything will be OK and they will not ask for any other tests (I'm a bit concerned that I said that I'm smoking).

Z, you still work on your addl docs?

One more thing about medicals: how can you check if your medicals are all right (i.e. you are healthy)? Should I simply ask the receptionist at the doctor's office if everything went all right? Any advice would be appreciated.

Hi Gerula,

Our IA also said "to proceed with medical in the next 60 days". I think it is a good thing, don't worry.

I don't think the receptionist at the doctor's office is permitted to tell you anything about your medical. In any case, it is immigration who makes the final decision, so try not to worry. It is just my opinion, but I don't think smoking is a big deal. They are more concerned about life threathening illnesses that would be a drain on the medicare system.

Good luck!
Gerula said:
Hi all,

My IA says "please proceed with your medical examinations within the next 60 days". I'm not sure if this is a good or a bad thing....we''ll see.

DHM's IA says: "medicals as soon as possible"
spce94mech IA says: "60 days"

How about other guys?

I had my medicals done yesterday (doctor's office) and today (hospital). It seems that the blood test (I'm not sure about the other tests) takes up to 2 weeks to get to the doctor's office and then they will be sent to Otawa. Kinda slooow.....veeerrrry slloooow. Hopefully everything will be OK and they will not ask for any other tests (I'm a bit concerned that I said that I'm smoking).

Z, you still work on your addl docs?

One more thing about medicals: how can you check if your medicals are all right (i.e. you are healthy)? Should I simply ask the receptionist at the doctor's office if everything went all right? Any advice would be appreciated.


I don't think smoking is a big deal. I don't think doc tell you anything though the doc assistant told us at the time that the X-Rays are clear.

Hey G!

Don't worry...i don't think that smoking matters. i got the same "within 60 days". as far as finding out your results, you could kinda ask them and say that you just want to make sure that you're healthy. i did that and they told me nothing to worry...all my tests were fine. Will be sending out add'l docs this Saturday.
Hi guys,

Thanks for your feedback.

I've been told by someone else that because a guy said he is a smoker, they watched very carrefully his Xrays and ordered some additional investigations, but I think that was because he had a real problem with his lungs.

Hello Everyone! I hope you are all well.

Time to update the timeline again! Our additional documents were mailed today, now back to the waiting game....

Hopefully things will move swiftly.
i'm not in too good of a mood today...i am headed back to the US tomorrow. i got a call from my friend who checks my mail and was told i got a letter from CIC. the letter confirms receipt of my medicals but was told that before they could finalize everything, i would need to go to my DMP and bring the add'l instructions to them (which are in a sealed envelope) and have the appropriate tests done. :( i don't know what's going on...my DMP told me that everything was ok and nothing to worry...now this!!!!

my thoughts are, i'll extend my stay and ask my friend to mail it to me...but then again, i need to go back to be able to submit my tax returns. i'm just screwed!!! don't know what to do!!
Hi Zad

Try not to worry. Hopefully it is just a minor setback.

You are probably best to get it done as soon as possible, just to ease your mind.

Best of luck to you!
Thanks Tracy! I decided to head back home in order to submit the add'l docs requested...I need to send my tax returns which are here in the US. I'll just do my medicals after...too soon to go back to Vancouver. :( maybe towards the end of October????
Hi Zad,

Thanks for updating the timeline. I can't believe we are almost at the end of the timeline! It is exciting.

Try not to worry about going back to the doc...maybe some of the test results were just not clear or something, it happens....

We were wondering how we should go about transfering our funds (when the time comes). Should we try and get him a bank account here in Canada before and transfer his funds before he comes, and show the statement at customs? Or is it better to carry it with him when he lands? Any thoughts?
Thanks Tracy!

I'm not sure what worries me more...the add'l tests or that i will have to go back to Canada to have the tests done...which might mean that i will just have to stay there until everything is finalized...?!?!?! i tried calling the 2 DMPs out here...but can't give me a firm answer. i wonder if i can call Ottawa...

re: funds, he could open a non-resident account in canada. i did that with HSBC. Then when the time comes to show proof of funds when landing, you can just show the statement with the required funds. will he be waiting for his papers to finalize in Canada? if so, did he change his mailing address with CIC? only reason I ask is because, I might have to do that (wait in Canada)...not sure though.
Hi Zad,

He will be staying in the US until his papers are finalized.

Perhaps you could email someone at CIC? Just a thought...
i called Ottawa (613-941-2170) and left a message...though it was specifically stated in her voicemail message that they don't return calls to applicants. :(

I just noticed that the thread has now 2 pages (the 'simple' version, not the full one). I was wondering why no new messages for a while...

Kind of bad news on your side zad. It's difficult to go back and forth between US and Canada...I really don't know what to say other than to follow the instructions :mad: I'm not sure what can it possibly be in te envelope, but I assume they asked for some additional investigations. Worst case scenario...Or maybe CIC requested some additional information only...In our case, the nurse who completed the questionaire on our forms noticed that the receptionist copied some pages in French and some in English!!! ...And she (the nurse) said:"I know french just a bit, but I completed these forms so many times, so mow I know what the questions are about" :eek: Could you believe it. You wait for a paper for more than a year and then you are in the hands of luck, chance or whatever...I hope she filled the forms correctly!!! Not to mention that when we showed up for the XRays at the hospital the receptionist wrote the DMP name on my envelope and my family doctor on my wife's envelope....again could you believe it? :eek: Luckily we noticed the error and asked them to correct it!!! Otherwise we would have waited for years to have our results sent in Otawa. So, Zad, be strong!!! You would probably have to travel to Canada for couple of times, but everything will be shiny when you'll be finished. :D

Tracy, I'm not sure which would be te best way to transfer your funds. What I'm thinking is that you shoud maybe check where is the exchange rate better for US$ to CAD. Is it in US or in Ca?
