Important: $$$$$ Backlog Reduction Initiative $$$$$

Further suggestion :
Let's divide the work among ourselves (instead of each of us trying to write the whole letter).
I will prepare para1 and para2
Edison, can you prepare para5 ?

DengDeng, Frantic and others, please volunteer for Para3 and Para4.
Petition comments

Edison and dsatish, great work so far. Count me ON. Let us get organized for this. Let me make some comments.
para4)Problems caused by delays. In some states like PA, the EAD/AP will not get you a Driver Licence Permit for your wife or for yourself. In a lot of companies and jobs the EAD/AP is not considered as a "permanent resident" qualification and this creates problems with "Export Control" requlations and Security regulations. Since at least some of us prospective immigrants work on projects that help Homeland and National security, we demand reciprocal respect and action. Also, I think we need to send (copy) this petition to the media centers of this country as well as the relevant government agencies. The RADIO, TV, NEWSPAPERS, Homeland, Justice, State, Defence, Commerce and Congress. They are relevent in one way or another. Good luck to all.

Sorry kjkool ,
I left your name in my previous post. I forgot to commend you on your excellent job. Your letter acted as a catalyst to us. Good job.
Can you please work on para3 or para4 (pick one of your choice)
and post it ?
Why don't us list all the possible problems in an Appendix,
in addition to the letter.

I have listed many problem in the "backlog" thread. We can attach
a page of current problems need to be solved.
We (me and my wife) are in as well

I guess we are still new in the waiting list but have already completed 180 days and they should give us the GC in 180 days, that should be our argument. :)

I agree. Let's put details (numberwise) in Appendix while keeping the main letter as short as possible (one page only). We can have separate appendices for (a) Problems caused by processing Delays (b) Our contribution and role in US economy (c) Causes for processing Delays (factors affecting the I485 processing) etc.

Let every one work on these appendix stuff also. Let's dedicate this thread for Appendix stuff. You don't need big english to write these points. So please start preparing the Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C etc.
DengDeng, i think your expertise lies in Appendix (c) -- Causes for
processing delays. Can you work on that ?
Is any one willing to work on Appendix A -- problems caused by processing delays ?

Let's develop the pieces, review them and finally assemble them into the petition.
why don't we merge this with our main thread about the same Subject?
If yes, please follow-up with the moderator.
To Citizenship and Immigration Ombudsman

Subject: Employment based immigration backlog

Dear Mr. Prakash Khatri,

First of all we would like to congratulate you on your appointment as the Citizenship and Immigration Ombudsman at Department of Homeland security. We, the immigrant community, have long awaited for someone with deep experience and liasons with the industry to be appointed so that we can communicate effectively with Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services.

Immigration is not undermining the American experiment; it is an integral part of it. Since the inception of this country, the people and customs of America have been built by immigrants. Even today, immigrants play an important role in the economy, communities, and everyday life of America. It is important to understand that immigrants, particularly those with high skills, are not just critically important to the success of some of the large corporations of the United states but are benificial to the economy as a whole. Contrary to the popular myth, Immigrants do not take American's job but infact immigrants have developed new products and started new business ventures that have created employment opportunities for millions of Americans. Immigrants stimulate the economy in general. Immigrants have enriched American culture and enhanced the United states influence in the world. It is important to maintain the United states long tradition of welcoming immigrants to the Unites states to pursue the American dream. The success of the United states rests upon its successful pro-immigration policy.

However, since Sep 11, the immigration policy of this country has changed dramatically. And that has affected our normal green card processing, and in the meantime, affected our normal life greatly. In Oct 2002, BCIS has temporarily halted all green card processing due to newly enforced security check with FBI.
Our cases have been pending ever since. In March 2003,
INS has merged into Department of Homeland Security, and migrated to Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Service
. That has caused even longer backlog delays of adjudication of pernament residency. Even worse, in June 2003, BCIS has terminated all service center customer services, and centralized it to NCSC customer service. This service deteriorates from former one tremendously that we can no longer obtain any useful information about our cases, pending there for nearly 2 years. Recently, various service centers announced they have to halt I-140 related I-485 petition adjudication to expedite special religious workers green card processing. Employee based 485 petition once again became the lowest priority. We have suffered long waiting since Sep 11, and now two years has passed, we're still waiting without any hope. We strongly wish BCIS can expedite our cases at its earliest possiblity. BCIS director recently explained the reason for backlog and proposed a backlog elimination by 2006. But that's still three years ahead. We would welcome some positive actions right now.
Rajiv, can we use old petition signatures from four centers (your former petition) and merge them into a big one and also ask more ppl to sign.
Please mention TSC

Hi Everyone,

Thanks for your terrific efforts.

Please include some special mention of the TSC ( The Texas Slowest centre ) as nothing is moving here. Escpecially scores of people from 2001 are affected .

we need point out BCIS inconsistency in processing 485 not based on chronological order, some May/02 case approved today, and yet Sep/01 still waiting.
We should not use old signatures

Originally posted by dengdeng
Rajiv, can we use old petition signatures from four centers (your former petition) and merge them into a big one and also ask more ppl to sign.

I think that is inappropriate.
Folks, Since the BCIS will not be adding people soon, we should suggest changes to the system with existing resources. Some of the areas that hurt us the most would be resolved by:-

1.) Making FP valid beyond 15 months in cases surpassing 18 months.
2.) Making EAD valid for 2 years (charging more if required).

Please list any more points as you see fit.

Normally in public offices, people tend to pick some points from the grievances that are easier to implement.

the mentioned suggestions were already discussed and I included in the petition format (Page 7 of this thread).
Please review my petition format and dsatish's petition format and let us know your suggestion.

More suggestions from other members are also expected.
How about the reduction of backlogs at the local offices? For those who have got their cases transferred, it is a nightmare.
It's good that you mentioned about backlogs at local office. Here we are discussing about all backlog reduction for all employment based immigration applications so broad vision like this is required

Dsatish, edison,dendeng ,

letter looks good. Only i feel on second para line 5 add High Technical /speciality skills.

can we list out all reasons ?

and can we add one line that if I 485 is pending for more than one year BCIS should issue free of cost EAD ( as we have already paid initial cost while applying at the begining ) without application unless applicant notifies any recent change ? that way atleast BCIS will know that it is burden on them to issue EAD's and parol after one year.

Please think over this and if you feel okay then only add.

We should move as early as possible to submit letter as they may stop by sept . end as they did in last year for no specific priority and reason.