Important: $$$$$ Backlog Reduction Initiative $$$$$

Login problem?

Edison, I got your comments about the threads. I just spent an hour on the Appendices and even though I was logged IN I could not send it from my work computer (says I am not logged in).. Strange.
I need some help here!
I think you are trying to upload the attachment. Instead use cut and paste to post the document .
The version 1.0 sounds very much like teaching Mr. Praksh about the benefits of Immigration.

He knows about that.

The subject should concentrate on the facts with numbers say approx. 50% of cases are pending for more than 24 months. etc.
The process is totally opaque. because of individuial lawers, and no VSC contact numbers etc. NSC is of no help based on many peoples experience. Additiioanl hardship because of Employers -employee strain relationships. Additional expenditure for APs, EADs etc.

Therefore expiditing the process help the people a lot....

Appendix A: Draft version. (Problems caused by processing delays)

1: Hardships in daily lives. Some states do not honor nor understand EAD. People or spouses cannot get their Driver Licences. Example PA.
2: Hardships in working environment. There is often friction between employers and employees with issues relating to the GC or the lack of it. This often leads to discrimination against the employee. The employee's worker's righjts are thus in question.
3: No security, planning and no predictability. People have no idea about their future and especially in the current ailing economic environment they are exploited. People cannot buy houses with the same terms and conditions as a "GC " holder. Mortgage companies can and usually take advantage.
4: Career hardships: People do not have the flexibility to change jobs or be promoted within the same company or outside. This is inconsistent with the nature of the American economy where contacts are usually less than a year. Thre is no mobility on the part of the employee. Only stagnation.
5: Some of us work in so called "secure" buildings, environments with a lot of regulations with respect to information access. These are for example "Export Control" regulations from the State and Commerce department. The environment becomes fearful from both sides. Only the GC can solve this.
6: Impact on Citizenship.

Please add, modify, comment..Thanks.
Let me try some things. I think is better from home, since I am in a secure env. with firewalls all over.

Originally posted by Edison
I think you are trying to upload the attachment. Instead use cut and paste to post the document .
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Originally posted by 1amShantanuB
The version 1.0 sounds very much like teaching Mr. Praksh about the benefits of Immigration.

He knows about that.

The subject should concentrate on the facts with numbers say approx. 50% of cases are pending for more than 24 months. etc.
The process is totally opaque. because of individuial lawers, and no VSC contact numbers etc. NSC is of no help based on many peoples experience. Additiioanl hardship because of Employers -employee strain relationships. Additional expenditure for APs, EADs etc.

Therefore expiditing the process help the people a lot....

Well everyone at BCIS and also at Federal/State goverment are aware of the benefits of immigration, just someone has to drive them to implement that.
I accept that we have to include one more paragraph before the backlog reduction suggestion paragraph (or/and as an appendix) explaining the hardships faced by employment based immigration applicants.
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Edisor, great work!

Cinta, you have some wrong spellings, licenses, contracts.

We need legal ppl read the letter and do some editing. And
we need work on a complete appendix.

I suggest we also ask BCIS to organize a service center tour,
open to lawyers and congressman representatives, let outside world see the dirty inside, and provide suggestions to reduce backlog. CSC and TSC have provided such tours in the past.

Let's finish this job and congress will open in Sep. Will be a good time to send letters to them.

Could you please add something like the following to "Appendix A: Draft version. (Problems caused by processing delays)".

7: In some states (their number increse constantly) they give driver license with expiration date that equal EAD expiration date. If the driver license expire they will not renew it untill you provide evidense of your legal status in USA. Also in some states they will divide people at DMV on two different groups - immigrants and sitizens; and direct them to different locations with unequal conditions. Clear discrimination.

I realize it's long and somewhat vague, please feel free to rephrase it.

Thanks a lot.
Edison, may be I am being very critical, but the petition seems very long and anyone can lose track of what the main essence of the petition is. He may get numerous letters of this sort and so I am thinking it should be short and to the point. I agree with ShantanuB (sometimes this person is logical) that the third paragraph can be shortened.
Agree with frantic. Need to focus more on the hardships caused to applicants by inordinate delays in processing, clarity and detail in case statuses, commitment to adjudicate within stipulated time period, increased number of RFE's causing further delays, new immigrants all law abiding citizens contributing not just economically but socially, etc.
Originally posted by frantic
Edison, may be I am being very critical, but the petition seems very long and anyone can lose track of what the main essence of the petition is. He may get numerous letters of this sort and so I am thinking it should be short and to the point. I agree with ShantanuB (sometimes this person is logical) that the third paragraph can be shortened.

you are right, the petition is long but our problems are also long. I assume that you are talking about Immigration benefits. I'll keep your comments in mind when I re-work on this. Also as suggested I'll try to include some of the hardships faced by EB GC applicants in the main petition also in addition to the appendix.
We must point out BCIS is not processing 485 based on chronological order, totally random. They use that to cheat us, and give us false hope.
Originally posted by mavishka
Agree with frantic. Need to focus more on the hardships caused to applicants by inordinate delays in processing, clarity and detail in case statuses, commitment to adjudicate within stipulated time period, increased number of RFE's causing further delays, new immigrants all law abiding citizens contributing not just economically but socially, etc.

Sure. I'll rework based on all your suggestions.
Edison, I think you can post a "important thread" now to show the letter we wrote. And ask for opinions. This thread is too long.
I doubt many ppl want to read it.
Originally posted by dengdeng
Edison, I think you can post a "important thread" now to show the letter we wrote. And ask for opinions. This thread is too long.
I doubt many ppl want to read it.

sure, I'll do it.

Very nice job.

I have just one suggestion, why don't you number all your suggestions in the fifth paragraph, that will make those suggestions noticeable:

We would like to suggest few measures which would advocate the backlog reduction of employment based immigration applications at BCIS.

1. We request BCIS to consider employment based immigration applications as high priority and expedite processing of the employment based immigration applications affected by the interminable delays.

2. BCIS should consider the adversity of the employment based immigration applicants due to the perpetual delays for processing their immigration applications and it should recommend the interim Permanent residence for them
it should consider issuing the Employment Authorization Document(EAD) and the Advanced Parole for travel with multiple year validity which will also stimulate the backlog reduction of immigration applications at BCIS.

3. Also the cost saving measures like
3.1 extending the validity of Finger printing report,
3.2 enhancing the online case status by providing the detailed information about the present status of the applications
3.3 accelerating the security check process will contribute towards the backlog reduction of immigration applications.


I don't know if it's legal for us(backlog delayed cases) to organize a trip to VSC during Labor day week.

Samansa, is there a reception desk at VSC?
Edison, I think you can post a "important thread" now to show the letter we wrote. And ask for opinions. This thread is too long.

I agree with DengDeng. Let's stop discussing about the Letter in this thread. Let's create another thread "Prepare / Discuss the Draft Petition" and post links to it at all the 4 service centre forums.
This thread (the current one) should be used only to discuss our course of action. Let us post our final letter in this thread so that Rajiv can take a look at it. Let's not dump 10 initial drafts and discussions on Rajiv's head at this time. I will go ahead and create the new thread. Let's move all our Draft versions (by kjkool, Edison, Dengdeng etc and also the appendix suggested by others) to the new thread.