Important: $$$$$ Backlog Reduction Initiative $$$$$

Shortened version


Thanks for doing a great job.

I have modified your version, trying to make it shoter while not losing the focus. It's jsut for your reference.

First of all we would like to congratulate you on your appointment as the Citizenship and Immigration Ombudsman at Department of Homeland security. We, the immigrant community, appreciate the potential of more effective communication with Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (BCIS).

We are writing this letter to request you to device proper measures to reduce the processing time for employment based applications to Register Permanent Residence or to Adjust Status and to convey the hardships caused to the hundreds of thousands applicants due to the perpetual delays to these applications.

Immigration has been an integral part of America since its inception. New immigrants contribute greatly to the US economy, enrich American culture and enhance the US influence in the world. Contrary to the popular myth that immigrants may take American's jobs, they have created employment opportunities for millions of Americans by developing new products and establishing business ventures. The continued success of the United States largely rests upon its successful pro-immigration policy.

However, the radical change in the US immigration policy has severely affected the employment based immigration application processing. The process was further delayed due to 1) temporary freeze of all immigration application processing for auditing and the enforcement of FBI security check in late 2002; 2) incorporation of former INS into the newly created the Homeland Security Department as Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Service(BCIS); 3) termination of customer service at all service centers and establishment of the National Customer Service Center (NCSC) which made it difficult to obtain the case specific information; and 4) shifting priority, by some service centers, to expedite processing of religious worker's immigration applications and to meet deadlines related to Temporary Protected Status (TPS) programs. All these have caused immense hardships for the employment-based applicants.

Recently, Mr. Eduardo Aguirre, director of the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services explained the reason for backlog of immigration applications. We are glad that he would give priority to reach the goal set by the President of the United states of America, Mr. George W. Bush to reduce wait times on immigration benefit applications to no more than 6 months by the end of 2006. However, we would welcome some imminent and intermediate actions to reduce the backlog of employment based immigration applications.

We would like to suggest the following measures that would advocate the backlog reduction of employment based immigration applications at BCIS.
1) give high priority to and expedite the process of the employment based immigration applications;
2) introduce interim permanent residence;
3) issue multiple year Employment Authorization Document(EAD) and Advanced Parole for travel;
4) extend the validity of Finger printing report;
5) enhance the online case status by providing the detailed information about the present status of the applications;
6) accelerate the security check process

Originally posted by Edison
Sure. I'll rework based on all your suggestions.
Rajiv, do you know Prakash Khatri by person? I found out he graduated from Stetson Univ in Central Florida. He used to have a private practice in Orlando. If you know him, is it possible you can talk to him and ask him to join the conference call?
No I do not

Originally posted by dengdeng
Rajiv, do you know Prakash Khatri by person? I found out he graduated from Stetson Univ in Central Florida. He used to have a private practice in Orlando. If you know him, is it possible you can talk to him and ask him to join the conference call?

Vaguely somewhere I remember I may have spoken with him years ago. But I have no clear recall of him. We will try on behalf of all portal memebers if he would be available.
Rajiv, is it possible to find out who's his best friend in AILA.
We can put that person's name on too. Then he may pay some
attention to us.

How about BCIS director, why he hasn't replied our petition yet

Originally posted by dengdeng
Rajiv, is it possible to find out who's his best friend in AILA.
We can put that person's name on too. Then he may pay some
attention to us.

How about BCIS director, why he hasn't replied our petition yet

We are asking for reasonable streamlining - not any favors. I would suggest not to worry too much about who knows whom. Let us just put together a strong petition.:)
Re: :)

Originally posted by operations
We are asking for reasonable streamlining - not any favors. I would suggest not to worry too much about who knows whom. Let us just put together a strong petition.:)

I accept that we are not requesting any favor.

We are in the process of reviewing the draft petition in a separate thread. I'll consider all the suggestions and re-work on the petition.
Originally posted by dsatish
It's a good idea to involve . can you please take the initiative in contacting them. Recently some one from ISN (i think his name is Krishna) posted here saying that they will help us if we volunteer.

For applicants from CSC, NSC, TSC :
Please put your vote at the following thread (VSC people are already voting) once generated lot of momentum in changing immigration laws. I think I can ask a person I know from ISN to put a link to this petition at ISN home page, if its OK for you all.

Also we can ask them to send emails to its members to sign the petition.
Edison, can you finish this week.
Let's make a schedule first, this week finish the petition
next week: begin signing while you can still polish the petition.
send out the petition by end of this month.

What do you think?
Originally posted by dengdeng
Edison, can you finish this week.
Let's make a schedule first, this week finish the petition
next week: begin signing while you can still polish the petition.
send out the petition by end of this month.

What do you think?

I accept the milestones are really important, so nothing wrong in setting the target.

But, you can get the signatures only after finalizing the petition, we don't have any right to modify the petition after posting that.

I'll proceed with the re-work today evening.
Hi dengdeng,
I think it is very difficult to finalize the petition by this week-end. I think it can be ready by some time next week. Once the petion is ready, then we will send it to Rajiv for review and while Rajiv reviews it, we can start planning about where to host it and how to collect signatures. Please see my suggestions in the petition discussion thread.
well, it's only Wed. I think the version we have is already good to go. Just need grammar check and polishing. We want to get it out as soon as the new Ombudsman begins his new job. So he'll
work on 485 cases first than other petitions, such as H-1, 140 or
TPS, religious workers. We need to be fast, timing is very crucial.

After we send the letter, takes a month for them to reply, and another month to arrange meetings, then it's year end, parties and parties, our case will never be approved.

Please, in the letter, emphasize it's employee based 485 petition, not family based, not asylum, but employee based.
Re: Let me know when you folks are done

Originally posted by operations
I will review it and then we can move on to the next steps. Be cool, all.

Thanks, Mr. Rajiv.

We are in the process of reviewing the letter and reformatting based on the suggestions from other forum members. Probably, you would have noticed our progress at our petition review thread. We will let you know when it is ready for your review.
Thanks again.
Hi Edison,
Can you please edit your message and remove the first link. I think we no longer want people to go to that lengthy thread. Let's point them to only the FINAL Drafts thread and the Stories / Testimonials thread.