Important: $$$$$ Backlog Reduction Initiative $$$$$

There is an IACA event coming up in Atlanta for India's independent day celebrations (Aug 16, Aug 17). If we have something ready by that time, I can try to put a flyer during that event. I am sure other cities will have something like that too.
Question we would like to present in the conference call (if arranged)

1) Can security check be automated and checked by calling FBI number same as FP. Please explain the procedure of BCIS requesting name check. At what stage of adjudication this
request is sent to FBI, and how long it takes for BCIS to receive a response.
2) Can VSC second 2nd FP automatically in time
3) Can VSC expedite case longer than normal processing time
4) Please explain what is considered as "Service Error" in expedite request
5) Can BCIS improve 800 serivce number to provide more information or provide more info online.
6) Can BCIS provide a flow chart of generally how case are transit to officers and adjudicated. We need to know why some cases are adjudicated, some are stuck there forever. This includes
after second FP, how long should we expect an approval,
after RFE, how long should we expect a movement.
7) What is the goal of BCIS to reduce backlog in fiscal yar 2004
8) Please explain why EB based 485 cases are always left at lowest priority. Why TPS and religious workers have higher priority than us, hard working immigrants, who pay tax and social security tax.

Anything else, ppl?
Your enthusiasm is great. But i would say that we can't find that level of enthusisam in many people and hence i would suggest that let's try to explore the more easier options. Once the petition is posted at this website, then let's do the following :
1) put fliers at Indian and chinese grocery stores (there is no place better than indian grocery stores, to attract the attention of indians)
2) Each of us send massive Email to all our contacts, asking them to goto and sign this petition.
3) Announce at indian (or other immigrant communities) functions about this initiative and ask people (through mike) to sign up on the internet. This is easier to do than distributing fliers at functions. You just need to ask the organisers to give you a chance to speak for 1 minute to make the request.
4) Tell every H1 guy at your work site (most of them will be undergoing GC process) to sign up at the website.
5) Any other ideas are most welcome.
What I meant by distributing flyers in cultural festivals is that while purchasing the tickets, the people will be given this flyer too. This I think has a better way of communicating to a greater audience because when you get 1 minute for an all-day event, not all the people would be listening.
Originally posted by dengdeng
other lawyers' forum

Better think of legal issues before doing this. Instead of posting on their forum, we can request the other immigration attorneys to post the petition link on their site. I don't know whether they will accept that since they have to provide link to other attorney site.

I accept all our your views to drive signatures. Also we can advertise on some popular sites (if we have some fund), if the advertising cost is less even if we don't have fund some of us can advertise it on their own. Obviously we need Mr.Rajiv's approval for that since we will publish our petition on this site. Just remember that collected about 17000 signatures till date for H1B petition, we should target something like this.

Also contacting AILA is a good option, but I don't know how to approach AILA. Mr.Rajiv, could you please throw some light on this issue?
dsatish – excellent ideas…

One more thing could be considered that someone writes a pop-up program, which will pop-up automatically when someone opens any immigration related website. This pop-up window will have a link to the petition requesting all to sign.

Maybe this way we can reach those people who are visiting websites of their own attorneys but dont know this site.
Re: To Rajiv Khanna

Originally posted by dsatish
Hi Rajiv,
It's good to hear that you have brought more programmers to improve this website. It's the best website for chatting immigration issues. The features are fantastic (The Quote, The Personal Message, Voting, Smilies, ability to edit your posting etc).
With all this expertise, you should be developing business application software. Are you into that ?

:) This is a commercial software, but we are developing some stuff from the ground up.
Pop-up window is a nice option. I think we can achieve this with the help of internet advertising agency but again we have to spend money for this. Also we need approval from Mr.Rajiv to use his site. Also traffic would be increasing, so Mr.Rajiv has to consider about the current traffic and the increase which we can withstand.
Re: Re: To Rajiv Khanna

Originally posted by operations
:) This is a commercial software, but we are developing some stuff from the ground up.

I think it is drupal. I remember you discussing somewhere here.
I would advise not to go with the popups because popups are annoying and not many people are not happy with it. There are even popup blockers to stop them. Why don't we contact Sulekha and put it on Sulekha and provide a link to Rajiv's web-site? We can pay Sulekha to do that.
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Originally posted by Edison
If you start with 18 months you will only get few response for this. It's not that I started this 6 months, it's the proposal of our president Mr.George W. Bush. Also VSC was processing I-485 case within 7 to 9 months couple of years back.

There's no harm in asking them to do it in <6months. Even in these six months, the file will be sitting in a warehouse for 5 months doing nothing. If they want, and implement computerize3d applications and approvals, they can do it in < 1 month. How can they approve H1B in 15 days? Although I think that I-485 based on approved I-140 is much simpler than H1B.
Rajiv, about that conference call, how can we get BCIS director and the newly appointed person to attend? Is it possible? Has your office arranged this kind of conference call before?

Originally posted by dengdeng
Rajiv, about that conference call, how can we get BCIS director and the newly appointed person to attend? Is it possible? Has your office arranged this kind of conference call before?


Never done it before, but I do not see why not?
How can we start then? It's already August. And many of us are approaching 2 years of endless wait. It's very difficult to hold a job in this environment. GC becomes a life torture.

Since the newly appointed person just started his job, it might be a good time to contact him, and he may want to talk to us to see what's going on. And this can be a good excuse to arrange such call.

I suggest we write a letter to BCIS director cc that new person
and congratulate him on the new job, ask if he's interested to attend a conference call with us.

Have you ever talked to BCIS director? Is he nice?
Originally posted by dengdeng
How can we start then? It's already August. And many of us are approaching 2 years of endless wait. It's very difficult to hold a job in this environment. GC becomes a life torture.

Since the newly appointed person just started his job, it might be a good time to contact him, and he may want to talk to us to see what's going on. And this can be a good excuse to arrange such call.

I suggest we write a letter to BCIS director cc that new person
and congratulate him on the new job, ask if he's interested to attend a conference call with us.

Have you ever talked to BCIS director? Is he nice?

I think we should start with a petition with some concrete ideas and suggestions. Then present it to the Ombudsman and BCIS folks with a CC to the sympathetic members of congress. Follow that up with a request for a coneference call, if he is willing. Most of these folks are nice people to speak with. We can also invite Members of Congress or their legislative aides to come talk to us. That is not difficult to arrange.

AILA is already trying to get these issues addressed at their level. Frankly, I was less than pleased with them in my last request for assistance for our group.

Next step: write up a document and let us start working on it.
Originally posted by operations
I think we should start with a petition with some concrete ideas and suggestions. Then present it to the Ombudsman and BCIS folks with a CC to the sympathetic members of congress. Follow that up with a request for a coneference call, if he is willing. Most of these folks are nice people to speak with. We can also invite Members of Congress or their legislative aides to come talk to us. That is not difficult to arrange.

AILA is already trying to get these issues addressed at their level. Frankly, I was less than pleased with them in my last request for assistance for our group.

Next step: write up a document and let us start working on it.

As mentioned earlier, tonight I'll considate the suggestions posted here and we can start the petition based on this.
I accept that we have to work more and talk less. So let's move forward.
Who's willing to write it? Someone write fluent English, please volunteer.

Please volunteer. Write a sample, and let's make modifications.

This letter needs to be emotional, a page long, include all of our concerns. First congratulate Ombudsman on his job, then state our concerns and complaints. I could write a psuedo letter, someone write fluent English modify it. I don't think this letter needs to be in legal tones. I think this letter better be passionate
and moving, something from ordinary GC waiters.

Need english writers!