Important: $$$$$ Backlog Reduction Initiative $$$$$

Originally posted by dsatish
Hi Edison,
Please don't use any font colors while posting. The green color is disgusting.

Ok. Your view is accepted. If possible I'll edit the messages already posted.
Rajiv, do you think this new guy will be willing to help us?

Our biggest problem now is BCIS is constantly changing processing time without let us know what's going on, we have been waiting day by day without any light. Totally in darkness. Is it possible for BCIS to expedite cases pending for long time?

Let us know if you like the idea to establish a backlog reduction fund, we don't want you work for us without pay.

Hard to say

Originally posted by dengdeng
Rajiv, do you think this new guy will be willing to help us?

Our biggest problem now is BCIS is constantly changing processing time without let us know what's going on, we have been waiting day by day without any light. Totally in darkness. Is it possible for BCIS to expedite cases pending for long time?

Let us know if you like the idea to establish a backlog reduction fund, we don't want you work for us without pay.


What do we have to lose? Why not try?
Tonight I'll consolidate the suggestions posted so far but still we lack representation from fellow forum members.
Rajiv – No word can justify the support you are extending to this community.

Your words are really encouraging. It is interesting to know that you are subscribed to this thread.

Guys come on..

I agree with Dengdeng on “Backlog reduction fund”. Your opinion on this would be appreciated. Can you please push this petition and take it further till a resolution is reached.
We will keep this thread and the Voting thread in the first page for the next 3 or 4 days. Hopefully more and more people will join.
I don't want to ask the moderator to keep it at the top because most of the people do not open those constant threads. When ever these two threads reach the bottom of the page, let's bring it back to top.

Even if Rajiv does not ask for it, I would like people here (and their friends) to contribute towards a fund to drive our petition so that we can atleast pay part of the expenses. Towards a big initiative like this (this is the first time i am seeing some collective momentum from us), we can contribute slighly more than $10. After all think of our salaries and think of what we are spending the money for. It's for our future. Let's try to come to a consensus on the amount to contribute. May be we should create a voting thread for this (options are : $25, $50, more). Let's see the response from the people here.
dsatish – the amount is not the issue, $10, $15, …anything, we might agree on .We should keep it minimum for more participation otherwise many will drop out.

But the main point is not the amount but the logistics – how this fund will work? Who remains responsible/ accountable to the fund and the progress? I raised this question earlier also?

Looking for some good suggestion on this?

Edison – don’t worry. Many will sign this petition. They just want someone to take the lead.

Myself, DengDeng and Edison are most active in this thread. So i assure you that we are determined to see that this petition goes to Mr Khatri. Only thing we want from others is their suggestions in formuating the petition, financial help and ofcourse, nothing will succeed if we don't have the numbers with us. I would like atlease 1000 signatures before we proceed.More the signatures, the better. Once we see more than 200 votes in our voting thread, we can request Rajiv Khanna to prepare the petition and post it on the main page of this website. The main page of this website ( is visited by very large number of people, a majority of who does not chat here. So that's a little heads up. I am definitely going to be involved till the end. I am sure we can rope in more volunteers (like you, gambler etc).
PS : The amount that each of us should contribute depends on number of people who are willing to contribute.
It will also be a good idea to put this petition as fliers in the cultural festivals or where a sizeable immigrant crowd gathers. Also it will be a good idea to send it to (they have a lot of subscribers).

Will it be a good idea to send the same to other attorney offices like Sheela Murthy, Shusterman etc? I don't know if they agree if this is coming from Rajiv Khanna.
Re: Logistics

Originally posted by dsatish
Myself, DengDeng and Edison are most active in this thread. So i assure you that we are determined to see that this petition goes to Mr Khatri. Only thing we want from others is their suggestions in formuating the petition, financial help and ofcourse, nothing will succeed if we don't have the numbers with us. I would like atlease 1000 signatures before we proceed.More the signatures, the better. Once we see more than 200 votes in our voting thread, we can request Rajiv Khanna to prepare the petition and post it on the main page of this website. The main page of this website ( is visited by very large number of people, a majority of who does not chat here. So that's a little heads up. I am definitely going to be involved till the end. I am sure we can rope in more volunteers (like you, gambler etc).
PS : The amount that each of us should contribute depends on number of people who are willing to contribute.

Oh no. Do not worry about the money. We will let you know when (if) we need it. These are minor expenses.

The biggest problem is being nonimmigrants, your money cannot be used in the political process directly.

But if you feel you need the money for some reason that I do not know, let us talk about it. The ONLY big benefit of money could be having large group discussions on the phone. Those can be expensive. I know.

PS I have just made a major commeitment in hiring more people on the progamming side. We should have some fun and helpful things happening this year onwards.
Last edited by a moderator:
Rajiv, can you explain more about the "large group of discussions on the phone" to us?

Thanks so much for your help, you're the last lawyer standing now.

GC makes our life so miserable. All because of BCIS's inefficiency.
Conference calls

Originally posted by dengdeng
Rajiv, can you explain more about the "large group of discussions on the phone" to us?

Thanks so much for your help, you're the last lawyer standing now.

GC makes our life so miserable. All because of BCIS's inefficiency.

Occasional conference calls where 100-200-300 people can talk in an orderly manner can help things along. What we can do is find a service where everyone can call in and pay for their own call (usually $10-15 or less per person). I will be happy to discuss matters with you. May be we can try arranging some meetings with the BCIS/DOL high command. I cannot gurantee anything, but will certainly try.
Originally posted by dengdeng
Rajiv, can you explain more about the "large group of discussions on the phone" to us?

Thanks so much for your help, you're the last lawyer standing now.

GC makes our life so miserable. All because of BCIS's inefficiency.

Hi Dengdeng

Is it GC which makes ur life miserable or Process/time which makes ur life ....:)

Anyway jokes apart, I think what Rajiv is talking about is Conference calls. Am I right ?

And Thanks a lot Rajiv for all ur help/time/.../...
Rajiv, sound like a great idea, if we can get that new person in the conference call, or even an online chat, like the one
on Murthy's website, that'll be great.

Let's tell him our concerns, and the dark side of BCIS.

Does this person represent BCIS or corporate america?
It's a good idea to involve . can you please take the initiative in contacting them. Recently some one from ISN (i think his name is Krishna) posted here saying that they will help us if we volunteer. Regarding involving other lawyers, it's not practically feasible. You can't have two diferent law firms working on a same case. Since we have already roped in Rajiv (and he has agreed thankfully) into this thread, we don't need to worry about lawyers right now. Let's think about bringing more and more people to sign this petition.

For applicants from CSC, NSC, TSC :
Please put your vote at the following thread (VSC people are already voting)
Originally posted by dengdeng
Rajiv, sound like a great idea, if we can get that new person in the conference call, or even an online chat, like the one
on Murthy's website, that'll be great.

Let's tell him our concerns, and the dark side of BCIS.

Does this person represent BCIS or corporate america?

No doubt Ombudsman represents BCIS .

Please see the excerpt from BCIS site:
(a) IN GENERAL- Within the Department, there shall be a position of
Citizenship and Immigration Services Ombudsman (in this section
referred to as the `Ombudsman'). The Ombudsman shall report directly
to the Deputy Secretary. The Ombudsman shall have a background in
customer service as well as immigration law.
To Rajiv Khanna

Hi Rajiv,
It's good to hear that you have brought more programmers to improve this website. It's the best website for chatting immigration issues. The features are fantastic (The Quote, The Personal Message, Voting, Smilies, ability to edit your posting etc).
With all this expertise, you should be developing business application software. Are you into that ?
Rajiv, greenland is a wonderful programmer, he created scripts for us to search case status. You can recruit him.