I am no Terrorist, any advice?

I have a question. I have been visiting this forum for the last few months but decided to register for the first time. My mother was granted asylum from Bangladesh on March 10, 2009. Me and my brother received our permanent resident cards last year as derivatives. However, after lots of inquiries, we have found out that my mother's I485 and I730 for my father who is in Bangladesh has been on hold due to the 212b. We have a lawyer now but she does not seem to know what to do regarding the situation. I just want to know if anybody who has been previously assisted by Thomas Ragland, the attorney can tell me if he is helpful or not. I want to hire him but he asked for $ 400 up front. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
I have a question. I have been visiting this forum for the last few months but decided to register for the first time. My mother was granted asylum from Bangladesh on March 10, 2009. Me and my brother received our permanent resident cards last year as derivatives. However, after lots of inquiries, we have found out that my mother's I485 and I730 for my father who is in Bangladesh has been on hold due to the 212b. We have a lawyer now but she does not seem to know what to do regarding the situation. I just want to know if anybody who has been previously assisted by Thomas Ragland, the attorney can tell me if he is helpful or not. I want to hire him but he asked for $ 400 up front. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

INA 212(b) is merely the section that describes what a denial shall contain. What is the actual ground of inadmissibility under INA 212(a)?

The Patriot Act provisions that suppose to expire by the end of this month are as follows:


Much of the PATRIOT Act has been permanently enacted. However, three of the act’s key provisions contain a sunset clause and must be reauthorized periodically. These include “roving” surveillance, the business record orders (called the “library provision” by opponents of the act), and the “lone wolf” provision.

1. Section 206 of the PATRIOT Act: Roving Surveillance Authority. Roving wiretaps have routinely been used by domestic law enforcement in standard criminal cases since the mid-1980s. Roving wiretaps allow investigators, working within the law, to track a target as he moves from cell phone to cell phone.

However, national security agents did not have this garden-variety investigative tool until the passage of the PATRIOT Act in 2001. Section 206 authorizes the government to conduct “roving” surveillance of a foreign power or agent thereof. This provision allows law enforcement, after approval from the court created by FISA, to conduct continuous surveillance of national security suspects across modes of communications. It is meant to stop terrorists who often switch telecommunications devices (like cell phones) to evade authorities.

Since its passage, Section 206 has been subjected to substantial and appropriate oversight by Congress and now includes robust safeguards. As a threshold matter, the government must prove that there is “probable cause” to believe that the target is a foreign power or an agent of a foreign power.

It further requires continuous monitoring by the FISA court and substantial reporting requirements to that court by the government. This section is a gigantic step forward in terms of helping law enforcement fight terrorism in a modern, technological world.

As former Homeland Security Advisor Kenneth Wainstein said in his 2009 testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding this provision, “These safeguards and the operational need to surveil terrorists and spies as they rotate their phones and other communications devices make a very strong case for reauthorizing … Section 206.” As of September 2009, the FBI had used this tool approximately 140 times.

2. Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act: Business Record Orders Under FISA. Domestic prosecutors routinely rely on business records and other concrete evidence to prove up a wide variety of criminal charges from simple theft to homicide. Law enforcement, working with local prosecutors, acquires this evidence through the course of the investigation, oftentimes through the use of a subpoena. However, national security agents did not have the same authority to acquire similar evidence prior to the passage of Section 215. They had to obtain a court order and were limited to those records held by a business that was a “common carrier, public accommodation facility, physical storage facility or vehicle rental facility.”

Section 215 eliminated those arbitrary and self-limiting provisions but requires that the records sought are relevant to an authorized investigation. However, unlike a standard prosecutor-issued subpoena, or even a grand jury subpoena, Section 215 orders require FISA court approval. There are substantial congressional oversight and reporting requirements built into Section 215.

This provision allows law enforcement, with approval from the FISA court, to require disclosure of documents and other records from businesses and other institutions (third parties) without a suspect’s knowledge. Third-party recipients of 215 orders can appeal the order to the FISA court.

Section 215 further protects civil liberties by requiring additional approval for document requests that might have the slightest relation to freedom of speech and expression, such as library records.

As Wainstein testified, “There is no reason to return to the days when it is easier for prosecutors to secure records in a simple assault prosecution than for national security investigators to obtain records that may help prevent the next 9/11.”

3. Section 6001 of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act: The Lone Wolf Provision. This provision allows law enforcement to track non-U.S. citizens acting alone to commit acts of terrorism that are not connected to an organized terrorist group or other foreign power. While the FBI has confirmed that this section has never actually been used, it needs to be available if the situation arises where a lone individual may seek to do harm to the United States.

Worthy of Reauthorization

In February 2010, Congress passed a one-year extension of the PATRIOT Act’s three sunset provisions. These provisions are set to sunset again on February 28, 2011, if Congress does not reauthorize them. Last night’s vote was an attempt to do just that. However, the motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill, which requires a two-thirds vote to proceed, failed by a vote margin of 277–148.

It might be nothing to help anyone in the situation of 212-a-3-b... but I thought it might be interesting to know if it will have any positive impact on people on hold.....
The patriot Act did not pass the house last Tuesday, for its extension. The patriot Act has never been a permanent Law, it was rushed in the Congress 45 days following 9/11 / 2001, therefore its status has ALWAYS been temporary, it is expiring 2/28/11 at midnight, if not extended, 212(a)3(b) a sub-section of the provision, should never be applied to applicant of AOS VICTIM of material support. Simple as this. It is the Law now, if not extended, on 3/1/11 the material support in the INA is no longer the Law, therefore people shouldn't be on hold anymore.

Yes please be in touch it will be great to get out of this mess as soon as possible with the Ultimate Success!
And Deep Trigger, I completely and utterly agree with you! I send the provisions detail to Noetic and others to read and ti have knowledge of what is going on and also to know how originally (very first time) this material support idea (nonsense) started.

But I agree, it should not have any negative impact what so ever on material support cases..Yes we are the Victims of this "nonsense 212-a-3-b(INA) Material Support" as we or most of us are waiting because of AOS as Refugees or Asylees.... And, also my understanding is that Material Support was never a law to begin with for Tier III, cases. As there was and still is not a list for Tier III groups.

Also, for what ever reason if any of the provisions were to be extended or renewed, USCIS-DHS, should not hold cases (especially) for so called Tier III groups, because they have the authority to exempt them by groups and individuals fairly quickly. so far, USCIS-DHS has been extremely slow in exempting these groups and therefore processing the pending Tier III, cases.

I really wish that sub section of the provision that deals with material support not to be renewed at all for the sake all all these innocent "Victims"...

May GOD help us all and grant us collective success as soon as possible!!

Oh...One more thing..... Keeping the Optimism alive and faith in Almighty....Looking forward positively that pretty soon, we to get our AOS processed successfully and therefore have our GC in hands... There has got to be a way to perhaps get some credit time retroactively given to us... MORE THAN A USUAL YEAR FOR ASYLEES... as USCIS is traditionally backdating GC's only for a year for Asylees, instead they should backdate it significantly enough so we all can apply it toward our Citizenship..in order to get it faster... As all of this 212-a-3-b nonsense is politically and bureaucratically corrupted and illogical set of rules that have ruined several years of, "innocent people's" (like us), our lives unnecessarily.

It should be done from USCIS to show some respect to us and to have shame on their end (towards their stupid policies)......

This is truly and deeply my wish....... There has got to be solution for this.... We have to have our cards or AOS, backdated significantly enough to make up for most (if not all) of our lost time....

May God Bless us and grant us the BEST success of all very soon!

Nothing yet..Lets see what gets renewed on the 25th of February in regards to Patriot Act. Also there is a meeting b/w Human Rights advocates and DHS in early March..Free-life what part of US do you live in?
Folks, following is the news that I just got off the internet a few minutes ago in relations to the Patriot Act. The Bottom line of this news article is that the House is in favor along with the Govt to renew / extend the three provisions that I have mentioned in one of my previous messages. Whatever the case might be, as I mentioned earlier, this renewal should not have any negative impact on people like us whatsoever.

Please see the news below:

US Senate votes to extend parts of Patriot Act

WASHINGTON — The Senate voted Tuesday to extend for 90 days the legal life of three post-Sept. 11 terrorism-fighting measures, including the use of roving wiretaps, that are set to expire at the end of the month.
The short-term extension gives lawmakers a chance to review the measures that critics from both the right and left say are unconstitutional infringements on personal liberties.
The Senate voted 86-12 a day after the House of Representatives agreed to extend the three provisions, including two from the 2001 USA Patriot Act, until Dec. 8. The two chambers now must agree on a common approach. With Congress in recess next week, there is pressure to reach a compromise this week.
The measures include the authority to initiate roving wiretaps on multiple electronic devices and the authority to obtain court-approved access to business records considered relevant to terror investigations. The third "lone wolf" provision, part of a 2004 law, permits secret intelligence surveillance of non-U.S. individuals not known to be linked to a specific terrorist activity.
Without the three provisions, said Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Dianne Feinstein, a Democrat, "our law enforcement and intelligence agencies would lack important tools to protect this nation."
From the inception of the Patriot Act in the days after the Sept. 11 attacks, the increased surveillance powers have been subject to scrutiny and criticism from both conservatives and liberals, who say they violate free speech rights and rights against unwarranted searches and seizures.
"We knew we were in a very emotional state" after the attacks, said Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin. He said the provisions give the government access to sensitive personal records such as medical, library and gun records, and "can lead to government fishing expeditions that target, unfortunately, innocent Americans."
Freshman Republican Rand Paul of Kentucky agreed that "in the fear after 9/11 we didn’t debate these things fully."
Paul sent out a letter to his Senate colleagues earlier in the day, saying that in the aftermath of the attacks the government "greatly expanded its own power, ignoring obvious answers in favor of the permanent expansion of a police state."
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Pat Leahy, a Democrat, has introduced legislation, scheduled to be taken up by his committee on Thursday, that would extend the three provisions through 2013 while tightening oversight. Feinstein also has recommended extension through 2013 while several Republicans have proposed that they be made permanent.
"The bill I hope we will consider before May 27 would give the intelligence community the certainty it needs by extending these expiring authorities while also strengthening congressional and judicial oversight," Leahy said.
The White House, in a statement last week regarding the House bill, said it "does not object" to the 10-month extension proposed by the House but would prefer continuing the authority through the end of 2012 because "longer duration provides the necessary certainty and predictability that our nation’s intelligence and law enforcement agencies require."


I believe USCIS-DHS, regardless of whatever is happening with Patriot Act, should continue to use their exemption authorities to all the groups as soon as possible (as they have promised to do so on several occasions).
Hello Folks,

There were some articles and online videos that I was able to find and wanted to share with you all. This is very strong, educational and informative stuff in regards to Refugees and Asylees adjustment of legal status delays in the U.S. It is dated back in December 2010. December 20, 2010 (to be exact).

I am sure some of you might already know of it as it is about 2 months old information and some of you might not know of it. But I think it is a good idea to have this information shared across the board for us to know what is happening. Please go to the following links for CSPAN video "Hudson Institute" (a very strong message to the USCIS- DHS and Obama's Administration), as well as try the other links to the articles related to that. It talks about the stupidity of Material support Bar especially for Tier III cases that have been on hold indefinitely.


1) http : // www . c-spanarchives. org/program/USRefu

2) http : // www . hudson. org/index.cfm?fuseaction=hudson_upcoming_events&id=815

3) http : // www . congress. org/news/2010/12/21/laws_to_keep_out_terrorists_also_block_refugees_groups_say

4) http : //www . christianpost. com/news/evangelicals-human-rights-groups-decry-govt-inaction-on-refugees-48146/

5) http : //m . theepochtimes. com/index.php?page=content&id=47799


We definitely need to spread the word out against these illegal policies that violate basic human rights for victims like ourselves.

There are spaces after each www or m. and before . com's .I wasn't able to have URL in my messages because I haven't had posted 15 messages yet... so pardon me for this inconvenience. make sure that there are no spaces in the above URL's...

I would like to share the information I got from Anwen Hughes Yesterday regarding the Umma Party of Sudan supporters:

There is no "designation" process for Tier III groups (this is one of the problems with the Tier III concept), but USCIS was treating the Umma Party as a Tier III group for quite a while; indeed, they were treating most of the Sudanese political opposition from the 1990's in the same way, even though there was general acknowledgement that this made little sense in practical or political terms. The recent good news for Umma Party supporters, however, is that USCIS (as of December 2010) is no longer treating the Umma Party as a Tier III group EXCEPT with respect to the period 1995-1997. Whether or not this offers you an avenue to get your case off hold now would depend on the details of your affiliation with the Umma Party--when you were active, what you were doing, etc. I anticipate, by the way, that DHS will consider a waiver for Umma Party supporters who are still considered to be inadmissible due to their activities with the party during the period 1995-97--and I hope this will happen soon--but some people currently on hold who were NOT involved with the party (or were not involved in a way that USCIS would see as giving rise to a ground of inadmissibility) should be seeing their cases released for adjudication and finally adjudicated. In some cases, it may be unclear from a person's immigration file whether or not his case should be released for decision right away, and people in this situation may want to follow up with USCIS to clarify that.


Best luck for every one.
Hi Bila:
Even though expected, when it comes to showing off an extraordinary incompetence, USCIS never disappoints. First, i received a letter that a visa number is not available to adjudicate my case (by the way they also sent me status update letters of three different people that i don't know of in which one was for GC approval, one on I-730 update and one wait for 6months before submitting another SR crap). After spending about an hour explaining that i don't need a visa number, the officer i talked to said she will forward it to TSC. After a week, i got the wait 6months crap....I am filing FOIA to see if EPRP & AAPO are off the list. I sent an email to Melanie last Sunday requesting if she can suggest how i could go about getting my case reviewed in light of the new information but no response so far.

Will keep you posted.
One thing I have noticed so far reading people's comments and messages and also after getting to know the information for exemption that is out there from USCIS.... It is extremely Crazy and biased.... Why in the world would USCIS issue and exemption to a political group / party and still within that group or party restrict people for a certain period of time to be benefited from that exemption? This is just absolutely absurd and ridiculous. It is prejudice and biased.. How can USCIS judge people that for XYZ party's people from any Country should not be granted exemption for a certain (specific) time period? They are playing gods with innocent people and their lives.. It just makes me sick to know these twisted and wicked ways of USCIS....

If USCIS is issuing exemption to any Tier III group or party (exemption should be issued anyway because they have no right to hold TIER III cases anyway), they should exempt the complete group or party... not bits and pieces of it based upon time or other variables. These cunning ways from USCIS-DHS to torture people is really really sickening. Just keep on holding people and their lives and kept on playing with their future, their families and their loved one's future....

Only God Almighty can do the justice....It is just the matter of time, things have got to get better... It has been many, many, many years of tears, pain and agony. It has got to stop.. USCIS has to stop toying with innocent victims "Refugees and Asylees" lives by placing them on hold because of their own insanity..
Hi Free Life ,

When you say , I quote " I believe USCIS-DHS, regardless of whatever is happening with Patriot Act, should continue to use their exemption authorities to all the groups as soon as possible (as they have promised to do so on several occasions). " , does it means that 212(a)(3)(B) is also due to expire ate the end of February 2011 or on may 27th , 2011?
You seem to have been following this issue for a long time and you have the experience . Kindly tell me in simple words : What is expiring and what is staying ?

Please read one of my previous messages regarding Patriot Act and the Three provisions that were set to expire by the end of Feb 2011. It didn't happen and therefore got further extended earlier this week. Patriot act was enacted to protect Americans from terrorism. It suppose work against the real terrorist but unfortunately the Govt along with DHS and USCIS has meessed up everything that affected all the "Innocent Refugees and Asylees" who were in the process of waiting for their AOS to be finalized and therefore placing them on indefinite hold.
212(a) (3) (b)INA (google it) is an act of Immigration and Naturalization that has been in place for a very long time, however, due to the Patriot Act 2001 (google it) and further Real ID Act 2005 (google it) and then later Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2008 (google it), have been in place and unjustly hurting people like you and I (or majority on this forum) .
(212 A 3 B) has gotten worst because of the Patriot Act and Real ID act added an additional burden so called "MATERIAL SUPPORT" which is added provision to 212 a 3 b INA, and therefore the GOVT coming up with so called TIER I, TIER II terrorist groups or lists that is available at the State dept website as well. The worst part is that since they wanted to show that they are extra efficient they also came up with so called TIER III UN-Designated Terrorist groups and that is why majority of us are on Unjust hold.

If Patriot Act were to expire, the sub-provision of 212 a 3 B, specifically "Material Support", would have expired as well and therefore USCIS would have to have process applications thet are on hold because of this crazy TIER III UN-Designated Terrorist groups. mind you, TIER III, legally is not a list nor any legal information regarding this TIER is available to public or to any others. So corrupted policy speaks for itself.

But as I said, regardless of whatever happens to Patriot Act or any other acts for that matter, USCIS-DHS, should be applying exemptions and therefore processing all the applications that are under TIER III Group hold. Simple as that, they have gotten this policy to exempt political groups from Tier III and therefore process their applications for Adjustment of Status.

If you need to have a better understanding in complete detail, please google the above information as well as also check the video links that I have posted in one of my previous messages. They are in detail self explanatory messages, articles and video. It can tell you what has been going on and how people are trying to raise the issue of incompetence of USCIS to adjudicate all the pending applications on hold due to this unjust hold.

QUOTE=kmalumba;2271274]Hi Free Life ,

When you say , I quote " I believe USCIS-DHS, regardless of whatever is happening with Patriot Act, should continue to use their exemption authorities to all the groups as soon as possible (as they have promised to do so on several occasions). " , does it means that 212(a)(3)(B) is also due to expire ate the end of February 2011 or on may 27th , 2011?
You seem to have been following this issue for a long time and you have the experience . Kindly tell me in simple words : What is expiring and what is staying ?

Patriot Act is extended for 90 days just to avoid its expiration.
[Today 2/17/11 Congress extended three more months to consider the provisions of a Patriot Act.The House vote of 279 to 143 followed by the Senate vote yesterday Tuesday. President Obama said he is going to sign the bill ASAP before the provisions expire on Feb. 28.]
President Obama and his administration has been huge fans of Patriot Act and its extension, even more than republicans. In fact Obama's administration is seeking congress to extend this Act for another 3 years without any major changes made to it. I guess, the reform or any reasonable "HUMANE" changes to the Patriot Act specifically "Sub Provision for "Material Support" for TIER III terrorist Organizations" seems like not happening anytime soon. At least that is what it looks like from the face of it. I was hoping that the Government to show some commonsense and fix this Material Support issue under Patriot Act, but it seems like they remain the same ignorant.

With that being said, and as I have been stating over and over again, we should not forget the major issue here for Human Rights and that is why there is Exemption power allotted to the USCIS-DHS to adjudicate our cases regardless of what ever happens to the Patriot Act or any other Act. We have to focus on these facts. And that is where is remedy lies. USCIS should have to implement its Exemption authority FASTER than they have been doing in order to Adjudicate AOS applications as soon as possible without any Ujust, Crazy, Illegal, Illogical and inhumane set of excuses. That is pretty much the only way out at this stage and probably the Bottom Line. We all need to know about these things. Just watch the Video link that I have send earlier to my messages and it will explain what is the REAL issue here and HOW it can be RESOLVED.
President Obama and his administration has been huge fans of Patriot Act and its extension, even more than republicans. In fact Obama's administration is seeking congress to extend this Act for another 3 years without any major changes made to it. I guess, the reform or any reasonable "HUMANE" changes to the Patriot Act specifically "Sub Provision for "Material Support" for TIER III terrorist Organizations" seems like not happening anytime soon. At least that is what it looks like from the face of it. I was hoping that the Government to show some commonsense and fix this Material Support issue under Patriot Act, but it seems like they remain the same ignorant.

With that being said, and as I have been stating over and over again, we should not forget the major issue here for Human Rights and that is why there is Exemption power allotted to the USCIS-DHS to adjudicate our cases regardless of what ever happens to the Patriot Act or any other Act. We have to focus on these facts. And that is where is remedy lies. USCIS should have to implement its Exemption authority FASTER than they have been doing in order to Adjudicate AOS applications as soon as possible without any Ujust, Crazy, Illegal, Illogical and inhumane set of excuses. That is pretty much the only way out at this stage and probably the Bottom Line. We all need to know about these things. Just watch the Video link that I have send earlier to my messages and it will explain what is the REAL issue here and HOW it can be RESOLVED.

Great contribution, Excellent points, I have been reading your recent postings; this forum needs members like you, stick around with us your knowledge is helpful and very important.
Free Life ,

Thanks for your insight. I really enjoy your writings and I do benefit from your great knowledge. It is good and relieving to know that I am not the only one in this situation.
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Thank You Deep Trigger and Kmalumba!! I appreciate your sincere comments!

Let us keep our focus toward the main issue and keep on spreading the TRUTH out to everyone.

Let us pray to get our selves out of this mess as soon as possible.

