I am no Terrorist, any advice?

I used to fly all the time about 3 years ago. In school I watched the 9/11 video, and I now have the biggest fear of a terrorist hijacking the plane, or crashing. I know there are a lot of flights all the time, everyday.
Good news !
Got a text message and an email with my I-485 got approved and card production ordered on 2/9/11
Applied to adjustment of status 7/06
Asylee since 12/00
DUP of Sudan
With the help from Mr.Regland as a lawyer
Good luck all
Hi GEM1234. It is been a while.How is ur service request,did they wrote u back.Is there any news.

waiting to hear from u.
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congrat and can u tell me how much did u pay for ur lawer? Because we need to know in case if we need. Thank you.
Good news !
Got a text message and an email with my I-485 got approved and card production ordered on 2/9/11
Applied to adjustment of status 7/06
Asylee since 12/00
DUP of Sudan
With the help from Mr.Regland as a lawyer
Good luck all
here what I got from Melanie
"Yes - just found out that the NDA has been cleared, as has the Umma Party for cases before 1995 and after 1997 (cases where support was provided between these dates will be subject to further review). If you don't hear anything from USCIS in the next 2 weeks let me know"
Let's hope things will start moving again

Lets pray for all of us.
hello all,

I am from Pakistan. I got my Asylum approved in 2004. filed for G-card in 2006 and now waiting for this process to finalize. I am also on hold as the most of you on 212-a-3-b INA. craziness... I have found out that the Legitimate political party that I was a student member of..more than 10 years ago.. is now labeled as TierIII organization under this INA 212...Stupidity... Any news on what is happening most recently?

Last I heard from some folks that USCIS / DHS is having occasional meetings with some folks (lawyers and humanitarian organizations) in regards to process al the pending cases ASAP... But not exactly sure where they stand.

Fingers are crossed and waiting for this mess to be sorted out and over with..

May God help us all and give us very soon success!

Just Hang in tight...


I used to belong to MQM political party as a student member more than a decade ago.

If any one in here knows that any one from Pakistan, whoever were stuck with this 212 - a -3-b nonsense from any party, got their case approved yet?

Any one following the US. Patriot Act (three components) extension or expiration by the end of this month? May be that might alleviate some of our troubles.......

I am in the same little boat. What do you mean by extension or expiration of the three components?

My two contacts (Anwen Hughes and Melanie Nezer) had told me that MQM was one of the 18 groups on DHS list to be removed from the Tier III list but apparently that has not happened yet. Also Anwen and Melanie have not lately replied to my quarries. They both however, have been very good at replying back right away in the past. My understanding is that there is another meeting on March 8 b/w Advocates and DHS. I hope that will bring some good news for all of us. Please stay in touch as you are the first person I have come across that belonged to the same party.

Applied for Asylum in 1994...approved in 2000
Applied for Permanent Residency in 2003...still waiting..

I used to belong to MQM political party as a student member more than a decade ago.

If any one in here knows that any one from Pakistan, whoever were stuck with this 212 - a -3-b nonsense from any party, got their case approved yet?

Any one following the US. Patriot Act (three components) extension or expiration by the end of this month? May be that might alleviate some of our troubles.......

I am in the same little boat. What do you mean by extension or expiration of the three components?

My two contacts (Anwen Hughes and Melanie Nezer) had told me that MQM was one of the 18 groups on DHS list to be removed from the Tier III list but apparently that has not happened yet. Also Anwen and Melanie have not lately replied to my quarries. They both however, have been very good at replying back right away in the past. My understanding is that there is another meeting on March 8 b/w Advocates and DHS. I hope that will bring some good news for all of us. Please stay in touch as you are the first person I have come across that belonged to the same party.

Applied for Asylum in 1994...approved in 2000
Applied for Permanent Residency in 2003...still waiting..

Noetic, what country MQM belongs to ?

The Patriot Act provisions that suppose to expire by the end of this month are as follows:


Much of the PATRIOT Act has been permanently enacted. However, three of the act’s key provisions contain a sunset clause and must be reauthorized periodically. These include “roving” surveillance, the business record orders (called the “library provision” by opponents of the act), and the “lone wolf” provision.

1. Section 206 of the PATRIOT Act: Roving Surveillance Authority. Roving wiretaps have routinely been used by domestic law enforcement in standard criminal cases since the mid-1980s. Roving wiretaps allow investigators, working within the law, to track a target as he moves from cell phone to cell phone.

However, national security agents did not have this garden-variety investigative tool until the passage of the PATRIOT Act in 2001. Section 206 authorizes the government to conduct “roving” surveillance of a foreign power or agent thereof. This provision allows law enforcement, after approval from the court created by FISA, to conduct continuous surveillance of national security suspects across modes of communications. It is meant to stop terrorists who often switch telecommunications devices (like cell phones) to evade authorities.

Since its passage, Section 206 has been subjected to substantial and appropriate oversight by Congress and now includes robust safeguards. As a threshold matter, the government must prove that there is “probable cause” to believe that the target is a foreign power or an agent of a foreign power.

It further requires continuous monitoring by the FISA court and substantial reporting requirements to that court by the government. This section is a gigantic step forward in terms of helping law enforcement fight terrorism in a modern, technological world.

As former Homeland Security Advisor Kenneth Wainstein said in his 2009 testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding this provision, “These safeguards and the operational need to surveil terrorists and spies as they rotate their phones and other communications devices make a very strong case for reauthorizing … Section 206.” As of September 2009, the FBI had used this tool approximately 140 times.

2. Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act: Business Record Orders Under FISA. Domestic prosecutors routinely rely on business records and other concrete evidence to prove up a wide variety of criminal charges from simple theft to homicide. Law enforcement, working with local prosecutors, acquires this evidence through the course of the investigation, oftentimes through the use of a subpoena. However, national security agents did not have the same authority to acquire similar evidence prior to the passage of Section 215. They had to obtain a court order and were limited to those records held by a business that was a “common carrier, public accommodation facility, physical storage facility or vehicle rental facility.”

Section 215 eliminated those arbitrary and self-limiting provisions but requires that the records sought are relevant to an authorized investigation. However, unlike a standard prosecutor-issued subpoena, or even a grand jury subpoena, Section 215 orders require FISA court approval. There are substantial congressional oversight and reporting requirements built into Section 215.

This provision allows law enforcement, with approval from the FISA court, to require disclosure of documents and other records from businesses and other institutions (third parties) without a suspect’s knowledge. Third-party recipients of 215 orders can appeal the order to the FISA court.

Section 215 further protects civil liberties by requiring additional approval for document requests that might have the slightest relation to freedom of speech and expression, such as library records.

As Wainstein testified, “There is no reason to return to the days when it is easier for prosecutors to secure records in a simple assault prosecution than for national security investigators to obtain records that may help prevent the next 9/11.”

3. Section 6001 of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act: The Lone Wolf Provision. This provision allows law enforcement to track non-U.S. citizens acting alone to commit acts of terrorism that are not connected to an organized terrorist group or other foreign power. While the FBI has confirmed that this section has never actually been used, it needs to be available if the situation arises where a lone individual may seek to do harm to the United States.

Worthy of Reauthorization

In February 2010, Congress passed a one-year extension of the PATRIOT Act’s three sunset provisions. These provisions are set to sunset again on February 28, 2011, if Congress does not reauthorize them. Last night’s vote was an attempt to do just that. However, the motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill, which requires a two-thirds vote to proceed, failed by a vote margin of 277–148.

It might be nothing to help anyone in the situation of 212-a-3-b... but I thought it might be interesting to know if it will have any positive impact on people on hold.....


Yes please be in touch it will be great to get out of this mess as soon as possible with the Ultimate Success!