From Jan.2002, police certificates from India are required..


Good job for Chennai!
Unfortunately, Mumbai is very slow in responding to emails!
Good luck
skarekat. I agree with your suggestion.

But if one needs to get a PCC for Jan/Feb, and it takes 45 days to get it. The process needs to be started right now. The sooner we can get the confirmation the better. So lets all continue to try to get this info ASAP.
I agree..........

Stop panicing folks. Non of the consulates seem to have made an official statement on their websites or by reaching out to any of us (it has always been responses to calls / mails, which is subject to interpretation), and we seem to have got replies confirming both ways. If there was such a big change to the documentation requirements, which is exactly the opposite of what their requirements have been so far (as per their official websites), then they would definitely send out a memo and publish it adequately. I doubt if they would expect us to all check out discussion forums and figure out what we need :)

So relax and stay calm, instead of creating panic for them and us.

I am also in Chicago. About the new passport, can you please give me the phone number of the consulate in Chicago?
Also what other documents are required. I am leaving on Dec 26th, so I am not sure if I will get my new passport, since there is a risk that they might not send it back before that date as this is peak season and the rush will be bad.
The consulate says the pp has to be valid for six months after interview, so I think I will be ok.
Look fwd to info. Thanks
E-mail conf. from chennai saying No to PCC.


Customer Service Unit
American Consulate General
220, Anna Salai
Chennai 600006

-----Original Message-----
From: venkat pentela []
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 11:00 AM

I stayed in India/US for my entire life. I have applied for Employment based

Immigration. Do I need Police Certificate from India and or US ?. Thank You.

I don\'t think I agree with this.

You are assuming that things will be done so as to not inconvenience you. We need to keep the context in mind - the recent problems with terrorism and the war is what is causing these changes. If they have to for this cause they can do the following: a) have you come upto the window & submit the docs, b) revoke your nonimmigrant H1B or whatever, c) tell you are missing the PCC, d) ask you to get one from authorities in India, and e) schedule another interview. If that happens, we will be the one screwed not them.

I think its in our best interest to start working on getting the PCC ASAP (both from the consulate and from police stations of the residences you mentioned when you filled out your 230 part I). The way a new policy gets conveyed can be harsh & nor would this be the first time this happened. (Remember when student visas were refused after India did the nuclear test - there was no official statement - people went for interviews unprepared & their visa app was rejected.)

My hope is that people who went thru the process properly (submitted Pkt.3 with OF-169) and have already received their Pkt. 4 should not have any problems. People who haven\'t received Pkt. 4 yet or haven\'t even sent Pkt. 3 yet should add this to their list of things to do.

Anyways, its a matter of making your own risk assesement and call at this point.

Thanks for your response.
I am told I can go for CP with current pp as long as I have more than six months left on it.
How was your experience with Chicago office? What documents are reqd and how much time does the process take?
Pls provide details. Thanks.
New PP


I downloaded the form from their site, filled up and went there and submitted the form on Friday alongwith original PP and other documents like H1 approval. I was told at the same time that I should come and pick-up my new PP on Thursday next week. If you have any question call me on my cell number I have forwarded in private message.
That is possible ...

but then what stops them from doing what you said anyway, only difference being say you do not have document XYZ or your BC/MC/PCC is not valid. Please remember it is not discretion.
I am not saying that PCC will certainly not be required but if the consulate people say so on the web site and respond to our emails saying we do not need it, we have to believe them just as we do so many other things.
Just my $.02

> but then what stops them from doing what you said anyway, only difference being say you do not have document XYZ or your BC/MC/PCC is not valid. Please remember it is not discretion.

Because PCCs used to be mandatory many years ago and there is no documentation (except the FAQs at the consulate websites) that say no PCC is needed from India.

> I am not saying that PCC will certainly not be required but if the consulate people say so on the web site and respond to our emails saying we do not need it, we have to believe them just as we do so many other things.

If you can get an email response to your specific case/interview from the consulate that says "no", then I think you are safe for your interview. Otherwise, definitely work on getting PCCs. We have already put in so much effort. What harm in doing a little more.. its the last mile anyway..

> If you can get an email response to your specific case/interview from the consulate that says "no", then I think you are safe for your interview.

One more suggestion: Bring a printout of the email response with you to the interview. It might not be a bad idea to even get the email printout notarized here in the US.
bullu singh new: Immigrant visa policies do not change overnight, but...

non-immigrant visa policies do because they are, as is obvious in the name itself, \'non-immigrant\' visas or temporary visas. Besides, in all possibility they might be conducting background checks both in India and the US on the IV applicants. And, believe me, if they want they can have your police/FBI file on their desk in a matter of hours. So, if they very clearly state on their web site that no PCC is required if you have lived only in India/US, then why should we jump to conclusions based on a few messages posted in this forum and make our lives miserable.
Here is the link from one person who states PCC is easily available in India

lets hope this works
SudhirKumar "Police Certificate!!" 11/30/01 12:14pm
Superman - I wish u had specified Jan

The response is so clear, but still I feel it would have been worth mentioning that your interview is in Jan.
MJ1 - Passport - new and extension are different

If your passport is completing 10 years and the expiry date shows (F or final), you can then ask for a **NEW** passport to be issued and this can be done upto **one year** before the expiry of the passport. So, if that is the case for you you can get a new passport ASAP.

If your expiry is not final, then you can only renew the passport and not get a new passport.
Is PCC from Passport office in India enough

Is PCC from Passport office in India suffice? do we still need PCC from all the towns we lived in India since aged 16? Plz respond.

> Is PCC from Passport office in India suffice? do we still need PCC from all the towns we lived in India since aged 16? Plz respond.

The answer is "No one really knows". And it will take a while before we know what\'s really going.

Make your own assesement. If you do get PCCs from all the local police stations alongwith the consulate PCC there is no way, *absolutely* no way, your application can be challenged on the grounds of Police clearance - you would have done things exactly to the letter.