From Jan.2002, police certificates from India are required..

AshishV, I am not oppossing "Try". I am just suggesting not to Panic.

I am making sincere efforts to get PCC although I am not convinced to get one yet just to buy peace of mind. Indian Consulate in US ruled out the possibility of getting in time for Jan. Interview. I will try in India. I just suggesting not to panic. I wish we know this last month. There is no ground for consulate to reject GC based on not able to produce PCC. When chennai sent letters for S\'Pore/England, etc. They should have done the same for India too if they need it. Let\'s see in P-4. Mean while let\'s keep on trying. Please post any easier way to get one to help others on this forum. Good Luck to all of us.
Can somebody elaborate what is a local police station ??

Is it the police station of the place where I was born ?
Is it the police station of the place where my passport was issued ?
Is it the police station of the place where my parents are living now ?

Or by "local police station" they mean all the cities where I stayed for more than 6 months in India ?


I spoke to my friend who also has a Jan 2002 interview in Delhi.

His Lawyer got fed up of all these rumours and called up the Delhi US Embassy this morning at 6 AM.
She spoke to the US Consular in Delhi.

According to him, the PCC rule is not in effect as of now but will be so in the near future.
That is the statement he made to her.

The lawyer says that making this kind of a change in requirement is very drastic and lot of formal information goes into putting this into effect. This involves information flow especially to all the lawyers etc.

She has asked him not to be concerned by this at all.

Lets keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best. It is impractical to obtain a PCC at such a short notice.

This friend of mines\' father also went to a local Police station.

He was told to get a PCC form from the passport office. Fill and deposit at the local police station and it will take 15 days or more to get the cert. So it might take a lot more too...
I hope that US consulate tries to understand the difficulies hidden inside this

PCC regulation & doesn\'t implement it.

I have started procedure to get the PCCs from my & my wife\'s childhood place. At least it will not bite if after getting PCC I come to know that they are not required.

Sudhir, in case you try to call me, I will not be on my seat till 11AM because I am going to Indian consulate at SFO in morning to apply PCC. Talk to you soon.

No Title

Vishal, I am also going to the CGNY to apply for my PCC as well as my wife\'s PCC.
I will get mine today itself as my Passport was renewed in NY.
For my wife\'s I am just filing it in case. Although it may take 30-40 days to get it.

I will call you after I get back from CGNY. After 11 AM.

I had been to the CGNY this morning.


If passport was renewed in US, then you get the PCC on same day. Passport needs to be deposited.
If Passport issued from India. It takes 35 days to get a PCC. Passport copy needs to be deposited. The original passport needs to be taken when you go back after 35 days to pick up the PCC.
SudhirKumar: Thanks for the info...

luckily, I recently renewed passports for both me and my wife at CGNY. If I get a confirmation that PCC is definitely required then I\'ll go there and get it. Do I need PCC for my wife too? I\'m the primary applicant.
Now the word is out of the horse\'s mouth that we may need PCC in near future. Not necessarily for J

According to Sudhir Kumar\'s attorney, we may need in the future. I would think consulate would send a letter at that time. Right now, don\'t panic. Just try sincerely for PCC. Lucky NY. Chicago is keeps on telling 3 mos. even for the PP issued @ Chicago.
Yes u need it for all dependents over age 16 also.

Man u are one lucky guy who can get PCC for all in 1 day.
GO and grab it. It is worth it.
Obtaining PCC from SFO - Can be a hassle for out-of-towners

Has anyone successfully obtained a PCC from Indian Consulate at SFO ?
Seems like the application needs to be accompanied by the original Passport. This can be risky.
SudhirKumar: Thanks for your prompt response...

Did you have to fill out the Misc Services form to get the PCC? Can I FedEx my passport with the app form to CGNY? Actually, I need a visa for my son (US citizen) so I was thinking maybe I\'ll mail them all together. Will the PCC that CGNY will issue be sufficient to cover all different residences in India?

Its not anymore risky than normal. Send the original PP along with $ for return by FedEX. Thats the only way. Dont worry.
Yes you need to fill out the Misc services form for each.

1. photo for each. pasted and signed across it on the form.
2.Attach copies of H1/H4 validity (approvals)
3. Photocopies of all passport first 3-4 pages, visa stamp page and last page of parents name.
4. I had also attached a copy of drivers license (not reqd).

Yes U can fedex/UPS/Airborne etc. Use couriers only. NO US mail of any kind.

According to my lawyer, that is sufficient as they get a complete picture of PCC from India.
The process is that the embassy contacts Passport office in India and they in turn contact the CID(secret service in India) for our criminal records. In our case since we have passports made here. Thye already have that info in their system. SO they can issue the PCC same day.

E.G If someone had lived in Singapore he gets his PCC from the embassy here. So I think this should be sufficient.