FP notice for TSC after July 27?


That is good. 10/28 sent received FP but still I am not..I sent on 09/07..
check cashed on 12/18..Any one in same boat? Thanx..

I think TSNBAGMAN is well connected, rest of us are still waiting, Congrats and all the best.
TSC dates are on the gallop!! And, to have the fingerprinting office right next door is awesome!! With the office this close, you could try a walk-in any day next week - doesn't hurt to try!!

Good luck, tsnbagman!!

Would it really help if I go next week? Would they generally let you go early? Would my case move 2 weeks faster if I do FP two weeks prior my scheduled day?
Can someone please let me know whether getting fingerprint done at a earlier date really helps? Thanks.
Well, my experience with ASC Jacksonville has been very pleasant. They seem very helpful so if you have a compelling reason to have the FP done earlier, then take an Infopass and they should re-schedule your FP to an earlier date. An earlier FP will definitely expedite your case. Because after the FP they start the background check etc.
What if I just walk in and tell them that I had a conflict on the scheduled date (ie. Business Travel)? Can I walk in??
I just came back from the Jacksonville DO. I was trying to get my FP done early because I was going to be out of town for Business Travel. The security officer asked me to come back on Wednesday following the appointment date!!
Okay. Here is the story. In the morning, I was a walk on and the security offiecer did not let me in. So I came back and made an Infopass for 10:45. I just got back to my desk after completing my FPs. The people were very nice except for, of course, the security officer.
Excellent. One more thing out of the way!! Good that you did not get discouraged, and thought of a way to get in and get it done :)
I just came back from the Jacksonville DO. I was trying to get my FP done early because I was going to be out of town for Business Travel. The security officer asked me to come back on Wednesday following the appointment date!!

It seems (from numerous posts) walk in FP are only allowed on Wednesdays and Saturdays (some Dos). Good thing your ASC was close to work.
Okay. Here is the story. In the morning, I was a walk on and the security offiecer did not let me in. So I came back and made an Infopass for 10:45. I just got back to my desk after completing my FPs. The people were very nice except for, of course, the security officer.
glad it worked out for you. The Jacksonville ASC is awesome .... now lets see how the rest of the process works out ... I go in for my FP tomorrow to Jacksonville .... my DO is Charlotte though! I guess ultimately my processing will slow down due to the fact that its Charlotte...
Okay. Here is the story. In the morning, I was a walk on and the security offiecer did not let me in. So I came back and made an Infopass for 10:45. I just got back to my desk after completing my FPs. The people were very nice except for, of course, the security officer.

What do you mean? Security officer did not let you in.
So an infopass? but infopass is asking to talk to immigration officer NOT to get fingerprints.:confused:
Also fingerprints are done in support centers where there are no immigration officers so why did you take infopass?:confused:
What valid reasons did you have to take fingerprints as walk-in? Don't they ask proof of reason/s you want to take fingerprints ahead of time?:confused:
A question for all TSC filers who have received FP notices... Can you see your case status online? Just wondering if there is any correlation..

And I know this has been asked before but wanted to confirm. Is it possible to call TSC and check if FP notice has been sent? What number should I call?

I get the following error

Customer Portfolio Insert Failed
Attempting to add a case that does not exist. Check the app receipt number.
What do you mean? Security officer did not let you in.
So an infopass? but infopass is asking to talk to immigration officer NOT to get fingerprints.:confused:
Also fingerprints are done in support centers where there are no immigration officers so why did you take infopass?:confused:
What valid reasons did you have to take fingerprints as walk-in? Don't they ask proof of reason/s you want to take fingerprints ahead of time?:confused:

You ask a lot of questions!!

They ask you at the gate why you are visiting their office. I told the security officer that I will be out of town on the scheduled FP date and I was here for early FP. He asked me to come back on Wednesday following the appointment.

Then I went online and made an Infopass appointment and went back. All security officer had to know is that I have a infopass!!

When my name was called, I asked the nice lady whether I could get my fingerprinting done. All I told her that I would be out of town on the day of FP. She did not ask for any proof. She checked with her supervisor and he said "FP people do not look that busy. Ask them whether they can take a walk in." The lady then called FP people and they okayed it.

I then filled out the paper work and got my FP done.
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You ask a lot of questions!!

They ask you at the gate why you are visiting their office. I told the security officer that I will be out of town on the scheduled FP date and I was here for early FP. He asked me to come back on Wednesday following the appointment.

Then I went online and made an Infopass appointment and went back. All security officer had to know is that I have a infopass!!

When my name was called, I asked the nice lady whether I could get my fingerprinting done. All I told her that I would be out of town on the day of FP. She did not ask for any proof. She checked with her supervisor and he said "FP people do not look that busy. Ask them whether they can take a walk in." The lady then called FP people and they okayed it.

I then filled out the paper work and got my FP done.

I am still not understanding this.

I am in the knowledge that fingerprints are done at APPLICATION support centers. And that infpass is only for the district office/local office of USCIS. And fingerprints are not done there.

But you took infopass for Application support center? How is that possible? :confused:
I am still not understanding this.

I am in the knowledge that fingerprints are done at APPLICATION support centers. And that infpass is only for the district office/local office of USCIS. And fingerprints are not done there.

But you took infopass for Application support center? How is that possible? :confused:

Most likely that some DOs have ASC on site. (in the same building)
Did you get the FP letter? I did not see that on your signature! Please keep us posted.
Done with my FP yesterday at the Jacksonville office....It was very quick ...I have not yet received the fingerprint notice from the Charlotte office but Jacksonville had issued me a new one which I showed yesterday..